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The Heart [go to top]

Mano-pubba"ngamaa dhammaa
Mano-se.t.thaa mano-mayaa,
Phenomena are preceded by the heart,
Ruled by the heart,
Made of the heart.

Manasaa ce padu.t.thena
Bhaasati vaa karoti vaa,
Tato na"m dukkham-anveti
Cakka"m va vahato pada"m.
If one speaks or acts with a corrupted heart,
Suffering follows one,
As the wheel of the cart,
the foot of the ox that draws it.

Mano-pubba"ngamaa dhammaa
Mano-se.t.thaa mano-mayaa,
Phenomena are preceded by the heart,
Ruled by the heart,
Made of the heart.

Manasaa ce pasannena
Bhaasati vaa karoti vaa,
Tato na"m sukham-anveti
Chaayaa va anapaayiniiti.
If one speaks or acts with a bright heart,
Happiness follows one,
Like a shadow that never leaves.

The Three Inspired Verses [go to top]

Yadaa have paatubhavanti dhammaa,
AAtaapino jhaayato braahma.nassa,
Athassa ka"nkhaa vapayanti sabbaa,
Yato pajaanaati sahetu-dhamma"m.
As phenomena grow clear
To the Brahmin, ardent, absorbed,
His doubts all vanish
When he discerns what has a cause.

Yadaa have paatubhavanti dhammaa,
AAtaapino jhaayato braahma.nassa,
Athassa ka"nkhaa vapayanti sabbaa,
Yato khaya"m paccayaana"m avedi.
As phenomena grow clear
To the Brahmin, ardent, absorbed,
His doubts all vanish
When he penetrates the end of conditions.

Yadaa have paatubhavanti dhammaa,
AAtaapino jhaayato braahma.nassa,
Vidhuupaya"m ti.t.thati maara-sena"m,
Suurova obhaasayam-antalikkhanti.
As phenomena grow clear
To the Brahmin, ardent, absorbed,
He stands, routing the troops of Mara,
Like the sun that illumines the sky.

The House Builder [go to top]

    Sandhaavissa"m anibbisa"m,
Gahakaara"m gavesanto
    Dukkhaa jaati punappuna"m,
Through the round of many births
I wandered without reward, without rest,
Seeking the house builder.
    Painful is birth again & again.

Gahakaaraka di.t.thosi
    Puna-geha"m na kaahasi.
House builder, you are seen!
You will not build a house again.

Sabbaa te phaasukaa bhaggaa
    Gahakuu.ta"m visa"nkhata"m
Visa"nkhaara-gata"m citta"m
    Ta.nhaana"m khayam-ajjhagaa
All your rafters broken,
The ridge pole destroyed,
Gone to the Unformed, the mind
Has attained the end of craving.

The Mountain [go to top]

Yathaapi selaa vipulaa
    Nabha"m aahacca pabbataa
Samantaa anupariyeyyu"m
    Nippothentaa catuddisaa
Like gigantic boulders,
Mountains reaching to the sky
Moving in from all sides,
crushing the four directions,

Eva"m jaraa ca maccu ca
    Adhivattanti paa.nino
Khattiye vesse
    Sudde ca.n.daala-pukkuse
In the same way, aging & death
Roll over living beings:
Noble warriors, priests, merchants,
workers, outcastes, & scavengers.

Na kiñci parivajjeti
Na tattha hatthiina"m bhuumi
    Na rathaana"m na pattiyaa
Na caapi manta-yuddhena
    Sakkaa jetu"m dhanena vaa
They spare nothing,
They trample everything.
Here elephants can hold no ground
Nor can chariots or infantry.
Nor can a battle of spells
Or wealth win out.

Tasmaa hi pa.n.dito poso
    Sampassa"m attham-attano
Buddhe Dhamme ca Sa"nghe ca
    Dhiiro saddha"m nivesaye
So a wise person,
Seeing his own good,
Secures firm conviction
In the Buddha, Dhamma, & Sangha.

Yo dhammacaarii kaayena
    Vaacaaya uda cetasaa
Idh'eva na"m pasa"msati
    Pecca sagge pamodati.
He who practices the Dhamma
In thought, word, & deed,
receives praise here on earth
And after death rejoices in heaven.

Noble Wealth [go to top]

Yassa saddhaa tathaagate
    Acalaa supati.t.thitaa,
Siilañca yassa"m
    Ariya-kanta"m pasa"msita"m
One whose conviction in the Tathagata
Is unshakable, well-established,
Whose virtue is admirable,
Praised, cherished by the Noble Ones,

Sa"nghe pasaado yassatthi
    Ujubhuutañca dassana"m
Ada.liddoti ta"m aahu
    Amoghan-tassa jiivita"m
Who has faith in the Sangha, straightforwardness, vision:
"He is not poor," they say. His life has not been in vain.

Tasmaa saddhañca siilañca
    Pasaada"m dhamma-dassana"m
Anuyuñjetha medhaavii
    Sara"m buddhaana-saasananti
So conviction & virtue, faith, & dhamma-vision
Should be cultivated by the wise,
Remembering the Buddhas' teachings.

An Auspicious Day [go to top]

Atiita"m naanvaagameyya
    Nappa.tika"nkhe anaagata"m
    Appattañca anaagata"m
He would not range after the past,
Nor wonder about the future.
What is past has been left behind,
The future is as yet unreached.

Paccuppannañca yo dhamma"m
    Tatha tatha vipassati
Asa"mhira"m asa"nkuppa"m
    Ta"m viddhaa manubruuhaye
Whatever phenomenon is present,
he clearly sees right there, right there.
Unvanquished, unshaken,
That is how he develops the mind.

Ajjeva kiccam-aatappa"m
    Ko jaññaa"m suve
Na hi no sa"ngarantena
    Mahaasenena maccunaa
Doing his duty ardently, today,
For -- who knows? -- tomorrow death may come.
There is no bargaining
With Death & his mighty horde.

Eva"m vihaarim-aataapi"m
Ta"m ve bhaddeka-ratto'ti
    Santo aacikkhate muniiti.
Whoever lives thus ardently,
relentlessly both day & night,
has truly had an auspicious day:
    So says the Peaceful Sage.

The Three Characteristics [go to top]

Sabbe sa"nkhaaraa aniccaa'ti
    Yadaa paññaaya passati,
Atha nibbindati dukkhe:
    Esa maggo visuddhiyaa.
All processes are inconstant:
When one sees this with discernment,
One grows disenchanted with stress --
    This is the path to purity.

Sabbe sa"nkhaaraa dukkhaa'ti
    Yadaa paññaaya passati,
Atha nibbindati dukkhe:
    Esa maggo visuddhiyaa.
All processes are stressful:
When one sees this with discernment,
One grows disenchanted with stress --
    This is the path to purity.

Sabbe dhammaa anattaa'ti
    Yadaa paññaaya passati,
Atha nibbindati dukkhe:
    Esa maggo visuddhiyaa.
All phenomena are not-self:
When one sees this with discernment,
One grows disenchanted with stress --
    This is the path to purity.

Appakaa te manussesu
    Ye janaa paara-gaamino
Athaaya"m itaraa pajaa
Few are the human beings who go to the Further Shore,
These others simply scurry around on this shore.

Ye ca kho sammadakkhaate
    Dhamme dhammaanuvattino
Te janaa paaramessanti
    Maccudheyya"m suduttara"m.
But those who practice the Dhamma
In line with the well-taught Dhamma,
They will cross over Death's realm, so hard to transcend.

Ka.nha"m dhamma"m vippahaaya
    Sukka"m bhaavetha pa.n.dito.
Okaa anokam-aagamma
    Viveke yattha duurama"m
Abandoning dark practices,
The wise person should develop the bright,
Having gone from home to no-home
In seclusion, so hard to relish.

    Hitvaa kaame akiñcano.
Pariyodapeyya attaana"m
    Citta-klesehi pa.n.dito
There he should wish for delight,
Having discarded sensuality -- he who has nothing.
He should cleanse himself,
the wise one, of mental defilement.

Yesa"m sambodhiya"ngesu
    Sammaa citta"m subhaavita"m
    Anupaadaaya ye rataa,
Khii.n'aasavaa jutimanto
    Te loke parinibbutaa'ti.
Whose minds are well-developed
In the factors of Awakening,
Who delight in non-clinging,
Relinquishing grasping,
Glorious, free of effluent:
    They are unbound in the world.

Compounded Things [go to top]

Aniccaa vata sa"nkhaaraa
Uppajjitvaa nirujjhanti
    Tesa"m vuupasamo sukho
Inconstant are compounded things. Their nature: to arise & pass away.
They disband as they are arising. Their total stilling is bliss.

The Burden [go to top]

Bhaaraa have pañcakkhandhaa
    Bhaarahaaro ca puggalo.
Bhaaraadaana"m dukkha"m loke
    Bhaara-nikkhepana"m sukha"m.
The five aggregates are truly a burden,
And the individual is what carries the burden.
To take up the burden is to suffer in the world.
To throw off the burden is bliss.

Nikkhipitvaa garu"m bhaara"m
    Añña"m bhaara"m anaadiya
Sa-muula"m ta.nha"m abbu.lha
    Nicchaato parinibbuto'ti.
Having thrown off the heavy burden,
and not taking on another,
One pulls out craving, root & all --
Free from desire, totally unbound.

Heedfulness [go to top]

Appamaado amata"m pada"m
    Pamaado maccuno pada"m
Heedfulness, the path to the Deathless.
    Heedlessness, the path to death.

Appammattaa ne miyyanti
    Ye pamattaa yathaa mataa.
The heedful do not die.
    The heedless, as if already dead.

Eta"m vesesato ñatvaa,
    Appamaadamhi pa.n.ditaati.
Knowing this as a true distinction,
    The wise are established in heedfulness.

Revised: Sun 7 November 1999