This Glossary contains all Pali, Sanskrit (Sk) and Sinhalese (Sn) words occurring in the Letters other than those found only in phrases for which translation is provided. The numbers following each entry indicate the Letter(s) in which the word occurs. A number followed by 'x' refers to the editorial note to that Letter. The Glossary, then, can serve as a specialized index to the Letters. Numbers in boldface indicate major discussion of the subject. Notes on Dhamma is provided with its own Glossary. Those words which are to be found in both Glossaries are preceded in this listing by an asterisk. Some words are defined more fully in the Glossary of the Notes. Both Glossaries are arranged according to the Pali alphabet:


* akusala -- unskilful, bad. 13
   aññá -- the arahat's knowledge. 126 (N.B. Another word, añña, meaning 'other, another', is to be found in Notes.)
   atthangika -- eight-factored. 92
* atakkávacara -- unattainable by reasoning. 149
* attaváda -- belief in self. 36, 37, 44, 146, 149
* attá -- self. 37, 53, 62, 67, 126, 145
   atman (Sk) -- self. 139
* adhivacana -- designation. 147
   an-  -- without (prefix). 36, 146, 149
   anattasaññá -- perception of not-self. 37
* anattá -- not-self. 2, 5, 6, 7, 36, 37, 53, 56, 75, 126, 145
   anantam -- endless. 107a
   anágámitá -- non-returning. 27, 92
* anágámí -- non-returner. 36, 38, 50, 92, 128, 146
* anicca -- impermanent. 2, 7, 37, 53, 75, 145, 149
* aniccatá -- impermanence. 37, 38, 53, 56, 75
   aniccasaññá -- perception of impermanence. 20, 37
* anidassana -- non-indicative. 107a
* anuloma -- with the grain. 149
* aparapaccaya -- not dependent on others. 145
   abhávita -- undeveloped. 78
   abhidhamma -- higher (or extended) Teaching. 78, 79, 82, 83, 83x, 144
   abhivinaya -- higher (or extended) discipline. 79
* arahat -- worthy one. passim
* arahattá -- worthiness. 27, 50, 64, 92, 94, 148, 149
* ariya -- noble. 27, 50, 53, 56, 92, 97
   ariyakanta -- pleasing to the nobles. 97
   ariyacakkhu -- noble eye. 15
   ariyapuggala -- noble individual. 47, 76, 92, 107, 148
* ariyasávaka -- noble disciple. 13, 148, 149
* arúpa -- immaterial. 76, 92, 149
   ayye -- lady. 100
   alam -- enough. 88
   aluham (Sn) -- ash-skin. 97, 97x
* avijjá -- nescience. 4, 6, 9, 56, 59, 68x, 75, 130, 135, 145, 149
   avidyá (Sk) -- ignorance. 130
* asankhata -- non-determined. 107a
   asubha -- foul. 56
   asubhasaññá -- perception of the foul. 20
   asekha -- non-trainee (i.e. one who has finished his training, = arahat). 38
* asmimána -- the conceit 'I am'. 9x 13, 120, 149
* assásapassásá -- in-&-out-breaths. 110
   ashram (Sk) -- a Hindu centre of retreat. 134

   ákásánañcáyatana -- the base of infinite space. 149
* ákiñcaññáyatana -- the base of nothingness. 86
   ácariya -- teacher. 78
   ánápánasati -- mindfulness of breathing. 22, 29, 91, 92, 93a, 110
* áneñja -- imperturbability. 149
   ápatti -- offence. 93a
* áyatana -- base. 149
* ásava -- canker. 92, 146, 149

   ida(p)paccayatá -- dependence on this. 20
   iddhi -- accomplishment; power (usu. supernormal). 91, 126
   indriyasamvara -- restraint of the faculties. 93a
   issaranimmána -- creator God. 6

   uccásayana-mahásayaná -- high and large resting places. 119
   ucchedaváda -- belief in annihilation. 119x
   uddhacca-kukkucca -- distraction and worry. 100
   upaga -- reaching to. 149
   upajjháya -- preceptor. 78
   upasampadá -- ordination (into the status of bhikkhu). 22x, 75
* upádána -- holding. 36, 37, 44, 100x, 146, 149
   upádiyi -- held. 149
   upádisesa -- residue. 36, 107a, 146
   upásaka -- male lay-follower. 56, 57
   upásiká -- female lay-follower. 100, 146
* upek(k)há -- indifference. 89
   uppáda -- arising. 8

   ekaggatá -- one-pointedness. 56

   kajan (Sn) -- woven coconut fronds. 114
   kanha -- dark. 78, 79
* kamma -- action. 2, 100x, 102, 107, 149
   karuná -- compassion. 120
   káma -- sensuality. 36, 93a, 109, 146
* káya -- body. 76, 78, 111
   káyasakkhi -- body-witness. 92, 148
* káyika -- bodily. 76
   kálika -- temporal. 93a
   kuti -- cottage. 53, 94, 124, 144
   kutthi -- leper. 13
* kusala -- skilful, good. 13
* khandha -- aggregate. 37
   khínásava -- destruction of the cankers. 149

   gáthá -- verses. 93a

   ghoso -- utterance. 80

   cakkhundriya -- eye-faculty. 149
   cakkhuppáda -- arising of the eye (of knowledge). 146
* citta -- mind. 76, 78, 111
* cittavíthi -- cognitive series. 9, 70, 78, 79
   citt'ekaggatá -- one-pointedness of mind. 56
* cetaná -- intention. 2, 37, 76, 147

   chandarága -- desire-and-lust. 146
   chinna -- cut. 36

* jhána -- meditation. 29, 48, 56, 91, 92, 126, 148, 149

* ñána -- knowledge. 53, 56, 145

   thapaniya -- to be set aside. 146
   thitassa aññathattam -- change while standing. 6, 8, 89
   thiti -- station. 86

* takka -- reasoning. 149
* tanhá -- craving. 102, 116
* Tathágata -- (epithet of) the Buddha. 8x

   thera -- (male) elder. 50, 78, 83
   therí -- (female) elder. 149

   dasa-síl (Sn) -- ten precepts. 100
   dassana -- seeing. 56
   dána -- gift, esp. of a meal. 14, 15, 52, 114
   dáyaka -- (male) giver. 14, 20, 94
* ditthi -- view. 13, 36, 139, 146
   ditthipatta -- attained through view. 1, 91, 92
* ditthisampanna -- attained to (right) view. 146, 148
   dibbacakkhu -- divine eye. 48, 149
   dukkata -- wrong-doing (a category of minor offences in the bhikkhu's disciplinary rules). 45, 93a
* dukkha -- suffering. 6, 7, 27, 36, 37, 42, 50, 53, 55, 56, 75, 116, 145, 149
   dukkhasaññá -- perception of suffering. 37
   deva (pl. devá) -- deity. 48, 49, 50, 56, 149
   devatá -- deity. 79, 82, 83
   devaloka -- heavenly world. 50x
* dosa -- hate. 56
   dosakkhaya -- destruction of hate. 107a

* dhamma -- thing, Teaching, etc. 27, 50, 52, 78, 79, 83, 121
   dhammacakkhu -- eye of the dhamma. 38, 146
   dhammatá -- nature (dhamma-ness). 119
* dhammanvaya -- inferability of the dhamma. 53
* dhammánusárí -- teaching-follower. 1, 91
* dhátu -- element. 36, 107a, 146

   na -- not. 149
* náma -- name. 147, 148
* námarúpa -- name-&-matter. 3, 44, 86
   nicca -- permanent. 145
* nibbána -- extinction. 6, 8, 15, 16, 20, 36, 67, 89, 92, 107a, 119, 126, 130, 133, 146
   nimitta -- sign, object. 92, 114
* nirodha -- cessation. 42, 55, 89, 149
   nirvána (Sk) -- extinction. 128, 130
   nissaya -- support. 78
   nívarana -- hindrance. 97x
   neti (Sk) -- not this. 139
   nevasaññánásaññáyatana -- the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception. 149

* paccaya -- condition. 149
   paccavekkhana -- reflexion. 107
* pañcakkhandhá -- five aggregates. 36, 37, 149
* pañc'upádánakkhandhá -- five holding aggregates. 36, 44, 146, 149
* paññá -- understanding. 2, 48, 60, 71, 91, 92, 126
* patigha -- resistance. 147
   paticca-sam -- dependent-together. 37
* paticcasamuppáda -- dependent arising. 4, 9, 59, 75, 76, 79, 100, 105, 107, 111, 116, 146, 149
   patibaddha -- bound up with. 76
* patiloma -- against the grain. 149
   patissati -- mindfulness. 64
   pandita -- learned. 144
   padmásana -- lotus position (sitting cross-legged). 118
   parato -- other. 80
* paramattha -- highest. 6, 75
   pariññá -- absolute knowledge. 146
   pariññeyya -- to be known absolutely. 42
* paritassaná -- anxiety. 119
   parinibbána -- full extinction. 3, 89
   paripúrakárí -- fulfills. 92
   paribbájaka -- wanderer. 15
   pariyatti -- texts; book-learning. 107
   pahátabba -- to be abandoned. 42
   pátubhavati -- to appear. 149
   párájika -- defeat. 45x, 47x, 56, 93a
   pirivena (Sn) -- temple school; university for monks. 3
* puggala -- individual. 62
* puthujjana -- commoner. passim
   purusa (Sk) -- person. 126
   poya (Sn) -- lunar day (half-moons, new moon, full moon). 110
   polonga (Sn) -- viper. 49, 53
   prakriti (Sk) -- nature. 126

* phassa -- contact. 146, 147, 149

   balim -- offerings. 67
   báhira -- outside. 78, 100x
   bujjhissanti -- will awaken. 78
   Buddharúpa -- an image of the Buddha (the earliest are some centuries after the Buddha). 119
   bodhi -- awakening, enlightenment. 78
   bodhipakkhiya -- on the side of awakening. 52
   brahmacariya -- the life of purity (i.e. celibacy). 109
   brahmacárí -- one living a pure life. 67

   Bhagavá -- Auspicious One. 15
   bhaginí -- sister. 100
   bhante -- sir (monastic address, junior to senior; seniors address juniors, and equals to equals, as ávuso). 93a, 93b
   bhavanga -- life-continuum. 79x
   bhavatanhá -- craving for existence. 64, 102, 119
   bhávaná -- development. 22, 87, 114, 121
   bhávetabba -- to be developed. 42
* bhikkhu -- monk. passim
* bhikkhuní -- nun. 100, 102, 103
   bhúta -- become. 116

   maithuna (Sk) -- sex. 98, 128
* magga -- path. 42, 55, 91, 92, 97, 100, 102
   magganga -- factor of the path. 52
* manasikára -- attention. 8, 56, 80, 147
* mano -- mind. 76, 111
   manoviññána -- mind-consciousness. 53
   maranasati -- mindfulness of death. 21
   mamsacakkhu -- fleshly eye. 149
   má -- don't; shouldn't. 149
   mána -- conceit. 102
   máyá -- illusion. 75, 128, 130, 135
* miccháditthi -- wrong view. 56
   mudhalali (Sn) -- merchant. 119
   múla -- root. 36
   mettá -- friendliness. 22
* moha -- delusion. 56
   mohakkhaya -- destruction of delusion. 107a

   yoga -- yoke; discipline. 91
   yogin -- one in (meditative) discipline. 56
   yoni -- vagina. 98, 128
   yoniso -- proper. 8, 80

   randhagavesí -- looking for faults. 105
* rága -- lust. 56
   rágakkhaya -- destruction of lust. 107a
   rilawa (Sn) -- macaque. 8
* rúpa -- matter. 36, 44, 137, 147, 148

   lokiya -- worldly. 90
* lokuttara -- beyond the world. 9x, 90

   vandaná -- worship. 100
   wandura (Sn) -- langur. 8
   vaya -- disappearance. 8
   vassána -- rain, rainy season. 79
* viññána -- consciousness. 2, 12, 36, 37, 44, 76, 86, 111, 147, 148
   viññánañcáyatana -- base of endless consciousness. 86, 149
   vinaya -- discipline, 'leading out'. 55x, 78, 79
   vinayakamma -- disciplinary act. 93a
   vineti -- (to) direct. 79
   vipassaná -- insight. 92, 121x
* vipáka -- result. 100x, 107, 149
* viriya -- energy. 92
* vedaná -- feeling. 12, 36, 44, 147
   vedallakathá -- cross-questioning. 78

* sa-  -- with (prefix). 36, 107a, 146, 149
   sakadágámitá -- once-returning. 27, 92
   sakadágámí -- once-returner. 38, 50, 92, 128
* sakkáya -- person; personality. 13, 62, 139, 149
* sankhára -- determination. 4, 36, 37, 44, 50, 76, 111, 145
* sangha -- Order (of monks). 110
   sanghádisesa -- an offence requiring a meeting of the Order. 45x, 93a
* sacca -- truth. 6, 75
   sacchikátabba -- to be realized. 42
* sañcetaná -- intention. 76, 111
* saññá -- perception. 12, 36, 37, 44, 147
* saññávedayitanirodha -- cessation of perception and feeling. 76
* sati -- mindfulness. 2, 52, 64, 92, 98
   satindriya -- faculty of mindfulness. 52
   satipattháná -- foundations of mindfulness. 52, 92
   satibala -- the power of mindfulness. 52
   satisampajañña -- mindfulness-&-awareness. 2, 44, 45, 50, 81, 93b
   satisambojjhanga -- the awakening factor of mindfulness. 52
   satta-bojjhangá -- seven awakening factors. 97x
   sattamí -- seventh. 86
   saddhamma -- Good Teaching. 97
* saddhá -- faith. 45, 52, 60, 91, 92, 100x, 107, 145
* saddhánusárí -- faith-follower. 91
   saddhávimutta -- released through faith. 91, 92, 148
   sandosa -- rot, decay. 78
   sappáya -- beneficial. 149
   sappurisa -- Good Man. 97
   samanabráhmaná -- recluses and divines. 146
   samatha -- calmness; mental concentration. 47, 87, 91, 93a, 93b, 103, 121
* samádhi -- concentration. 2, 52, 71, 78, 89, 91, 92, 97, 114, 126, 127
   samápatti -- attainment. 89, 104
* samudaya -- arising. 42, 55
* sampajañña -- awareness. 2, 86
   sambuddha -- awakened. 15
   sammá -- full; right. 15
   sammáditthi -- right view. 92, 146
   sammásati -- right mindfulness. 52
   sammásamádhi -- right concentration. 92, 97
* saláyatana -- six bases. 149
   sassataváda -- eternalist belief. 119
   saha -- with. 44
   samvara -- restraint. 93a
* samsára -- running on (from existence to existence). 6, 67, 111
   Sásana -- advice; usu. used today in the sense of 'the Buddha's Dispensation'. 45, 60
   sítabhúta -- become cold. 56
   síl (Sn) = síla. 110
   síla -- virtue, (right) conduct. 2, 71, 97
   sílabbata -- rites and rituals; conduct and customs. 36
* sukha -- pleasure. 145
   subhanimitta -- lovely object. 93a
* sekha -- one in training. 2, 38, 50, 53, 75, 91, 97, 145, 146, 149
   senásana -- resting place. 53
* sotápatti -- attaining of the stream. 4, 14, 27, 91, 92
* sotápanna -- stream-attainer. 13, 14, 22, 37, 38, 50, 67, 90, 91, 92, 128, 137, 145, 146, 148
   shivalingam (Sk) -- the phallus of Shiva (a stone found in many Hindu temples). 135

   hitánukampá -- beneficial compassion. 100x

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