Forest Sangha Newsletter October 1994

Emptiness and Pure Awareness; Ajahn Amaro
Ajahn Gunhah: A Profile; Ven. Chandako
A Little Awakening in Italy; Aj. Chandapalo
Lay Practice in Essex; Pamutto
Love Unbounded; Srs. Candasiri & Medhanandi
Suffer the Little Children; Ven. Sobhano
Temple Project at Amaravati
Sutta Class: Authority of a Teacher; Aj. Sucitto
Observance days

Amaravati Support Network:
As both the resident and wider community at Amaravati grows, so too does the complexity of keeping the place operating smoothly.
     The Amaravati Support Network is a way of giving more people an opportunity to participate in the day to day running of Amaravati. It's aim is to create a pool of helpers to work with the ordained Sangha in developing Amaravati as a suitable place of contemplation for both monastics and lay people.
     Regardless of what skills you have there will be some way in which you can help. It is a way of getting to know the community personally and many people find this kind of interaction has given valuable insights into how to integrate practice into daily life.
     We would like to know if you have time to be involved. Please write to: Amaravati Support Network.

New groups and Contacts:

  • Essex, Romford

  • This group meets every Friday at 7:00pm for a 7:30 start. Meditation, followed by a discussion around a prepared topic; currently the Eightfold Path. For details contact Paul Dore, phone (0708) 375-507
  • Thornton Heath

  • Jeffrey Eade is interested in hosting a weekly meditation group. Contact him at 16 Carew Rd., Thornton. Heath, Surrey CR7 7RE, Tel (081) 689-4759.
  • East London

  • Elena Hutton (43 Alpha Rd., Chingford, London E4 6TD.) wishes to contact meditators in the Theravada tradition in her area.

    Office Assistant Needed; Amaravati:
    An assistant for the Amaravati Secretary is needed We are looking for someone with experience in an olfice environment to assist the Sangha arranging appointments and transport assisting in the administration, welcoming visitors etc.
         The work is on a voluntary basis with accommodation provided at Amaravati. A commitment of 2 years is requested.
         If you are interested, please send your application, in writing, to 'The Secretary', at Amaravati. Please include a few words about why you'd like to do this, and why you feel you would be suitable.

    Buddhism in Burgundy:
    Association Ajahn Chah (Groupement Bouddhique Maconnnais)
    Our group is named after Ajahn Chah because we have been personally associated with the forest tradition for a number of years. Meeting Luang Por Chah in Thailand and later in Franco and being a witness of the very beginning of the growth of the forest Sangha in England gave us a deep confidence in that tradition and an undeterred inspiration for practice.
         Our basic aim is to present Theravada vision and practice through the forest tradition and show its relevance in our modern erratic world. We hold full moon meditation meetings and share a few weekends for silent retreats. As soon as possible we do hope to be able to meet weekly and invite bhikkhus and nuns to strengthen our practice. A meditation centre is about to be created in Burgundy with the help of a prominent Cambodian monk living in Paris and the local Cambodian community.
         We publish a quarterly bulletin including texts from the tradition, news and reflections. We have regular contacts with a few Buddhist groups, and write articles in the French magazine and journal 'Sangha'.
         If anybody lives not too far from our town please don't hesitate to come and meet us. Contact: Michel Hcnri Dufour, 31 rue Pillet, 71000 Macon (Tel: 85 20 23 18)

    Winter retreat 1995; ABM:
    We are glad of all the assistance that the lay community offers for this event. If you would like to help support winter monastic retreat - Jan & Feb. '95, at A please contact the Amaravati secretary. We can, however, only accept people who can come for one month or more.