Forest Sangha Newsletter April 1995

Practice as Process; Ajahn Pasanno
Why go to a monastery; Sister Candasiri
Fantasia: The Nature of Perception; Venerable Sunyato
The Dhamma School
Sutta Class: Immorality, Confession & Forgiveness; Venerable Varado
A Matter of Tradition; Ajahn Sucitto
Observance days
Signs of Change:

Cittaviveka Events:
Discussion Group
An opportunity for lay supporters who have been following the tradition for some time to meet with the Sangha. Sundays at 2 p.m.
  • May 7th. Pain and disease.
  • June 4th. Having fun.
  • July 11th Asalha Puja

  • Going for refuge A ceremony for anyone who wishes to make a formal commitment to the Buddhist path. Please bring a tray of flowers, candles and incense. Tel: 01903 812-130
    Walks around Chithurst
    Nick Scott will lead all day walks in the countryside around Chithurst; leaving the monastery at 9:30, returning for tea at 5.30.Bring a waterproof, footwear & lunch.
  • April 29th.
  • May 20th
  • June 17th

  • Sutta Study
    Led by Barry Durrant on the second Wednesday of each month, starting 7:00, Ash House. Contact Barry; Tel: 01730 821-479
    Monks Ordination, Sunday July 2nd.
    August 12th Sangha Picnic Venue undecided. Tel 01903 812-130

    Amaravati Events:
    Wesak at Amaravati on Saturday May 13th
    Ceremonies begin at 10 am.
    As part of the celebrations for the 10th Anniversary of the opening of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery there will be a Ground Breaking Ceromony for the new Meditation Hall at 3 pm 13th May. 1995 Wesak Day. Two Elders from Thailand, Chao Khun Paananda and Luang Por Buddh will preside at the meeting and The Thai Ambassador to England will oficiate the laying of the first stone. All our supporters and Dhamma friends are most warmly invited on this auspicious occasion.
    Nun's ordination: See 'Notices'

    Sangha Walks in Devon:
    The walk will be seven days long and led by Ajahn Subbato. To take part you must have some experience of meditation in this tradition, of hill walking and be able to supply your own equipment. There is a 60.00 fee to cover costs. Dates: 27th. May - 4th. June The walk is for men only. For more information please write to: Sangha Walks, Mote Hills, Elsdon, Northumberland, NE19 1AB.