Forest Sangha Newsletter October 1995

The Human Family; Ajahn Sumedho
The Sima Ceremony; Ajahn Attapemo
Traceless Traces; Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
In Memory of Luang Por Jun: Pt. 2; Sr. Sanghamitta
Sutta Class; Ajahn Thiradhammo
Less Trust requires More Faith; Ajahn Sucitto
Signs of Change:
Observance days:

Cittaviveka Events:
Lay Forums
  • 12th November 'Cultivating Precepts'
  • 3rd December 'Social Action'

  • These are occasions for lay Buddhists to discuss common interests and practices. From 2-5 pm, a brief meditation period, followed by two short introductary talks (a lay person & a Sangha member) with general discussion to follow.
    Forest Work Weekends
  • 14 - 15th October
  • 18 - 19th November
  • 9 - 10th December.

  • A chance to literally look after the roots of the Sangha! Come for a day or both days. Work begins at 1.00 p.m. and finishes at 5.00 p.m. No previous experience needed but stout shoes or boots should be worn.

    Amaravati Winter Monastic Retreat:
    During the 1996 monastic retreat, January - February there are opportunities for lay people (who have had previous contact with the Sangha) to help with the running of Amaravati; particularly kitchen duties. It will be possible to join with some of the meditation sittings and talks. A minimum commitment of one month is requested. All those interested should apply to the Secretary c/o Amaravati by November 15th.

    Newsletter on-line:
    One of our supporters has offered to do the formatting and to provide the server so that the 'Forest Sangha Newsletter' is now available on the internet. The URL is:
    As this is a new undertaking we would be pleased to receive comments from those accessing this file.

    Mothers of Monastics:
    An opportunity for mothers with children either in the Sangha or thinking of ordaining to share their joys, concerns or questions with another mother. Write or telephone: Marley Fein, 3974 Montecito, Santa Rosa, Ca., 95404 U.S.A. Tel: 707-575-8946

    Editor(s) for Rainbows:
    Once a year a group of families and individuals come together for a weekend of work and fun to create the material for the annual issue of Rainbows. Over the last ten years the main responsibility for editing Rainbows has rested with the Sangha. Although the joy from this offering has been substantial the time has come for change.
         For the 1996 issue we need a team of people who can share both the responsibility of organising the projects for 'Rainbows' during this weekend and the editing and layout of the magazine.
         If you have any interest please contact Sister Thanasanti at Amaravati. (a.s.a.p.)

    Upasika Meetings:
    These meetings are held at Amaravati to facilitate the Upasika training with regular gatherings for those committed to this training and for anyone interested in taking refuge in the Triple Gem.
         Meetings are every Friday at 8:00 pm in the Bodhinyana Hall. There is a bi-annual Upasika newsletter with news and views and the evolution of the training programme. (S.A.E. to Amaravati for a copy.)

    Luang Por Jun:
    The funeral rites for Luang Por Jun will take place in Thailand at Wat Beung Kao Luang on Feb. 1-5th, 1996.

    New Dhammapala Phone Numbers:
    As from the 29th of October both the telephone and fax numbers will change at Dhammapala in Switzerland. The new numbers will be:
    Tel: (+033) 675-2100
    Fax: (+033) 675-2241

    Amaravati Support Network:
    Many thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help at Amaravati through the Support Network. Although we may not have been able to make use of everyone's talents yet it is certainly not too late if you have skills to offer.
    Especially relevent are skills in the following areas:
    Garden/grounds, maintenance, library and kitchen.

    Devon House for sale:
    There is a two bedroom bungalow for sale about a mile from the Devon Vihara.
    Enquiries Tel: (01404) 891-216

    Calendar for 1996:
    This is currently being prepared and, should you require a copy, it would help us with distribution if you could send a S.A.E. to Amaravati (UK post 29p - the calendar is approx. 10.5 x 7.5 inches)