Forest Sangha Newsletter April 1996

End of Rebirth; Ajahn Viradhammo
The Wisdom of Samadhi; Ajahn Pannavaddho
Elements: Funeral of Luang Por Jun; Venerable Asabho
Sutta Class 36: Buddha's Advice to Meghiya; Sister Candasiri
The Magic and the Muck; Harnham Monastery
Foundation of Sangha; Sister Candasiri
Observance days:

Temple Update:
The main picture catches the sun shining through the recently erected oak frame of the new temple at Amaravati. The remaining roof timbers are now being fitted in readiness for the roof tiles and the bronze finial. Once the roof is on the interior will be slowly fitted out. The newly cast Buddharupa will arrive from Thailand approximately mid-April.

Vesakha Puja Celebrations:
A chance to join with the sangha in celebrating the Birth, Enlightenment and final Parinibbana of the Buddha.
  • Amaravati: Friday 31st May
  • Harnham: 25th May (family day, 26th)
  • Chithurst: Sunday 26th May
  • Devon: Sunday 2nd June

  • Cittaviveka Diary:
    Forest work weekends
    Two weekends are planled to be held on the following dates:
  • April 13 - 14th
  • May 11 - 12th

  •      More to follow. Meet at the monastery, 1 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Please contact the monastery beforehand if you need overnight accommodation.
    Lay Forums
  • April 21 - Religious Pathways.
  • May 19 - Finding Joy in the Mundane
  • June 16 - Parents.

  •      Meetings begin 2:00pm, all welcome
    All-day walks
  • Saturday April 27th - Through Oak Woods and Deer Parks to Petworth.
  • Saturday May 25th - The Chalk Flowers of the Hampshire Hangers.

  •      Both walks led by Nick Scott. Be at the monastery by 9:30 and bring a packed lunch, suitable footwear and money for the return bus.

    The Buddha's Birthplace:
    An international team of archeologists has reported discovering a relic chamber that marks the birth place of the Buddha. A detailed report is to be issued by the Lumbini Development Trust.

    New Groups:
    Meeting every Thursday 8:00-9:30pm and daily at 8:30am. Contact Medhina at the Dharma School. Tel/Fax: (01273) 502055
    Meeting regularly with occasional visits from sangha. Contact: David Beal (01705) 732-280

    Pagoda Anniversary:
    There will be a ceremony on Sunday 23rd June to celebrate the sixteenth anniversary of the Peace Pagoda at Milton Keynes. Beginning at 10:30am there will be muti-faith prayers for peace, speeches and multi-cultural celebration. Lunch will be offered. All are warmly invited. For further information telephone (01908) 663652.

    Builder/Dhamma Friend Wanted:
    Wanted: A skilled builder to work in return for board, lodging and modest pay helping convert old farm buildings into a retreat centre. Contact: Stanley de Freitas, Sonata, Belvoir Cross, Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare, Ireland. Tel: (061) 367073 or (01865) 57876

    Dhamma School Accountant:
    The Dhamma School requires someone to oversee their accounts and become an active director of the company. This is a voluntary postion with high job satisfaction. Contact: Medhina or Kevin, Ladies Mile Rd., Patcham, Brighton BN1 8TB. Tel: (01273) 502-055

    Upasampada Ordinations:
    These ordinations will be held at Chithurst on the 21st July. Ceremonies begin at 1pm after a shared meal. All are welcome.

    Metta Bhavana Retreat:
    Taught by Melanie Abhassara at Truleigh Hill Youth Hostel which is situated on the South Downs near Lancing. May 31st - June 2nd. For information and bookings tel: (01273) 702-496

    Insight Meditation:
    A five day residential retreat in the tradition of the late Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw; suitable for both new and experienced meditators. For more details (incl. cost) contact: Insight Meditation Retreat, The Vihara, 1 Old Church Lane, London, NW9 8TG. Tel: (0181) 200-6898