Forest Sangha Newsletter October 1996

Who We Really Are; Ajahn Sumedo
Sutta Class: Punna & Papa; Venerable Asabho
Right Effort: Making It Work; Ajahn Siripanna
Going Forth - From Three Insiders
Sharing the Blessings; Venerable Thanuttaro
The Dalai Lama at the Barbican; Ajahn Sobhano
High on Black Turtle; Yatiko Bhikkhu
Sign of Change:
Observance Days: EDITORIAL:

Cittaviveka Notices:
Forest Restoration - Autumn 1996
The nearly lifeless woodland that we were given seventeen years ago is gradually acquiring life and beauty, thanks to years of careful management, clearing and replanting. Now the first plantations of oak and other native species have matured into young trees, and more recent plantings are doing well. Still there is a continual need to support the new growth by clearing away invasive species, as well as keeping the pathways cleared of bracken. The Sangha particularly dedicate the autumn months to forest work, but with the extent of land to be managed, Hammer Wood needs all the friends it can get. If you can come for one of our 'forest work weekends' - even for an afternoon - it would be a great service. No special knowledge or great strength needed; just bring some boots and work gloves, and try to get here by 1:00 p.m. If you'd like to stay the night, please let us know beforehand. Thanks.
  • Nov. 16-17th;
  • Nov. 30th-Dec. 1st;
  • Dec 14th-15th

  • There is also an opportunity for two men to stay in the monastery throughout the month in order to work on the project - and meditate on the results!
    Lay Forums
    Held at 2.00 pm at the monastery.
  • 13th Oct. - The Challenge of Change
  • 1st Dec. - Right View

  • Winter Monastic Retreats:
    At Cittaviveka
    During January/February friends are welcome to join the monastic community for pujas at 7:30 and silent meditation during the day. If you would like to offer dana or help with kitchen duties on a daily basis this would be much appreciated. Please contact the monastery or sign up on the rota in the main hall to arrange a date(s).
    At Amaravati
    During the 1997 monastic retreat - January and February - there are opportunities for lay people (who have experience of long, silent retreats and who have had previous contact with the Sangha) to help with the running of Amaravati, particularly kitchen duties. It will be possible to join with some of the meditation sittings and talks. A minimum commitment of one month is requested.
          All those interested should apply to the Amaravati secretary by November 15th.

    1997 Calendar:
    This is currently being prepared and, should you require a copy, it would help us with distribution if you could send a S.A.E. (31p - the calendar is approx. 10½" x 7½") to 'Calendar' at Amaravati.

    Berkshire Group:
    From September will meet twice monthly, on the first Wednesday in the month in Reading and on the third Wednesday in Newbury. Contact: Tel (01635) 42903

    Canadian Steward:
    There is an urgent need for a lay steward in a small forest monastery near Thunder Bay. Write to: Venerable Punnadhammo, Arrow River, Bx2, RR7, Suite 7, Thunder Bay, Ont., Canada P7C- 5V5 or Tel: (087) 933-4434 between 6 & 10 pm EST.

    The Amaravati library has a number of non-Dhamma books that it no longer has room to accommodate. These include books on English literature, art and many other subjects. If anyone could place any of them in a good home, please contact the librarian at Amaravati.

    Sangha Teaching Engagements:
    The Buddhist Society:
  • 10th & 17th October
  • 14th & 21st November
  • 13th October
  • 8th December

  • Manchester University:
  • Thursday 31st October

  • The Harlow Group:
  • Friday 29th November

  • The Hampstead Group:
  • Wednesday 4th December
