Forest Sangha Newsletter
Events, Retreats, Teaching

Amaravati | Family | Outside U.K.

It pays to cross-check details in both Grapevine and Notices of the current issue. Also, check the Amaravati website:

Retreats: 2003
All remaining 2003 retreats are now fully booked, please contact the Retreat Centre if you would like to be placed on the waiting lists.
  • Oct. 17-19; Weekend, Sister Anandabodhi
  • Oct. 31 - Nov 2; Weekend, Ajahn Natthiko
  • Nov. 14-23; **10 day, Ajahn Sucitto ***
  • Dec. 12-14; Weekend, Ajahn Sundara

  • 2004
  • April 2-4; Weekend, Ajahn Natthiko
  • April 16-18; Weekend, Sisters Anandabodhi, Santacitta
  • April 30-May 9; 10 day, Ajahn Amaro
  • May 21-23; Weekend
  • June 5-12; 8 day, Ajahns Jitindriya, Thaniya §
  • July 2-11; 10 day, Ajahn Vimalo
  • July 23-25; Weekend
  • Aug. 6-15; 10 day, Ajahn Vajiro
  • Sept. 3-12; 10 day, Ajahn Sumedho #
  • Sept. 24-26; Weekend, Sister Metta
  • Oct. 15-17; Weekend, Ajahn Vimalo
  • Oct. 29-2 Nov. 5 Day, Ajahn Natthiko
  • Nov. 19-21; Weekend, Ajahn Thaniya
  • Nov. 26-30; 5 day
  • Dec. 10-12; Weekend
  • Dec. 27-1 Jan. 2005; 6 day, Ajahn Khantiko

  •       § Begins and ends on a Saturday. Registration on first day 2 pm - 5 pm.
          # For experienced meditators: must have done at least one 10 day retreat.
    Retreats in 2004 will operate on a donation basis.
    No Booking fees are required.

          Bookings are only accepted on receipt of a completed booking form. Note that bookings cannot be made by telephone or by e-mail messages. Booking forms are available from the ABM website [], by e-mailing [] or writing to the Retreat Centre.
          Unless specified otherwise, retreats begin on the evening of the first day. Registration on first day 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Orientation talk is at 7.15 p.m. Weekend retreats end at 4pm. Other retreats end at lunchtime.
          All weekend retreats are suitable for beginners. Generally it is advisable to do a weekend retreat before doing any of the longer retreats.
          Applicants requiring confirmation - either that they have a place on the retreat or that they are on the waiting list - are asked to supply a stamped addressed envelope or an e-mail address.
    Retreat Center: Ph: 01442 843-239 - e-mail:

    Retreat Centre; Work Weekends

  • Aug 29 - 31
  • Oct 10 - 12

  • Introductory Meditation - Amaravati
    Saturday Afternoon Classes; 2.00 -- 4.00
    Meditation instruction for beginners with an opportunity for questions to be answered.
    Classes are in the Bodhinyana Hall. Feel free to come along -- no booking is necessary.

    The Bodhinyana Group - Amaravati
    We meet each Wednesday during school term times in the Bodhinyana Hall at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, Great Gaddesden starting at 7.30. The purpose of the meetings is to provide support for all levels of lay-Buddhist practice - to cover basic Buddhist concepts and teachings and to relate these to our lives in the world with partners, families and work. We encourage a close relationship with the monastic Sangha at Amaravati and occasionally we are fortunate to have a member of the ordained monastic Sangha to lead the meeting. The approach we adopt is open and participative.

    Family Events
    Amaravati - 2003
  • Rainbow Weekend 2nd - 5th May
  • Family Weekend 13th - 15th June
  • Summer Camp 16th - 24th August
  • Young People's Retreat 28th - 30th Nov. For Young People's Retreat please contact: Ray Glover, 36 Ottersfield Greet, Gloucestershire GL54 5PN Tel: 01242 604129
    All other enquiries please contact: Emily Tomalin, 147 Whyteladyes Lane, Cookham, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 9LF, Tel: 01628 810083, E-mail:
    The camps can be oversubscribed, so to be considered for a place on the waiting list, please send me your details as last minute cancellations do occur, and I can keep your details for next year.

    Retreats Outside the UK
    Retreat at Dhammapala led by Ajahn Khemasiri.
    26th of December - 3rd of January 2004.
