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The stones were then tipped into the earth by various groupings of Sangha members. To visually delineate the sima area, limestone was used to form an inner court of the final Temple floor; the sima stones, buried well below the floor, were each indicated by stylised lotuses carved into the limestone.

nuns on the ball
The nuns prepare to inter the stone in the south-west corner.

a little magic
The stone in the east of the sima is formerly designated.


The final part of the ceremony was the 'naming' of the stones; led by George Sharp, on behalf of the English Sangha Trust. Each stone was designated by its cardinal orientation using various Pali formulae: 'This is the stone in the north-west corner of the sima' and so forth. The little wand that George appears to be holding is in fact a part of the site decorations prepared by participants of the annual summer family camp which was coincidentally taking place at the same time.