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"Drinking the nourishment,

the flavour, of seclusion and calm,

one is freed from evil, devoid of distress,

refreshed with the nourishment

of rapture in the Dhamma."


earth to earth
Delivered by the devas? The last section of the
oak frame is lowered into place.



The latter stages of frame construction took place during the winter retreat time and the final crowning was literally an uplifting event at the end of a sustained period of meditation.

Despite the bitter wind many Sangha members donned their woollies, scrambled up the scaffolding, braving the dizzy heights to place a 'Dhamma wheel' flag alongside the woodsmen's traditional branch of oak. Auspicious blessings (parittas) were chanted with joyous smiles and frosty breaths.

not bad - overall
An overall view of progress from the roof of the sala, spring 1996.