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With many of the finishing details well under way it was the addition of the pinnacle that finally brought the exterior to a point of apparent completion. This was not without some difficulty. The lower fibreglass portion was made in the U.K. while the upper bronze segment was cast in Thailand - the meeting of West and East needing some negotiation and a couple of attempts.

Some of the many thousands of tiles waiting to be laid.

Ajahn Sumedho was away during the first but present for the second which meant he was able to enshrine various relics in the upper reaches of the pinnacle.
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hats on
The pinnacle is finally positioned.

As part of the enormous generosity of the Thai people plans for casting a Buddha Rupa had been set in motion. To be sure that all went well, Ajahn Sumedho and other members of Sangha were involved at all levels; from discussing styles and drawings to the preliminary maquette to the full-size model and eventually the final casting.
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small beginnings
Ajahn Sumedho and Ajahn Attapemo
inspecting development of the maquette,
the first physical stage, leading to
the final casting.