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Reflections on Ten Dhammas

Bhikkhus, there are ten dhammas which should be reflected
upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

What are these ten ?

I am no longer living according to worldly aims and values.
This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

M y very life is sustained through the gifts of others.
This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

I should strive to abandon my former habits
This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

Does regret over my conducts arise in my mind?
This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

Could my spiritual companions find fault with my conduct?
This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

All that is mine, beloved and pleasing, will become otherwise,
and will become separated from me.

This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

I am the owner of my kamma, heir to my kamma, born of my kamma,
related to my kamma, abide supported by my kamma;
whatever kamma I should do, for good or for ill, of that I will the heir.

This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

The days and nights are relentlessly passing, how well am I spending my time.
This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

Do I delight in solitude or not?
This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

Has my practice borne fruit with freedom or insight, so that at the end of my life,
I need not feel ashamed when questioned by my spiritual companions?

This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

Bhikkhus, these are the ten dhammas to be reflected
upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

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