A tank built by Aggabodhi II (Cv.xlii.67).


Near it was the village of the same name, where Parakkamabáhu I. once encamped with his army (Cv.lxx.312).


There the monks interviewed him on behalf of Gaja-báhu and persuaded him to restore to the latter his kingdom (Cv.lxx.329f).


Later, the village was occupied by Mánábharana and his army (Cv.lxxii.149).


The tank was among those repaired by Parakkamabáhu I., and from there he carried the canal Káverí, thus joining Giritata to the Kaddúravaddhamána tank. (Cv.lxxix.33, 55; see also Cv.Trs.i.312, n.3; 334 n.1).

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