A village in the vicinity of Bhaddiyanagara. The village was one gávuta distant from the Ganges (MT.560). The Buddha went there from Bhaddiyanagara. Bhaddaji preceded the Buddha to Kotigáma and awaited his arrival there. The people, led by Nanduttara, made ready a meal and provided boats in which the Buddha and the monks might cross the river. In the middle of the river, submerged in the water, stood the palace once occupied by Mahápanáda (J.ii.332f; ThagA.i.287f; Mhv.xxxi.5f).

During his last tour the Buddha crossed the river at Pátaligáma, went on to Kotigáma, and remained in that village preaching to the monks. Hearing that the Buddha was there, Ambapáli and hosts of Licchavis came from Vesáli to visit him, and Ambapáli gave him a meal. From Kotigáma the Buddha went to Nádiká (Vin.i.230f; D.ii.90f).

Buddhaghosa says (DA.ii.542; iii.856) that the village was so called because it was built near the dome (koti or thúpiká) of Mahápanáda's palace.

According to the Samyutta Nikáya (v.431), Kotigáma was a village of the Vajjians.

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