Kunála, king of the Citrakokilas, though well served by his hen birds, always despised them and found fault with them. The king of the Phussakokilas, Punnamukha, on the other hand, always sang the praises of his escort. One day the two kings met, and Punnamukha asked Kunála why he was not more gracious to his ladies. "Because I know too much about women," was the answer; but Punnamakha was not in a mood to discuss the matter any more.

Later, Punnamukha fell ill, and his hen birds deserted him and came to Kunála. He drove them away, ministered to Punnamukha, and cheered him. Some time after, Kunála, seated on the Manosilátala in Himavá (according to Buddhaghosa, D.ii.675, this was on the banks of the Kunáladaha), started to tell his friend of the wickedness of women. Hearing of this, many inhabitants of numerous worlds came to listen to him, among them Ananda, king of the vultures, and the ascetic Nárada. Many were the instances given by Kunála to illustrate the deceitfulness, ingratitude and immorality of women - among them the stories of

Kunála's diatribe was followed by Ananda's, and his by Nárada's, each claiming to speak from facts within their knowledge.

In the stories related by Kunála, the bird-king is identified with one of the characters concerned in each story, so that he was able to speak with authority. Thus he was

Punnamukha is identified with Udáyí, the vulture-king with Ananda and Nárada with Sáriputta.

The preaching of the Kunála Játaka was followed by that of the Mahásamaya Sutta.

This Játaka was related in order to destroy the discontent that rose in the hearts of the Sákiyan youths, kinsmen of the Buddha, who, having entered the Order, were troubled by the thought of the wives they had left behind. The Buddha therefore took them to the Himalaya, showed them the magnificent beauty of the region, particularly the miraculous splendours of the Kunáladaha, and there preached to them. At the end of the Játaka they all became arahants. We are told that that very day they became arahants (J.v.412-56; also DA.ii.674ff; AA.i.173).

See also the Cúla Kunála Játaka.

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