The sixteenth sutta of the Dígha Nikáya. It contains a
more or less detailed account of the last year of the Buddha's life. It also
contains, besides other matter,
- a prophecy of the greatness of Pátaliputta and
- the contemplated attack on the Vajjians by
- details of the seven conditions of welfare of the
- the lineage of faith (ariyavamsa),
- eight causes of earthquake,
- the last meal of the Buddha,
- the four places of pilgrimage,
- the four great authorities (mahápadesa),
- the obsequies of a king,
- the erection of cetiyas,
- the previous history of Kusinárá,
- the Buddha's death and cremation,
- the distribution of the Relics by Dona, and
- the erection of the Thúpas over the Relics. D.ii.72ff.