The name, generally given in the texts, of Ráhula's mother (E.g., Vin.i.82) and Gotama's wife.

She is also called Bhaddakaccá,* and, in later texts, Yasodhará (BuA., p.245; Dvy.253), Bimbádeví (J.ii.392f.; DA.ii.422) and, probably, Bimbásundarí ( [12]).

* E.g., Bu.xxvi.15; Mhv.ii.24 calls her Bhaddakaccáná; but see Thomas, op. cit., 49; she is also called Subhaddaká, this being probably a variant of Bhaddakaccáná.

The Northern texts seem to favour the name of Yasodhará, but they call her the daughter of Dandapání. (See also Rockhill, op. cit., where various other names are given as well). It is probable that the name of Gotama's wife was Bimbá, and that Bhaddakaccá, Subhaddaká, Yosadhári and the others, were descriptive epithets applied to her, which later became regarded as, additional names. It is also possible that in Gotama's court there was also a Yasodhará, daughter of Dandapání, and that there was a later confusion of names. The Commentarial explanation (E.g., AA.i.204), that she was called Bhaddakaccáná because her body was the colour of burnished gold, is probably correct. To suggest (E.g., Thomas, op. cit., 49) that the name bears any reference to the Kaccánagotta seems to be wrong, because the Kaccána was a brahmin gotta and the Sákiyans were not brahmins.

Ráhulamátá was born on the same day as the Bodhisatta (J.i.54; BuA. 106, 228). She married him (Gotama) at the age of sixteen (the following account is taken chiefly from J.i.58ff), and was placed at the head of forty thousand women, given to Gotama by the Sákiyans, after he had proved his manly prowess to their satisfaction. Gotama left the household life on the day of the birth of his son Ráhula (according to one account, referred to in the Játaka Commentary, i.62, Ráhula was seven days old). It is said that just before he left home he took a last look at his wife from the door of her room, not daring to go nearer, lest he should awake her. When the Buddha paid his first visit to Kapilavatthu after the Enlightenment, and on the second day of that visit, he begged in the street for alms. This news spread, and Ráhulamátá looked out of her window to see if it were true. She saw the Buddha, and was so struck by the glory of his personality that she uttered eight verses in its praise. These verses have been handed down under the name of Narasíhagáthá; on that day, after the Buddha had finished his meal in the palace, which he took at the invitation of Suddhodana, all the ladies of the court, with the exception of Ráhulamátá, went to pay him obeisance. She refused to go, saying that if she had any virtue in her the Buddha would come to her. The Buddha went to her with his two chief Disciples and gave orders that she should be allowed to greet him as she wished. She fell at his feet, and clasping them with her hands, put her head on them. Suddhodana related to the Buddha how, from the time he had left home, Ráhulamátá had herself abandoned all luxury and had lived in the same manner as she had heard that the Buddha lived -  wearing yellow robes, eating only once a day, etc. And the Buddha then related the Candakinnara Játaka, to show how, in the past, too, her loyalty had been supreme.

On the seventh day of the Buddha's visit, when he left the palace at the end of his meal, Ráhulamátá sent Ráhula to him saying, "That is your father, go and ask him for your inheritance." Ráhula followed the Buddha, and, at the Buddha's request, was ordained by Sáriputta. The account of this event is given in Vin.i.82; this is probably the only passage in the Pitakas where Ráhulamátá, is mentioned by name.

Later, when the Buddha allowed women to join the Order, Ráhulamátá became a nun under Mahá Pajápatí Gotamí (AA.i.198).

Buddhaghosa identifies (AA.i.204f) Ráhulamátá with Bhaddakaccáná who, in the Anguttara Nikáya (A.i.25), is mentioned as chief among nuns in the possession of supernormal powers (mahábhiññappattánam). She was one of the four disciples of the Buddha who possessed such attainment, the others being Sáriputta, Moggallána and Bakkula. She expressed her desire for this achievement in the time of Padumuttara Buddha.

In this account Bhaddakaccáná is mentioned as the daughter of the Sákyan Suppabuddha and his wife Amitá.* She joined the Order under Pajápatí Gotamí in the company of Janapadakalyání (Nandá), and in the Order she was known as Bhaddakaccáná Therí. Later, she developed insight and became an arahant. She could, with one effort, recall one asankheyya and one hundred thousand kappas (AA.i.205).

* Cf. Mhv.ii.21f. It is said (DhA.iii.44f) that Suppabuddha did not forgive the Buddha for leaving his daughter; Devadatta was Bhaddakaccaná's daughter, and it has been suggested that Devadatta's enmity against the Buddha was for reasons similar to her father's.

In the Therí Apadána (Ap.ii.584ff ) an account is found of a Therí, Yasodhará by name, who is evidently to be identified with Ráhulamátá, because she speaks of herself (vvs. 10, 11) as the Buddha's pajápatí before he left the household (agára), and says that she was the chief (pámokkhá sabbaissará) of ninety thousand women.

In the time of Dípankara Buddha, when the Bodhisatta was born as Sumedha, she was a brahmin maiden, Sumittá by name, and gave eight handfuls of lotuses to Sumedha, which he, in turn, offered to the Buddha. Dípankara, in declaring that Sumedha would ultimately become the Buddha, added that Sumittá would be his companion in several lives. The Apadána account (vvs. 1ff ) mentions how, just before her death, at the age of seventy eight, she took leave of the Buddha and performed various miracles. It also states (Ap.ii.592f ) that eighteen thousand arahants nuns, companions of Yasodhará, also died on the same day.

The Abbhantara Játaka* mentions that Bimbádeví (who is called the chief wife of Gotama and is therefore evidently identical with Ráhulamátá) was once, after becoming a nun, ill from flatulence. When Ráhula, as was his custom, came to visit her, he was told that he could not see her, but that, when she had suffered from the same trouble at home, she had been cured by mango juice with sugar. Ráhula reported the matter to his preceptor, Sáriputta, who obtained the mango juice from Pasenadi. When Pasenadi discovered why the mango juice had been needed, he arranged that from that day it should be regularly supplied. The Játaka relates how, in a past birth too, Sáriputta had come to Ráhulamátá's rescue.

* J.ii.392f.; cf. the Supatta Játaka, where Sáriputta, at Ráhula's request, obtained for her from Pasenadi rice with ghee, flavoured with red fish. This was for abdominal pain (J.ii.433).

Numerous stories are found in the Játaka Commentary in which Ráhulamátá is identified with one or other of the characters -  e.g.,

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