1. Renu. Son and successor of King Disampati. On the death of his father Renu, with the advice and co operation of his chief steward (Mahágovinda) Jotipála, who was also his great friend, divided his kingdom into seven parts and shared it with his friends -  Sattabhu, Brahmadatta, Vessabhu, Bharata, and the two Dhataratthas.

The seven divisions of the kingdom were called Kalinga, Assaka, Avanti, Sovíra, Videha, Anga and Kási; their capitals were, respectively, Dantapura, Potana, Máhissatí, Roruka, Mithilá, Campá and Báránasí. Renu himself occupied the central kingdom. A ii.228 36; Renu probably reigned in Benares, though the account given in the Mahágovinda Sutta does not make it clear which was his kingdom; see Dial.ii.270 n.; also Mtu.iii.197 209; and Renu (2).

2. Renu. Son of Disampati, king of Benares (Dpv.iii.40; MT. 130). He is probably identical with Renu (1).

3. Renu. King of Uttarapańcála, the capital of the Kurus. He was the father of Somanassa. For details see the Somanassa Játaka. J.iv.444ff.

4. Renu. A king of forty five kappas ago, a previous birth of Vajjiputta (Renupújaka) Thera. ThagA.i.143=Ap.i.146.

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