A city. When Apacara (Upacara), king of Ceti, was swallowed up by the fires of Avíci, because of his falsehood, his five sons came to the brahmin Kapila and sought his protection. He advised them to build new cities. The city built by the fourth son was called Uttarapañcála. It was founded in the north of Ceti, on the spot where the prince saw a wheel-frame (cakkapañjara) entirely made of jewels (J.iii.461).

According to the scholiast to the Kámaníta Játaka (J.ii.214), however, and also according to the Kumbhakára Játaka (J.iii.379ff), Pañcála or Uttarapañcála is the name of a country (rattha) whose capital was Kampilla, while in the Brahmadatta Játaka (iii.79) also in the scholiast of the Citta-Sambhúta Játaka (iv.396), Uttarapañcála is given as the name of the city and Kampilla as that of the country and we are told that a king Pañcála reigned there.

Pañcála was also the name of the king of Uttarapañcála in the Sattigumba Játaka (iv.430), the Jayaddisa Játaka (v.21), and the Gandatindu Játaka (v.98). In all these Uttarapañcála is spoken of as a city in Kampilla. In the Mahá Ummagga Játaka (vi.391ff), Culani Brahmadatta is the king of Uttarapañcála.

In the Somanassa Játaka (J.iv.444), mention is made of a city named Uttarapañcála in the Kuru country, with Renu as its king. Whether the reference is to a different city it is not possible to say. See also Pañcála.

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