Pañcála, Pañcálajanapada, Pañcálarattha, Pañcálá

One of the sixteen Mahájanapadas (A.i.213; iv.252, etc.). It consisted of two divisions: Uttara Pañcála and Dakkhina Pañcála. The river Bhagírathi formed the boundary between the divisions. According to the Kumbhakára Játaka, the capital of Uttara Pañcála was Kampillanagara, where a king named Dummukha once reigned.

J.iii.379; also Mtu.iii.26; but the Dvy. (435) calls the capital Hastinápura. According to the Mahábhárata (i.138, 73-4), the capital was Ahicchatra or Chatravatí, while the capital of Daksina-Pañcála was Kámpilya.

Pañcála was to the east of the Kuru country, and, in ancient times, there seems to have been a constant struggle between the Kurus and the Pañcálas for the possession of Uttara-Pañcála. Thus, sometimes, Uttara Pañcála was included in the Kuru kingdom (E.g., J.v.444; also Mahábhárata i.138), but at other times it formed a part of Kampillarattha (E.g., J.iii.79; v. 21, 289) Kampilla probably being the capital of Dakkhina Pañcála. So it happened that sometimes the kings of Kampillarattha had their capital in Uttara Pañcála nagara, while at others the kings of Uttara Pañcála-nagara had their capital in Kampilla nagara. Cúlaní Brahmadatta is described in the Mahá Ummagga Játaka as king of Pañcála, with his capital in Kampilla., 396, etc.; also PvA. 161; see also Uttarádhiyayana Sútra (SBE. xlv. 57 61) and the Rámáyana (i.32). Similarly Sambhúta was king of Uttara-Pañcála (J.iv.392ff.). Sometimes the king of Pañcála is merely spoken of as Pañcála   e.g., J.iv.430, v. 98. See also Jayaddisa.

There seems to have been a chieftain (rájá) of Pañcála even in the Buddha's day, for we are told (ThagA.i.331) that Visákha Pañcáliputta (q.v.) was the son of the daughter of the "Pañcála rájá." Pañcála is generally identified (Law: Geog. of Early Buddhism, p. 19.) with the country to the north and west of Delhi, from the foot of the Himálaya to the river Chambal.

Pañcála Vagga

The fifth section of the Navaka Nipáta of the Anguttara Nikáya. A.iv.449 54.

Pañcála Sutta

A discussion between Ananda and Udáyi (Káludáyi) regarding a verse uttered by the devaputta Pañcálacanda (See S.i.48) as to what constitutes obstacles (sambádha) in the world and what release therefrom (okásádhigama). Udáyi says that the five sensuous pleasures are the sambádha, and that okásadhigama consists in the attainment of the jhánas. A.iv.449f.; AA.ii.815.

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