The books frequently mention* the sixteen Mahájanapadas or countries, which existed in the time of the Buddha. They are Kásí, Kosala, Anga, Magadha, Vajji, Mallá, Cetiya, Vamsá, Kuru, Pañcála, Macchá, Súrasena, Assaka, Avantí, Gandhára and Kamboja.

The first fourteen are included in the Majjhimadesa, the two last being in Uttarápatha.

* E.g., A.i.213; iv. 252, 256, 260; a list of twelve is found at D.ii.200, in which the last four are omitted. The Niddesa adds the Kalingas to the sixteen and substitutes Yona for the Gandhára (CNid., p.37).

The Jaina Bhagavatí sutta gives a slightly different list: Anga, Banga, Magadha, Malaya, Málava, Accha, Vaccha, Kocchaka, Pádha, Ládha, Bajji, Moli, Kási, Kosala, Avaha and Sambhuttara (PHAI. p.60).

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