1. Anga. (See also Angá).-One of the stock list of the sixteen Powers or Great Countries (Mahájanapadá), mentioned in the Pitakas. E.g., A.i.213; iv.252, 256, 260.

The countries mentioned are Anga, Magadha, Kásí, Kosala, Vajji, Mallá, Cetí, Vamsá, Kuru, Pańcála, Macchá, Súrasena, Assaka, Avantí, Gandhára, and Kamboja. Other similar lists occur elsewhere, e.g. D.ii.200 (where ten countries are mentioned); see also Mtu.i.34 and i.198; and Lal.24(22).

It was to the east of Magadha, from which it was separated by the River Campá, and had as its capital city Campá, near the modern Bhagalpur (Cunningham, pp. 546-7). Other cities mentioned are Bhaddiya (DA.i.279; DhA.i.384) and Assapura (M.i.271).

The country is generally referred to by the name of its people, the Angá, though occasionally (E.g., DhA.i.384) the name Angarattha is used. In the Buddha's time it was subject to Magadha, (ThagA.i.548) whose king Bimbisára was, we are told, held in esteem also by the people of Anga (MA.i.394), and the people of the two countries evidently used to pay frequent visits to each other (J.ii.211). We never hear of its having regained its former independence, and traditions of war between the two countries are mentioned (E.g., J.iv.454; J.v.316; J.vi.271).

In the Buddha's time the Angarájá was just a wealthy nobleman, and he is mentioned merely as having granted a pension to a Brahmin (M.ii.163). The people of Anga and Magadha are generally mentioned together, so we may gather that by the Buddha's time they had become one people. They provide Uruvela-Kassapa with offerings for his great sacrifice (Vin.i.27). It was their custom to offer an annual sacrifice to Mahá-Brahmá in the hope of gaining reward a hundred thousand fold. On one occasion Sakka appears in person and goes with them to the Buddha so that they may not waste their energies in futile sacrifices (SA.i.269-70).

Several discourses were preached in the Anga country, among them being the Sonadanda Sutta and the two Assapura Suttas (Mahá- and Cúla-). The Mahágovinda Sutta seems to indicate that once, in the past, Dhatarattha was king of Anga. But this, perhaps, refers to another country (Dial.ii.270 n.; see also The Rámáyana i.8, 9, 17, 25).

Sona Kolivisa, before he entered the Order, was a squire (paddhagu) of Anga. Thag.v.632.

2. Anga. King.-Chief lay supporter of Sumana Buddha (BuA.130); the Buddhavamsa mentions Varuna and Sarana as Sumana's aggupattháká and Udena as upattháka. Bu.v.28.

3. Anga.-A king of Benares on whose feet hair grew. He inquired of the brahmins the way to heaven, and was told to retire to the forest and tend the sacred fire. He went to Himavá with many cows and women and did as he was counselled. The milk and ghee left over from his sacrifices were thrown away, and from them arose many minor rivers, the Ganges itself, and even the sea. Later he became Indra's companion. J.vi.203

4. Anga.-King of the Anga country, between whom and King Magadha there was constant war, with varying fortunes. In the end, Magadha, with the help of the Nága king Campeyya, seized Anga and slew him. J.iv.453.

5. Anga.-One of the Pacceka Buddhas mentioned in the list in the Apadana Commentary. ApA.i.107.

6. Angá.-Chieftains of Anga, so called, according to the Digha Nikáya Commentary (i.279), because of the beauty of their limbs. Their name was customarily (rúlhi-vasena) used to denote their country.

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