1. Sankha. The Bodhisatta, born as a brahmin in Molinínagara (Benares). See the Sankha Játaka.

2. Sankha. The Bodhisatta, born as a setthi of Rájagaha. See the Agampadána Játaka.

3. Sankha. A future king, who will be the Cakka-vatti of Ketumatí at the time of the appearance of Metteyya Buddha in the world. He will raise up again the palace of King Mahápanáda and live there. But later he will give it to the Order and become an arahant. D.iii.75f.; Anágat. p. 42 (vs. 10).

According to the Commentary (DA.iii.856), he was one of two cane workers (nalakárá), father and son, who made a hut for a Pacceka Buddha. After death, both were born in heaven. The son became Mahápanáda, and, later, Bhaddaji. The father is in the deva world and will be reborn as Sankha. Mahápanáda's palace still remains un-destroyed, ready for his use.

4. Sankha. A Nága king; a previous birth of Ráhula. SNA.i.341; but elsewhere (e.g., SA.iii.26) he is called Pálita. See Pálita.

5. Sankha. One of the treasure troves which arose from the earth for the use of the Bodhisatta in his last lay life. These appeared on the day of his birth. DA.i.284.

6. Sankha. The Bodhisatta born as a brahmin in Takkasilá. He was the father of Susíma. See the Sankha Játaka (2).

7. Sankha. A general of Kittisirimegha; he lived in Badalatthalí. The king entrusted him with the celebrations in connection with the upanayana ceremony of Parakkamabáhu (afterwards Parakkamabáhu I.). When Parakkamabáhu returned to Badalatthalí in his tour of preparation, Sankha welcomed him and paid him all honour. But Parakkamabáhu proved treacherous and had him slain. Cv.lxiv.8f., 22f.; lxv.13f, 27f.

8. Sankha. A Singhalese general who maintained a stronghold in Gahgádoni in the Manimekhala district, while Mágha ruled in the capital. Cv.lxxxi.7f.

Sankha Sutta. The Buddha, at the Pávárika ambavana, has a discussion with Asibandhakaputta regarding the teachings of Nigantha-Nátaputta and proves to him that Nigantha's teachings are contradictory and misleading as compared with his own. The Ariyan disciple, by following the Buddha's teaching, cultivates kindliness, compassion and equanimity and suffuses the four quarters with these qualities, as easily as a powerful conch-blower fills the four quarters with sound. S.iv.317f.

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