1. Susíma. The Bodhisatta in the time of Atthadassí Buddha. He was a Mahásála brahmin of Campaka and became an ascetic of great power. He heard the Buddha preach at Sudassana and was converted. J.i.39; Bu.xv.9f.; BuA.180.

2. Susíma. The Bodhisatta, son of the chaplain of the king of Benares. He later became king himself. See the Susíma Játaka (No. 411).

3. Susíma. A king of Benares. See the Susíma Játaka (No, 163). He is identified with Ananda. J.ii.50.

4. Susíma. A Devaputta. Once, when Ananda utters high praise of Sáriputta, Susíma, who is present, reflects on it and confirms all that Ananda has said. The retinue of Susíma listen enraptured, waxing wondrous, in divers colour-tones ("even as a beautiful lustrous beryl-stone of eight facets, well polished, when laid in an orange coloured cloth, shines, glows and blazes, etc.") (S.163f).

It is said (SA.i.98) that Susíma had been a fellow celibate of Sáriputta.

5. Susíma. One of the thousand sons of Sakka. He was one of the deva generals in the fight with the Asuras, but he was lazy, and Sakka had to admonish him (S.i.217; SA.i.262). He is probably identical with Susíma (4).

6. Susíma. A Paribbájaka (skilled in the Vedangas, says Buddhaghosa, SA.ii.93) of Rájagaha. When the Buddha's fame spread and his gains increased, Susíma's followers suggested that he should learn the Buddha's doctrine and preach it to the laity so that he and his followers, too, could reap some of the advantages.

Susíma agreed, and sought, Ananda, who, with the Buddha’s sanction, ordained him. In discussion with the monks who declared that they had obtained complete emancipation, etc., Susíma discovered that all of them did not possess supernatural powers, but thought they had gained nibbána "through insight." He thereupon sought the Buddha to have the matter explained. The Buddha asked him many questions, and made him realize the truth of their statement. Susíma confessed his original purpose in joining the Order and asked for forgiveness (S.ii.119ff). He developed insight and became an arahant. SA.ii.96.

7. Susíma. A brahmin of Takkasilá and son of Sankha. He went to Benares and apprenticed himself to a teacher, who was his father's friend and who taught him various things. But he was able to understand only the beginning and the middle, and not the end. He therefore consulted his teacher, who confessed that neither did he understand the end, and advised him to seek the Pacceka Buddhas who were living in Isipatana. Susíma went there, entered the Order, and became a Pacceka Buddha. Soon afterwards he died, and Sankha, coming in search of his son, was told of what had happened. Sankha is identified with the Bodhisatta. DhA.iii.445f.; KhA.198f.

See Sankha Játaka (2).

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