1. Síha. A Licchavi general of Vesáli. He was a follower of the Niganthas. When the Buddha visited Vesáli, Síha, having heard reports of his greatness, wished to see him, but Nigantha Nátaputta dissuaded him, saying that Gotama denied the result of actions and was not worth a visit. But in the end Síha, accompanied by five hundred chariots, went to the Buddha. Having discovered in conversation with the Buddha that he was falsely accused of preaching wrong doctrines, Síha declared himself the Buddha's follower. The Buddha accepted his adherence on condition that he would continue to give alms to any Niganthas who sought them at his house. This generosity made Síha honour the Buddha even more highly, and he invited him and the monks to a meal on the next day. Meat formed one of the dishes, and the Niganthas went about Vesáli crying that Síha had killed a large ox to provide meat for the Buddha and his monks and that the food had been accepted. This was the occasion for the formulation of the rule that no monk should eat flesh where he has reason to believe that the animal had been specially killed for him (Vin.i.233f.; A.iv.179f.; see also the Telováda Játaka).

Síha was, at one time, one of the most famous patrons of the Niganthas, the others being Upáligahapati of Nálandá, and Vappa, the Sákiyan of Kapilavatthu (AA.ii.751).

The Anguttara Nikáya (A.iii.38f; iv.79f ) contains two discussions, in more or less identical terms, in which Síha asks the Buddha if it is possible to show the visible results of giving. The Buddha, by means of a counter question, elicits from Síha that the giver has his reward in this world itself, and in the end Síha acknowledges that he has experienced the benefits which the Buddha set forth.

Síha had a niece, Síhá.

2. Síha Thera. He was born in the family of a rájá in the Malla country and visited the Buddha. The Buddha preached to him a sermon suitable to his temperament, and he entered the Order. He lived in the forest in meditation, but his thoughts were distracted. The Buddha, seeing this, went through the air and spoke to him alone, asking him to persevere. Thus incited, he strove hard and attained arahantship.

He was once a kinnara on the banks of the Candabhágá, and seeing Atthadassí Buddha journeying through the air, he stood still, gazing at him with clasped hands. The Buddha alighted and sat under a tree, where the kinnara offered him flowers and sandalwood. Síha was three times king, under the name of Rohiní (ThagA.i.179). He is probably identical with Candanapújaka of the Apadána. Ap.i.165.

3. Síha. A novice who entered the Order at the age of seven and was a great favourite among the monks for his charm. He was much liked by the Buddha. He was a student under Nágita, and was with him when the Buddha once stayed in Vesáli. Seeing a great number of people coming to visit the Buddha, he informed Nágita of this, and, with his permission, went to tell the Buddha. This led to the preaching of the Maháli Sutta (D.i.151).

Buddhaghosa adds (DA.i.310) that Nágita was fat and lazy and that most of his work was done by Síha, who was his sister's son.

4. Síha. Son of Sobhita Buddha, in his last lay life. Makhilá. Bu.vii.18.

5. Síha. The constant attendant (upattháka) of Metteyya Buddha. Anágat. p.50, vs.97.

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