1. Ujjení.-The capital of Avanti. In the Buddha's time, Canda-Pajjota (Vin.i.276; DhA.i.192) was king of Ujjení and there was friendly intercourse between that city and Magadha, whose king was Seniya Bimbisára. After Bimbisára's death, however, Pajjota seems to have contemplated a war against Ajátasathu. See M.iii.7.

There was an old trade-route from Ujjení to Benares and the merchants of the two cities showed healthy rivalry not only in trade, but also in matters of culture. See, e.g., J.ii.248ff., where the merchants of Benares compare their musician Guttila with Músila, the chief fiddler of Ujjení.

It was while going with a caravan to Ujjení, that Sona Kutikanna (4) met the Peta, whose words made him decide to renounce household life (UdA.307f).

The road taken by Bávarí's disciples ran through Ujjení (Sn.v.1011).

Ujjení was also the birthplace of Mahá Kaccána (ThagA.i.483), of Isidásí (Thig.v.405), of Abhaya (ThagA.41) and of the courtesan Padumavatí, mother of Abhayá (ThigA.39).

Before succeeding to his father's throne at Pátaliputta, Asoka reigned for several years as Viceroy at Ujjení, and it was during this period that Mahinda and Sanghamittá were born (Mhv.xiii.10ff; Mbv.99; Sp.i.70).

Mahinda spent six months in Dakkhinagiri Vihára in Ujjení, prior to his visit to Ceylon (Mhv.xiii.5).

From the same vihára forty thousand monks were present, under the leadership of Mahá Sangharakkhita, at the foundation of the Mahá Thúpa in Anurádhapura (Mhv.xxix.35).

The Játakas speak of Ujjení as having been the capital of Avanti from very ancient times. E.g., in J.iv.390, where Avanti Mahárája rules in Ujjení as capital of Avanti. But in the Mahágovinda Sutta (D.ii.235), Máhissatí is mentioned as the capital of Avanti. Perhaps Máhissatí lost its importance later and gave place to Ujjení, for we find Máhissatí mentioned just before Ujjení among the places passed by Bávarí's pupils on their way to Sávatthi (Sn.v.1011).

Ujjení is identical with the Greek Ozene, about 77° E. and 23° N. (Bud. India, p.40; see also CAGI, 560, and Beal ii.270 for Hiouen Thsang's description of it).

2. Ujjení.-A city in Ceylon, founded by Vijaya's minister Accutagámí (Dpv.ix.36; Mhv.vii.45).

3. Ujjení.-A township (nigama), the residence of the banker's daughter Rucinandá, who gave a meal of milk-rice to Padumuttara Buddha just before his Enlightenment (BuA.158).

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