A name of Sakka. S.i.221, 223, 229 30, 234 7; D.ii.260, 274; SN.vs.384; DhA.iii.270; J.i.65, etc.; Cv.xxxvii.151, etc.

Several explanations are given of the title. In the Samyutta Nikáya (S.i.229; cp. DhA.i.264) it is said that when he was a human being, in his previous birth, he gave dwelling places (ávasatham adási) - hence the name.

According to the Dígha Nikáya (D.ii.260), however, he is Vásava because he is chief of the Vasú (Vasúnam settho), whom Buddhaghosa (DA.ii.690) calls Vasudevatá.

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