1. Vijaya. The first Ariyan king of Ceylon. He was the eldest of the thirty two sons of Síhabáhu, king of Lála, and of Síhasívalí. Because of his evil conduct he, with seven hundred others, was deported by the king, with their heads half shaved. Their wives and children were deported with them. The children landed at Naggadípa and the women at Mahiládípaka (MT. 264). Vijaya and the other men landed at Suppáraka, but was obliged to leave owing to the violence of his supporters.

According to Dpv.ix.26, Vijaya went from Suppáraka to Bhárukaccha, where he stayed for three months. They reached Ceylon on the day of the Buddha's death, received the protection of the deva Uppalavanda, and thus escaped destruction by the Yakkhas. The Yakkhiní, Kuvení, fell in love with Vijaya, and he, with her assistance, killed the Yakkhas of Lankápura and Sirísavatthu, and founded the city of Tambapanni. Vijaya's chief ministers, Anurádha, Upatissa, Ujjena, Uruvela and Vijita, founded separate colonies, named after themselves.

Vijaya had two children by Kuvení, Jívahattha and Dípellá; but when he wished to be consecrated king, he sent for and obtained, for his wife, a daughter of the Pandu king of Madhurá. Kuvení, thereupon, left him and was killed by the Yakkhas. Vijaya reigned for thirty eight years and was succeeded by Panduvásudeva. For details of Vijaya's life, see Mhv.vi.38ff.; vii.6ff.; viii.1 3; Dpv.ix.6ff.

Ajátasattu and Vijaya were contemporaries, Ajátasattu’s twenty fourth year of kingship corresponding to Vijaya's sixteenth year. Dpv.iv.27; v.77.

2. Vijaya. See Vijayakumára.

3. Vijaya. Minister of Angati, king of Videha. For details see the Mahánáradakassapa Játaka. He is identified with Sáriputta. J.vi.255.

4. Vijaya. A king of Benares, descended from Mahásammata. His son was Vijitasena. Dpv.iii.39.

5. Vijaya. A householder, mentioned as an exemplary layman. A.iii.451.

6. Vijaya Thera. He was born in Sávatthi and was versed in brahmin lore. Then he became an ascetic and lived in the forest. Having heard of the Buddha, Vijaya visited him and joined the Order, becoming an arahant in due course. In the time of Piyadassí Buddha he was a rich householder and built a jewelled cornice (vediká) round the Buddha's thúpa. Sixteen kappas ago he became king thirty six times, under the name of Manippabhása (Thag. vs. 92; ThagA.i.191f). He is probably identical with Vedikáraka Thera of the Apadána. Ap.i.171.

7. Vijaya. Mentioned with Játimitta, as a patron of Meteyya Buddha. Anágat. vs. 59.

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