1. Videha. A setthi in the time of Padumuttara Buddha. He was a previous birth of Mahá Kassapa. His wife was Bhaddá Kápilání in this age. Ap.ii.578.

2. Videha, Videhá. A country and its people. At the time of the Buddha, Videha formed one of the two important principalities of the Vajjian confederacy. Its capital was Mithilá. The kingdom bordered on the Ganges, on one side of which was Magadha and on the other Videha (See, e.g., M.i.225; MA.i.448). Adjacent to it were Kási and Kosala. In the Gandhára Játaka (J.iii.365; iv. 316) the kingdom of Videha is said to have been three hundred leagues in extent, with sixteen thousand villages, well filled storehouses and sixteen thousand dancing girls. Videha was a great trade centre, and mention is made (PvA.227) of merchants coming from Sávatthi to sell their wares in Videha.

The Suruci Játaka seems to show that a close connection existed between Videha and Benares. In the Buddha's time, one of Bimbisára's queens was probably from Videha (see Vedehiputta). Mention is also made (MA.i.534) of a friendship existing between the kings of Gandhára and Videha. In earlier times Videha was evidently a kingdom, its best known kings being Mahájanaka and Nimi; but in the Buddha's time it was a republic, part of the Vajjian federation. According to the Mahágovinda Sutta (D.ii.235), it was King Renu who, with the help of Mahágovinda Jotipála, founded the Videha kingdom. The Commentaries (E.g., DA.ii.482; MA.i.184) state that Videha was colonized by the inhabitants, who were brought from Pubbavideha by King Mandhátá.

The Satapatha Bráhmana (I.iv.1), however, ascribes the kingdom to Máthava the Videgha, and gives as its boundaries Kausikí in the east, the Ganges to the south, the Sadárúra in the west, and the Himálaya in the north. In the centre of Videha was Pabbatarattha, in which was the city Dhammakonda, the residence of Dhaniya. (SNA.i.26).

The strainer used by the Buddha was honoured, after his death, by the people of Videha (Bu.xxviii.11).

Uruvela Kassapa was, in a previous birth, king of Videha (Ap.ii.483).

3. Videha. The name of a king of Videha, the father of the Bodhisatta in the Vinílaka Játaka (q.v.). v.l. Vedeha.

4. Videha. A king of Videha who later became an ascetic. For his story see the Gandhára Játaka. He is identified with Ananda. v.l. Vedeha. J.iii.369.

5. Videha. See Vedeha.

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