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pp explains paliBrahm¤: AKA: God, The Great Brahma, Pa and Ma, The Mighty, The Creator of All there is and all there is to be, Ruler of All, The Overlord, The One of a Thousand Names...etc.
Vihara: Re-side, abode, abiding, habitat. The Practice, development, making a vehicle of, making a big thing of the following four "thoughts" brings one into alignment (face to face) with Brahma in the here and now, and if one progresses no further, brings one to rebirth among the Brahma Gods...among many other benefits...see "Be Not Afraid of Good Deeds"

-- P.P.

Further Resources:
Glossology: BrahmaVihara
DhammaTalk: Metta, Karuna, Mudita, Upekkha
The Pali Line: The Four Godly Thoughts
The Pali Line: The Four Godly Thoughts: The Expansions

Mike Olds at BuddhaDust dot org
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Sunday, May 04, 2003 8:29 AM