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A Manual of the Path Factors

II. The Exposition of Right Thought

There are three kinds of Right Thought:

  1. Thoughts of Renunciation (nekkhamma sankappa)
  2. Thoughts of Loving-kindness (abyāpāda sankappa)
  3. Thoughts of Compassion (avihimsa sankappa)

1. Thoughts of Renunciation

There is a mental state free from greed that can renounce the five sensual pleasures — pleasant sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches — and which can abandon attachment to the five groups of existence, viz. mind and matter.

Thoughts arising from such absence of greed are thoughts of renunciation (nekkhamma sankappa.)

2. Thoughts of Loving-kindness

There is loving-kindness for all beings, be they men or animals and the wish for their benefit and welfare. Thoughts arising from loving-kindness are abyāpāda sankappa.

3. Thoughts of Compassion

Thoughts arising out of compassion and sympathy for all beings who are afflicted with suffering is avihimsa sankappa.

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