Ancient Buddhist Texts Home Page

English Texts Home Page

As not everyone is interested in reading Pàëi and Sanskrit, in this section some works, including translations that appear elsewhere on this website, are presented in English only.

The Supplementary Readings
(Khuddakapàñha, KN 1)

Exalted Utterances (Udàna, KN 3)

The Way to the Beyond
(Pàràyanavagga, Suttanipàta V, KN 5)

E.B. Cowell's The Buddha Carita or The Life of the Buddha

The Long Discourse Giving Advice to Ràhula
(MahaRàhulovàdasutta, Majjhimanikàya 62)

The Discourse Concerning Màluïkyaputta
(Màluïkyaputtasutta, Saüyuttanikàya 35. 95)

The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling
(Dhammacakkapavattanasutta, from Vinaya Mahàvagga 1)

The Discourse to Girimànanda
(Girimànandasutta, Aïg 10:60)

The Discourse giving the Analysis of the Truths
(Saccavibhaïgasuttaü, MN 141)