Ancient Buddhist Texts Home Page
(2nd Edition March 2004)

(To be able to read this website you need to download and install the Sangayana font (version 2) from the
downloads page

This website now has 4 sections:

Buddhist Texts

Texts and Translations

Texts in English Only

Prosody: Texts & Studies


For a list of the documents presented on this website see
The Document List



This is the 2nd edition of a website which was published for the first time at the end of 2002. The core of the site comes from texts that were originally prepared for the Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project over the past few years. All of these documents have been given a further proof-reading, and have been re-formatted to the standard that is being employed on this site. Beyond that a number of other documents have been prepared and are being published here for the first time. The documents presented here reflect, to a large extent, my own interest in the verse texts found in the Pàëi Canon and elsewhere, as will be seen in the Document List.


Revised Edition, December 2003

This website was updated in December 2003, firstly, to take account of the research that has gone into the work on Vuttodaya over the past year, which has led to the rewriting of the major study on this website, An Outline of the Metres in the Pàëi Canon, which is now being republished in its 2nd edition. I have also updated all the metrical commentaries found on this website.

After the publication of the site in 2002 it was discovered that the Sangayana font could not be installed in Windows 2000 and above. Upon investigation this proved to be simply a naming problem. As I had to republish the font anyway, I have taken advantage of the situation to revise the font in one or two minor but important respects, including exchanging the position of two of the characters; and adding in two new characters.

Because of these changes it is important that the new version of the font is downloaded and installed in place of the old one (download the Sangayana font, version 2 here). If you have also downloaded the website before, it is also advised that you now take the revised edition (download the whole website, including the font, from here). A second edition of the website is currently in preperation, which will include some new documents, and should be published early in 2004.

In this edition of the website there some new documents including: øri Piïgala's Chandas Sàstra, ørutabodha, Vttaratnàkara, & A Comparison of the Pàëi Udàna and the Sanskrit Udànavarga 


2nd Edition, March 2004

In the 2nd edition of this site, published in March 2004, the sections have been renamed, and a new English-only section, has been added for those who would like to read the translations apart from the text. There is also a major new translation of the Udàna called Exalted Utterances. I have also corrected many of the documents previously published on this site.

The intention at present is still to up-date the site about once a year. There are a number of documents that are currently being prepared and that are due to appear in the next edition of the site, which all being well, should be some time towards the end of 2004. The new documents, which include a Comparative Edition of the Dhammapada (with Sanskrit & Prakrit Parallels) & Vuttodaya - The Composition of Metre (Text & Translation), will reflect my intention to broaden the scope of this website, by presenting more of the material from Sanskrit and Prakrit that is found in the Early Buddhist Tradition, as well as texts from the Medieval Period of the Pàëi literature, besides continuing the work with the Canonical material.

A lot of the texts in this edition have been prepared from existing databases that were originally produced by the Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project, and I extend my thanks to all who contributed their time and energies to that work. The final editing of the texts as presented here has mainly been done by one person working alone. Because of this it is possible that there are still proof-reading errors in some of the documents, if anybody reading this material has any corrections to make to it, or if you have any other comments on the documents or their presentation, I would be happy to hear from you, please send a message to the following address:

ânandajoti Bhikkhu
March, 2004