Ancient Buddhist Texts Home Page

Text & Translation



Khuddakapàñha (KN 1)

Udàna (KN 3)

Pàràyanavagga (Sn 5)

Påjà & Pirit

Safeguard Recitals

Ven. Nàrada's The Dhammapada


Dhammacakkappavattanasutta (Vinaya Mv 1)

Girimànandasutta (Aïg 10:60)

Mettasutta (Khp 9)

Mahàràhulovàdasutta (MN 62)

Màlunkyaputtasutta (Saü 35. 95)

Saccavibhaïghasutta (MN 141)



The texts and translations included in this section of the website are all organised in much the same way, with the text printed with a line-by-line translation. This style of presentation was originally developed, when I was first learning Pàëi to help analyse and follow what was going on in the texts. In this regard one of the first major works I prepared was the text & translation of Pàràyanavagga .

Afterwards it seemed that the same style of prersentation would be useful in regard to the texts that are used in recital. So I then proceeded to prepare Safeguard Recitals , which is a text & translation of the protection discourses that are chanted in all night sittings; and the Puja & Pirit book, which is a chanting book used in my own Svejin Nikàya, presenting various texts that are chanted in a weekly cycle. Some of the other indidivual discourses presented in this section are also drawn from these sources.

These works were very well received by many people who saw the material, and I extended the presentation in order to help students of Pàëi, who are able to follow what is going on in the text when an aid such as this is available. I therefore prepared a couple of discourses in the same fashion that related to meditation ( Mahàràhulovàdasuttaü , Màlunkyaputtasuttaü see also Girimànandasuttaü , Karaõãyamettasuttaü ).

In the revised edition of the website I have included some works that I helped prepare for other websites, these include the Dhammapada by Ven. Nàrada. In the 2nd edition of this website published in March 2004 there is a major new translation of the Udàna , as well as revisions of Safeguard Recitals and other related texts.

At the moment I have a couple of other works of the same nature in preparation, which should be available on the next edition of this website in late 2004. These include a text & translation of Vuttodaya . I also hope to prepare some more of the meditation discourses. If you have any comments about the works presented in this section, or if you find any mistakes, please send a message to the following address:


ânandajoti Bhikkhu
March 2004