Ancient Buddhist Texts Home Page

Downloads Home Page

To be able to read this website you need to download the Sangayana (Times) font (version 2), in a zip file (158 KB) from here.

Note that because of a problem in the registry it was found that the Sangayana font could not be installed in Windows 2000 and above, the font was therefore revised in September 2003, you will need version 2 to be able to read the material correctly.

If you would like to view this material off-line you can download the whole website in a zip file. If you do this though please see that you take regular updates, so that the website is up-to-date and corrections are included in the verson you have.

I would like to request other webmasters not to re-publish this website as a mirror-site, as that makes it impossible to update. Rather please write a link to the site instead. Thanks.
Download the whole website in a zip (2.25 MB)

If you need a zip programme to upzip this material you can download the freeware Arj Folder (540 KB) from here.