Ancient Buddhist Texts Home Page

Buddhist Texts



BJT Khuddakapàñhapàëi      New Khuddakapàñha

BJT Dhammapadapàëi     New Dhammapada

BJT Udànapàëi

BJT Itivuttakapàëi

BJT Bhikkhupàtimokkhapàëi


Ratanasutta - A Comparative Edition (Pàëi & Sanskrit)

A Comparison of the Pàëi Udàna and the Sanskrit Udànavarga 



Most of the material in this section, and the core of this website, was originally prepared for the Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project, but since then the documents have been given a further proof-reading, and extra editorial matter has been included in the notes. In the editions of the Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series presented here, a number of changes have had to be included.

All the texts now take account of the Corrigenda (øuddhi Patraya) that were originally printed as a supplement to the individual texts. Here the corrections have been written into the text itself. Occasionally further changes have had to be made also, owing to mistakes in the original editions that had been overlooked. All such changes have been noted at the appropriate place.

The New Editions have been prepared because it was felt that in a number of cases the BJT versions were rather inadequate as they stand, especially in regard to the metre, and could easily be improved on, by taking into account the various versions that are now available in the 4 main editions.

Most of these documents, where appropriate, include the metrical markings above the verses and a commentary on the metre. It should be noted that one or two of these texts also appear elsewhere on this website, with line-by-line translations (see The Supplementary Readings - translation of Khuddakapàñha; Safeguard Recitals - translation of Catubhàõavàrapàëi, and more).

ânandajoti Bhikkhu
November 2002