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Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series, Volume XXIV



Table of Contents

     Editor's Preface

1: Saraõagamanaü

2: Dasasikkhàpadaü

3: Dvattiüsàkàraü

4: Kumàrapa¤hà

5: Maïgalasuttaü

6: Ratanasuttaü

7: Tirokuóóasuttaü

8: Nidhikaõóasuttaü

9: Mettasuttaü

Complete Word Index (by sutta number)

Complete Word Index by BJT page number

First Line Index

Index of the Metres


Editor's Preface

The text of Khuddakapàñhapàëi presented here is substantially a transliteration of the Sinhala version of the text as printed in the Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series, Volume XXIV. In preparing this edition the corrigenda (÷uddhi patraya) as printed on page xxvi of that volume have been taken into account. Other corrections, made by the present editor while preparing this edition of the text, have been noted in the appropriate place.

In the original edition there were many cases where BJT was inconsistent in its use of punctuation. Here an attempt has been made to present a more standardized version of the text in this regard, but as the matter is trivial on the one hand, and extremely numerous on the other, these sort of changes have not been noted.

There are two complete word indexes to the text, one giving the BJT page number, and the other the sutta number. An index of the gàthà first lines and an index to the metres have also been compiled. This hopefully make reference much easier for those who wish to study the text.

The original edition of the text included Sanskrit parallels to the Ratanasuttaü drawn from Mahàvastu. The transliteration of these parallels as printed in BJT were full of mistakes, and they have been withdrawn from this edition of the text. A corrected version of this material however may be found in a seperate document elsewhere on this website (see Ratanasuttaü ).

This work has been produced in order to assist in making known the teachings of the Buddha, please remember that many people have contributed their time and energy to this gift of the Dhamma. Anyone with similar aims who wishes to use the document or its database is welcome to do so, but they should make an acknowledgement to the Sinhala Tipitaka Project.

ânandajoti Bhikkhu
June 2001