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Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series, Volume XXIV



Table of Contents (outline)

Editor's Preface





Complete Word Index (by sutta number)

Complete Word Index (by BJT page number)

Index of First Lines

Index of the Metres


Table of Contents (detailed)


Pañhamo vaggo

1. 1. 1. Lobhasuttaü (1)

1. 1. 2. Dosasuttaü (2)

1. 1. 3. Mohasuttaü (3)

1. 1. 4. Kodhasuttaü (4)

1. 1. 5. Makkhasuttaü (5)

1. 1. 6. Mànasuttaü (6)

1. 1. 7. Sabbapari¤¤àsuttaü (7)

1. 1. 8. Mànapari¤¤àsuttaü (8)

1. 1. 9. Lobhapari¤¤àsuttaü (9)

1. 1. 10 Dosapari¤¤àsuttaü (10)

Dutiyo vaggo

1. 2. 1. Mohapari¤¤àsuttaü (11)

1. 2. 2. Kodhapari¤¤àsuttaü (12)

1. 2. 3. Makkhapari¤¤àsuttaü (13)

1. 1. 4. Avijjanãvaraõasuttaü (14)

1. 2. 5. Taõhàsaüyojanasuttaü (15)

1. 2. 6. Pañhamasekhasuttaü (16)

1. 2. 7. Dutiyasekhasuttaü (17)

1. 2. 8. Saïghabhedasuttaü (18)

1. 2. 9. Saïghasàmaggisuttaü (19)

1. 2. 10. Paduññhapuggalasuttaü (20)

Tatiyo vaggo

1. 3. 1. Pasannacittasuttaü (21)

1. 3. 2. Màpu¤¤abhàyãsuttaü (22)

1. 3. 3. Ubho-atthasuttaü (23)

1. 3. 4. Aññhipu¤jasuttaü (24)

1. 3. 5. Sampajànamusàvàdasuttaü (25)

1. 3. 6. Dànasaüvibhàgasuttaü (26)

1. 3. 7. Mettàcetovimuttisuttaü (27)



Pañhamo vaggo

2. 1. 1. Pañhamabhikkhusuttaü (28)

2. 1. 2. Dutiyabhikkhusuttaü (29)

2. 1. 3. Tapanãyasuttaü (30)

2. 1. 4. Atapanãyasuttaü (31)

2. 1. 5. Pàpakasãlasuttaü (32)

2. 1. 6. Bhaddakasãlasuttaü (33)

2. 1. 7. Anàtàpãsuttaü (34)

2. 1. 8. Pañhamajanakuhanasuttaü (35)

2. 1. 9. Dutiyajanakuhanasuttaü (36)

2. 1. 10. Somanassasuttaü (37)

Dutiyo vaggo

2. 2. 1. Vitakkasuttaü (38)

2. 2. 2. Desanàsuttaü (39)

2. 2. 3. Vijjàsuttaü (40)

2. 2. 4. Pa¤¤àparihànisuttaü (41)

2. 2. 5. Sukkadhammasuttaü (42)

2. 2. 6. Ajàtasuttaü (43)

2. 2. 7. Nibbànadhàtusuttaü (44)

2. 2. 8. Pañisallànasuttaü (45)

2. 2. 9. Sikkhànisaüsasuttaü (46)

2. 2. 10. Jàgariyasuttaü (47)

2. 2. 11. âpàyikasuttaü (48)

2. 2. 12. Diññhigatasuttaü (49)



Pañhamo vaggo

3. 1. 1. Akusalamålasuttaü (50)

3. 1. 2. Dhàtusuttaü (51)

3. 1. 3. Pañhamavedanàsuttaü (52)

3. 1. 4. Dutiyavedanàsuttaü (53)

3. 1. 5. Pañhama-esanàsuttaü (54)

3. 1. 6. Dutiya-esanàsuttaü (55)

3. 1. 7. Pañhama-àsavasuttaü (56)

3. 1. 8. Dutiya-àsavasuttaü (57)

3. 1. 9. Taõhàsuttaü (58)

3. 1. 10. Màradheyyasuttaü (59)

Dutiyo vaggo

3. 2. 1. Pu¤¤akiriyavatthusuttaü (60)

3. 2. 2. Cakkhusuttaü (61)

3. 2. 3. Indriyasuttaü (62)

3. 2. 4. Addhàsuttaü (63)

3. 2. 5. Duccaritasuttaü (64)

3. 2. 6. Sucaritasuttaü (65)

3. 2. 7. Soceyyasuttaü (66)

3. 2. 8. Moneyyasuttaü (67)

3. 2. 9. Pañhamaràgasuttaü (68)

3. 2. 10. Dutiyaràgasuttaü (69)

Tatiyo vaggo

3. 3. 1. Micchàdiññhikammasamàdànasuttaü (70)

3. 3. 2. Sammàdiññhikammasamàdànasuttaü (71)

3. 3. 3. Nissaraõãyasuttaü (72)

3. 3. 4. Santatarasuttaü (73)

3. 3. 5. Puttasuttaü (74)

3. 3. 6. Vuññhisuttaü (75)

3. 3. 7. Sukhapatthanàsuttaü (76)

3. 3. 8. Bhidurasuttaü (77)

3. 3. 9. Dhàtusaüsandanasuttaü (78)

3. 3. 10. Parihànasuttaü (79)


Catuttho vaggo

3. 4. 1. Vitakkasuttaü (80)

3. 4. 2. Sakkàrasuttaü (81)

3. 4. 3. Devasaddasuttaü (82)

3. 4. 4. Pubbanimittasuttaü (83)

3. 4. 5. Bahujanahitasuttaü (84)

3. 4. 6. Asubhànupassãsuttaü (85)

3. 4. 7. Dhammànudhammapañipannasuttaü (86)

3. 4. 8. Andhakaraõasuttaü (87)

3. 4. 9. Antaràmalasuttaü (88)

3. 4. 10. Devadattasuttaü (89)

Pa¤camo vaggo

3. 5. 1. Aggappasàdasuttaü (90)

3. 5. 2. Jãvikàsuttaü (91)

3. 5. 3. Saïghàñikaõõasuttaü (92)

3. 5. 4. Aggisuttaü (93)

3. 5. 5. Upaparikkhasuttaü (94)

3. 5. 6. Kàmåpapattisuttaü (95)

3. 5. 7. Kàmayogasuttaü (96)

3. 5. 8. Kalyàõasãlasuttaü (97)

3. 5. 9. Dànasuttaü (98)

3. 5. 10. Tevijjasuttaü (99)


4. 1. 1. Bràhmaõasuttaü (100)

4. 1. 2. Caturanavajjasuttaü (101)

4. 1. 3. âsavakkhayasuttaü (102)

4. 1. 4. Samaõabràhmaõasuttaü (103)

4. 1. 5. Sãlasampannasuttaü (104)

4. 1. 6. Taõhuppàdasuttaü (105)

4. 1. 7. Sabrahmakasuttaü (106)

4. 1. 8. Bahukàrasuttaü (107)

4. 1. 9. Kuhasuttaü (108)

4. 1. 10. Purisapiyaråpasuttaü (109)

4. 1. 11. Carasuttaü (110)

4. 1. 12. Sampannasãlasuttaü (111)

4. 1. 13. Lokàvabodhasuttaü (112)


Complete Word Index (by sutta number)

Complete Word Index (by BJT page number)

Index of First Lines

Index of the Metres


Editor's Preface

The text of Itivuttakapàëi presented here is substantially a transliteration of the Sinhala version of the text as printed in the Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series, Volume XXIV. In preparing this edition the corrigenda (÷uddhi patraya) as printed on page xxvi of that volume have been taken into account. Other corrections, made by the present editor while preparing this edition of the text, have been noted in the appropriate place.

In the original edition there were many cases where BJT was inconsistent in its use of punctuation, layout, and entering of notes. Here an attempt has been made to present a more standardized version of the text in this regard, but as the matter is trivial on the one hand, and extremely numerous on the other, these sort of changes have not normally been noted.

One change of this sort does need to be mentioned here, however: the original edition of Itivuttaka included paragraph numbers. On the one hand as most of the suttas are very short they hardly added anything useful to the text (and are not found in the PTS or ChS editions). On the other hand the way they were entered meant that normally the 1st verse in the sutta was preceded by number 2 (occassionally 3 or 4 etc.); and the 2nd verse by the number 3 etc. To avoid the confusion that this entails the paragraph numbers have been dropped, and verse numbers have been added instead.

For this edition the abbreviations in BJT have been interpreted as follows:

Sã = Palm leaf book

Mu = Printed book

Aññhakathà or A = Commentary

Machasa or Ma = ChS (i.e. the Burmese Chaññha Saïgàyana edition)

Syà = Thai (i.e. the Royal Thai edition)

Kesuci potthakesu or Kesuci = In some books

Katthaci = Seen somewhere

Tàlapaõõa kesuci = In some palm leaf books

Potthakesu na dissati = (This reading) not seen in some books

As can be seen a number of the abbreviations are rather vague, no indication is given as to which palm leaf books have been consulted, for instance, or exactly which edition of the commentary (though here we may assume it to be the Simon Hewavitarne Bequest Series edition).

The metrical markings have been entered above the verses, and a short commentary on the metre has been provided for those who are interested in such matters, and as a guide for editors who may wish to establish a better version of the text later on. The metre and variations are normally noted alongside the verse, but the normal form of the Siloka metre, being so numerous, has to be presumed when no further identification has been provided.

There are two complete word indexes to the text, one giving the BJT page number, and the other the sutta number. An index of the gàthà first lines and an index to the metres have also been compiled. This hopefully make reference much easier for those who wish to study the text.

This work has been produced in order to assist in making known the teachings of the Buddha, please remember that many people have contributed their time and energy to this gift of the Dhamma. Anyone who wishes to use the document or its database is welcome to do so, but they should make an acknowledgement to the Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project.

ânandajoti Bhikkhu
Sept 2001