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ørãmat Kàlidàsa


edited by
Vàsudev Laxmaõ Shàstrã Paõ÷ãkar
(Bombay, 1906)


A Note on this Edition


What follows is a transliteration of the text of ørutabodha as it appears in the edition by Paõ÷ãkar, which was published in Bombay in 1906 1. The text is found alongside the same editor's edition of ørã Kedàrabhañña's Vttaratnàkara, the main work in the book, and ørã Gaïgàdàsa's Chandoma¤jarã.

39 of the main metres in use in Sanskrit verse compositions are described in this work, 2 and it therefore acts as a handy reference work for anyone with an interest in the subject. Other works on prosody, like ørã Piïgala's Chandas øàstra, and ørã Kedàrabhañña's Vttaratnàkara, provide a more comprehensive list that include metres that are found only occasionally in the literature.

For reference in this edition I have added in the metrical markings - note that here Û = a light syllable; and Ü a heavy syllable. I have also compiled a Table of Contents, and an Index arranged in the Sanskrit alphabetical order, and added a few notes to clarify certain points.

ânandajoti Bhikkhu



Table of Contents


âryà = 30 + 27 màtrà

Gãti = 30 + 30 màtrà

Upagãti = 27 + 27 màtrà

Pàïkti = 5 syllables

øa÷ivadanà = 6 syllables

Madalekhà = 7 syllables

øloka = 8 + 8 syllables

Màõavakàkrãóa = 8 syllables

Nagasvaråpiõã = 8 syllables

Vidyunmàlà = 8 syllables

Campakamàlà = 10 syllables

Maõimadhya = 9 syllables

Haüsã = 10 syllables

øàlinã = 11 syllables

Dodhaka = 11 syllables

Indravajrà = 11 syllables

Upendravajrà = 11 syllables

Upajàti = 11 syllables

âkhyànakã = 11 syllables

Rathoddhatà = 11 syllables

Svàgatà = 11 syllables

Vai÷vadevã = 12 syllables

Toñaka = 12 syllables

Bhujaïgaprayàta = 12 syllables

Drutavilambita = 12 syllables

Pramitàkùarà = 12 syllables

Hariõãplutà = 11 + 12 syllables

Vaü÷asthavila = 12 syllables

Indravaü÷à = 12 syllables

Prabhàvatã = 13 syllables

Praharùiõã = 13 syllables

Vasantatilaka = 14 syllables

Màlinã = 15 syllables

Hariõã = 17 syllables

øikhariõã = 17 syllables

Pthvã = 17 syllables

Mandàkràntà = 17 syllables

øàrdålavikrãóita = 19 syllables

Sragdharà = 21 syllables