Prosody: Texts & Studies Home Page The Text
edited by
A Note on this Edition
What follows is a transliteration of the text of ørutabodha as it appears in the edition by Paõ÷ãkar, which was published in Bombay in 1906
1. The text is found alongside the same editor's edition of ørã Kedàrabhañña's Vttaratnàkara, the main work in the book, and ørã Gaïgàdàsa's Chandoma¤jarã.39 of the main metres in use in Sanskrit verse compositions are described in this work,
2 and it therefore acts as a handy reference work for anyone with an interest in the subject. Other works on prosody, like ørã Piïgala's Chandas øàstra, and ørã Kedàrabhañña's Vttaratnàkara, provide a more comprehensive list that include metres that are found only occasionally in the literature.For reference in this edition I have added in the metrical markings - note that here
Û = a light syllable; and Ü a heavy syllable. I have also compiled a Table of Contents, and an Index arranged in the Sanskrit alphabetical order, and added a few notes to clarify certain points.ânandajoti Bhikkhu
Table of Contents
âryà = 30 + 27 màtrà
Gãti = 30 + 30 màtrà
Upagãti = 27 + 27 màtrà
Pàïkti = 5 syllables
øa÷ivadanà = 6 syllables
Madalekhà = 7 syllables
øloka = 8 + 8 syllables
Màõavakàkrãóa = 8 syllables
Nagasvaråpiõã = 8 syllables
Vidyunmàlà = 8 syllables
Campakamàlà = 10 syllables
Maõimadhya = 9 syllables
Haüsã = 10 syllables
øàlinã = 11 syllables
Dodhaka = 11 syllables
Indravajrà = 11 syllables
Upendravajrà = 11 syllables
Upajàti = 11 syllables
âkhyànakã = 11 syllables
Rathoddhatà = 11 syllables
Svàgatà = 11 syllables
Vai÷vadevã = 12 syllables
Toñaka = 12 syllables
Bhujaïgaprayàta = 12 syllables
Drutavilambita = 12 syllables
Pramitàkùarà = 12 syllables
Hariõãplutà = 11 + 12 syllables
Vaü÷asthavila = 12 syllables
Indravaü÷à = 12 syllables
Prabhàvatã = 13 syllables
Praharùiõã = 13 syllables
Vasantatilaka = 14 syllables
Màlinã = 15 syllables
Hariõã = 17 syllables
øikhariõã = 17 syllables
Pthvã = 17 syllables
Mandàkràntà = 17 syllables
øàrdålavikrãóita = 19 syllables
Sragdharà = 21 syllables