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Introductory Verses


1 (976)

        Kosalànaü purà rammà Þ agamà Dakkhiõàpathaü
From the delightful city of the Kosalans to the Southern lands went

        àki¤ca¤¤aü patthayàno Þ bràhmaõo mantapàragå.
one who wanted to have nothing, a brahmin perfect in lore.

2 (977)

        So Assakassa visaye, Þ Måëakassa samàsane,
In the locality of Assaka, and near to Måëaka

        vasi Godhàvarãkåle Þ u¤chena ca phalena ca.
close to the bank of the Godhàvari he lived on gleanings and fruit.

3 (978)

        Tass' eva upanissàya Þ gàmo ca vipulo ahu,
In the vicinity of the (river) there was a large village,

        tato jàtena àyena Þ mahàya¤¤am-akappayi.
and with the income that arose from that he offered a great sacrifice.

4 (979)

        Mahàya¤¤aü yajitvàna Þ puna pàvisi assamaü,
When that great sacrifice had been given he entered his hermitage again,

        tasmiü patipaviññhamhi Þ a¤¤o àga¤chi bràhmaõo -
and when he had re-entered it, another brahmin came along -

5 (980)

        ugghaññapàdo tasito, Þ païkadanto rajassiro,
he had sore feet, and was thirsty, with dirty teeth, and dust on his head -

        so ca naü upasaïkamma, Þ satàni pa¤ca yàcati.
and after approaching (the first brahmin), he begged for five hundred (coins).

6 (981)

        Tam-enaü Bàvarã disvà Þ àsanena nimantayi,
After seeing him Bàvari invited him to take a seat,

        sukha¤-ca kusalaü pucchi, Þ idaü vacanam-abravi:
and he asked after his happiness and welfare, and this is the word he spoke:

7 (982)

        ßYaü kho mamaü deyyadhammaü Þ sabbaü vissajjitaü mayà,
ßWhatever kind of gift I had, all that has been given away by me,

        anujànàhi me brahme, Þ n' atthi pa¤ca satàni me.û
please excuse me brahmin, I do not have the five hundred.û

8 (983)

        ßSace me yàcamànassa Þ bhavaü nànupadassati,
ßIf your honour will not give me what I am begging for,

        sattame divase tuyhaü Þ muddhà phalatu sattadhà!û     
then within seven days may your head split into seven pieces!û

9 (984)

        Abhisaïkharitvà kuhako Þ bheravaü so akittayi.
Having made (a scene) the dishonest man proclaimed this fearful thing.

        Tassa taü vacanaü sutvà, Þ Bàvarã dukkhito ahu.
After hearing this word of his, Bàvari became miserable.

10 (985)

        Ussussati anàhàro, Þ sokasallasamappito,
(Going) without food he dried up, and was affected by the dart of grief,

        atho pi evaücittassa Þ jhàne na ramatã mano.
and when his heart was like that his mind did not delight in meditation.

11 (986)

        Utrastaü dukkhitaü disvà, Þ devatà atthakàminã
Having seen him terrified and miserable, a god who desired his welfare,

        Bàvariü upasaïkamma, Þ idaü vacanam-abravi:
approached Bàvari, and this is the word he spoke:

12 (987)

        ßNa so muddhaü pajànàti, Þ kuhako so dhanatthiko!
ßHe does not know the head - he is a dishonest man who wants wealth!

        Muddhani muddhapàte và, Þ¤àõaü tassa na vijjati.û
He does not have knowledge about the head or head-splitting.û

13 (988)

        ßBhotã carahi jànàti! Þ Taü me akkhàhi pucchità:
ßBut now your honour knows! Please explain this to me when asked:

        muddhaü muddhàdhipàta¤-ca Þ taü suõoma vaco tava.û
the head and head-splitting, may we hear that word of yours.û

14 (989)

        ßAham-p' etaü na jànàmi, Þ ¤àõaü m' ettha na vijjati.
ßI also do not know about this, I do not have this knowledge here.

        Muddhaü muddhàdhipàto ca Þ Jinànaü h' eta' dassanaü.û
The head and head-splitting! Indeed only Victors see this!û

15 (990)

        ßAtha ko carahi jànàti Þ asmiü puthavimaõóale
ßThen who knows about the head and head-splitting

        Muddhaü muddhàdhipàta¤-ca? Þ Taü me akkhàhi devate.û
on the face of this earth? O god, please explain this to me.û

16 (991)

        ßPurà Kapilavatthumhà Þ nikkhanto lokanàyako,
ßFrom out of the city of Kapilavatthu a world leader has renounced,

        apacco Okkàkaràjassa Þ Sakyaputto pabhaïkaro.
he is of king Okkàka's line, a Sakyan's son, a light-maker.

17 (992)

        So hi bràhmaõa Sambuddho, Þ sabbadhammàna' pàragå,
He is a Sambuddha, brahmin, in everything he is perfect,

        Sabbàbhi¤¤àbalappatto, Þ sabbadhammesu Cakkhumà
having attained all deep knowledges and strengths, endowed with Vision regarding all things,

        Sabbakammakkhayam-patto Þ vimutto upadhikkhaye.
he has come to the end of all actions, in the end of all cleaving he is freed.

18 (993)

        Buddho so Bhagavà loke, Þ Dhammaü deseti Cakkhumà,
He is the Buddha in the world, the Auspicious One, the Visionary who teaches Dhamma,

        taü tvaü gantvàna pucchassu, Þ so te taü byàkarissati.û
after going there you can ask him about it, he will explain it to you.û

19 (994)

        `Sambuddho' ti vaco sutvà, Þ udaggo Bàvarã ahu,
Having heard the word `Sambuddha', Bàvari became elated,

        sok' assa tanuko àsi Þ pãti¤-ca vipulaü labhi.
then his grief became but little, and he received great happiness.

20 (995)

                  So Bàvarã attamano udaggo,
          Bàvari, uplifted and elated,

                  taü devataü pucchati vedajàto:
          enthusiastically asked that god:

                  ßKatamamhi gàme nigamamhi và puna,
          ßIn which village, or again in which town,

                  katamamhi và janapade lokanàtho,
          in which country, is the lord of the world,

        yattha gantvà namassemu Þ Sambuddhaü dipaduttamaü?û
after going where can we revere the Sambuddha, the supreme human being?û

21 (996)

                  ßSàvatthiyaü Kosalamandire Jino,
          ßThe Victor is in the Kosalan's city, Sàvatthi,

                  pahåtapa¤¤o varabhårimedhaso,
          he has much wisdom, excellent and great intelligence,

                  so Sakyaputto vidhuro anàsavo,
          that Sakyan's son, who is free from burden and pollutant,

                  muddhàdhipàtassa vidå naràsabho.û
          that bull of a man has understanding of head-splitting.û

22 (997)

        Tato àmantayã sisse, Þ bràhmaõo mantapàrage:
So then the brahmin addressed his students who were studying the lore:

        ßEtha màõavà akkhissaü Þ suõotha vacanaü mama,
ßCome, young men, and I shall explain, please listen to this word of mine:

23 (998)

        yass' eso dullabho loke Þ pàtubhàvo abhiõhaso,
He whose manifestation in the world is always exceptional,

        svajja lokamhi uppanno, Þ `Sambuddho' iti vissuto.
has now arisen in the world, renowned as one called a `Sambuddha'.

        Khippaü gantvàna Sàvatthiü Þ passavho dipaduttamaü.û
Having gone quickly to Sàvatthi, you can see the supreme human being.û

24 (999)

        ßKatha¤-carahi jànemu Þ disvà `Buddho' ti bràhmaõa?
ßHaving seen him how will we know that he is the `Buddha', O brahmin?

        Ajànataü no pabråhi, Þ yathà jànemu taü mayaü.û
You must tell us who do not know, how we can know it is him.û

25 (1000)

        ßâgatàni hi mantesu Þ Mahàpurisalakkhaõà,
ßThere has come down to us in the lore the marks of a Great Man,

        dvattiüsà ca byàkhàtà Þ samattà anupubbaso.
they are explained as thirty-two, complete in regular order.

26 (1001)

        Yass' ete honti gattesu Þ Mahàpurisalakkhaõà,
For whoever has on his limbs the marks of a Great Man,

        dve yeva tassa gatiyo, Þ tatiyà hi na vijjati,
there can be just two destinies, for a third cannot be found:

27 (1002)

        sace agàraü àvasati Þ vijeyya pañhaviü imaü,
If he lives in a house, when he has been victorious over this earth,

        adaõóena asatthena Þ Dhammena-m-anusàsati.
without a stick or a sword he will rule according to the Dhamma.

28 (1003)

        Sace ca so pabbajati Þ agàrà anagàriyaü
But if he goes forth from the house to the houseless life,

        vivaññacchaddo Sambuddho Þ Arahà bhavati anuttaro.
he becomes a cover-remover, a Sambuddha, a Worthy One, unexcelled.

29 (1004)

        Jàtiü gotta¤-ca lakkhaõaü; Þ mante sisse punàpare,
About my birth, family, and marks; lore, students and other things,

        muddhaü muddhàdhipàta¤-ca Þ manasà yeva pucchatha.
about the head and head-splitting, you must ask in your mind.

30 (1005)

        Anàvaraõadassàvã Þ yadi Buddho bhavissati,
If he should be a Buddha, one who sees without obstruction,

        manasà pucchite pa¤he Þ vàcàya vissajessati.û
the questions that are asked in your mind he will answer by way of speech.û

31 (1006)

        Bàvarissa vaco sutvà, Þ sissà soëasa bràhmaõà:
After hearing Bàvari's words, the sixteen brahmin students:

        Ajito Tissametteyyo, Þ Puõõako atha Mettagå,
Ajita, Tissa Metteyyya, Puõõaka, also Mettagå,

32 (1007)

        Dhotako Upasãvo ca, Þ Nando ca atha Hemako,
Dhotaka, and Upasãva, Nanda, and also Hemaka,

        Todeyya-Kappà dubhayo, Þ Jatukaõõã ca paõóito,
the two: Todeyya and Kappa, and Jatukaõõã, the one who is wise,

33 (1008)

        Bhadràvudho Udayo ca, Þ Posàlo càpi bràhmaõo,
Bhadràvudha and Udaya, and also the brahmin Posàla,

        Mogharàjà ca medhàvã, Þ Piïgiyo ca mahà isi,
Mogharàja, the intelligent one, and the great seer, Pingiya,

34 (1009)

        paccekagaõino sabbe, Þ sabbalokassa vissutà,
each one with his own group, renowned throughout the whole world,

        jhàyã jhànaratà dhãrà, Þ pubbavàsanavàsità,
meditators delighting in meditation, wise ones, influenced by their pre-dispositions,

35 (1010)

        Bàvariü abhivàdetvà, Þ katvà ca naü padakkhiõaü,
after worshipping Bàvari, and circumambulating him,

        jañàjinadharà sabbe Þ pakkàmuü uttaràmukhà:
they all, wearing matted-hair and deer-skins, set out for the North:

36 (1011)

        Måëakassa Patiññhànaü Þ purimaü Màhissatiü tadà,
To Patiññhàna of Måëaka, then on to the former (town) of Mahissati,

        Ujjeni¤-càpi Gonaddhaü Þ Vedisaü Vanasavhayaü,
to Ujjeni, and Gonaddha, to Vedisa, and to the place called Vanasa,

37 (1012)

        Kosambi¤-càpi Sàketaü, Þ Sàvatthi¤-ca puruttamaü,
to Kosambi, and Sàketa, and Sàvathi, the city supreme,

        Setabyaü Kapilavatthuü, Þ Kusinàra¤-ca mandiraü,
to Setabya, and Kapilavatthu, and to the city of Kusinàra,

38 (1013)

        Pàva¤-ca Bhoganagaraü, Þ Vesàliü Màgadhaü puraü,
to Pàva, the Bhoga's fortified town, to Vesàli, and to the Magadhan city,

        Pàsàõaka¤-cetiya¤-ca, Þ ramaõãyaü manoramaü.
and to the Pàsàõaka shrine, delightful, it is the mind's delight.

39 (1014)

        Tasito v' udakaü sãtaü, Þ mahàlàbhaü va vàõijo,
Just like a thirsty man to cool water, or like a trader to great gain,

        chàyaü ghammàbhitatto va Þ turità pabbatam-àruhuü.
like one scorched by the heat to shade, quickly they climbed the mountain.

40 (1015)

        Bhagavà ca tamhi samaye Þ bhikkhusaïghapurakkhato,
Now at that time the Auspicious One was in front of the bhikkhu Sangha,

        bhikkhånaü Dhammaü deseti Þ sãho va nadatã vane.
teaching the Dhamma to the bhikkhus, roaring like a lion in a forest,

41 (1016)

        Ajito addasa Sambuddhaü, Þ sataraüsiü va bhànumaü,
Ajita saw the Sambuddha, brilliant like the hundred-rayed sun,

        candaü yathà paõõarase Þ paripårim-upàgataü,
like the moon which has reached fullness on the fifteenth day of the month,

42 (1017)

        ath' assa gatte disvàna Þ paripåra¤-ca bya¤janaü.
and after seeing on his limbs the characteristics in their fullness,

        Ekam-antaü ñhito haññho Þ manopa¤he apucchatha:
standing cheerfully on one side he asked a question in his mind:

43 (1018)

        ßâdissa jammanaü bråhi, Þ gottaü bråhi salakkhaõaü,
ßSpeak and point out his birth, speak of his family, and marks,

        mantesu pàramiü bråhi, Þ kati vàceti bràhmaõo?û
speak of his perfection in lore, how many does the brahmin school?û

44 (1019)

        ßVãsaüvassasataü àyu, Þ so ca gottena Bàvari,
ßOne hundred and twenty years his age, his family is Bàvari,

        tãõ' assa lakkhaõà gatte Þ tiõõaü vedàna' pàragå.
three marks are on his limbs, he is perfect in the three Vedas.

45 (1020)

        Lakkhaõe itihàse ca, Þ sanighaõóusakeñubhe,
In the marks, and the traditions, with the glossaries, and the ritual,

        pa¤ca satàni vàceti, Þ sadhamme pàramiü gato.û
he schools five hundred, in his own teaching he is perfect.û

46 (1021)

        ßLakkhaõànaü pavicayaü Þ Bàvarissa naruttama
ß(Your) investigation of Bàvari's marks, O one supreme among men,

        taõhacchida pakàsehi, Þ mà no kaïkhàyitaü ahu.û
O craving-cutter, make that clear, so that we are not left doubting.û

47 (1022)

        ßMukhaü jivhàya chàdeti, Þ uõõ' assa bhamukantare,
ßHe can cover his face with his tongue, there is hair between his eyebrows,

        kosohitaü vatthaguyhaü: Þ evaü jànàhi màõava.û
what is covered by a cloth is ensheathed: know it is so young man.û

48 (1023)

        Pucchaü hi ki¤ci asuõanto, Þ sutvà pa¤he viyàkate,
Not hearing any question, but having heard the questions answered,

        vicinteti jano sabbo Þ vedajàto kata¤jali:
all the people were enthusiastic, and raised their hands, thinking:

49 (1024)

        ßKo nu devo va brahmà và Þ Indo và pi Sujampati,
ßNow who was it, a god, or a Brahma, or Inda, the lord of Sujà,

        manasà pucchi te pa¤he? Þ Kam-etaü pañibhàsati?û
who asked those questions with the mind? To whom did he make reply?

50 (1025)

        ßMuddhaü muddhàdhipàta¤-ca, Þ Bàvarã paripucchati,
ßAbout the head and head-splitting, Bàvari asks (this question),

        byàkarohi Bhagavà, Þ kankhaü vinaya no ise.û
please explain that, O Auspicious One, please remove our doubts, O seer.û

51 (1026)

        ßAvijjà muddhàti jànàhi, Þ vijjà muddhàdhipàtinã,
"Know ignorance is called the head, and understanding is the head-splitter,

        saddhàsatisamàdhãhi, Þ chandaviriyena saüyutà.û
joined with confidence, mindfulness, concentration, desire, and energy.û

52 (1027)

        Tato vedena mahatà Þ santhambhitvàna màõavo,
Then with great enthusiasm, being resolute, the young man,

        ekaüsaü ajinaü katvà, Þ pàdesu sirasà pati:
having put his deer-skin on one shoulder, fell placing his head at (the Buddha's) feet:

53 (1028)

        ßBàvarã bràhmaõo bhoto, Þ saha sissehi màrisa,
ßThe honourable brahmin Bàvari, and his students, dear Sir,

        udaggacitto sumano, Þ pàde vandati Cakkhuma.û
elated in heart, and happy in mind, worships your feet, O Visionary One.û

54 (1029)

        ßSukhito Bàvarã hotu Þ saha sissehi bràhmaõo!
ßMay the brahmin Bàvari, together with his students, be happy!

        Tva¤-càpi sukhito hohi Þ ciraü jãvàhi màõava!
And may you also be happy! May you live for a long time, young man!

55 (1030)

        Bàvarissa va tuyhaü và Þ sabbesaü sabbasaüsayaü,
All of the doubts that Bàvari, or you, or anyone else has,

        katàvakàsà pucchavho Þ yaü ki¤ci manas' icchatha.û
having received leave, ask whatever you long (to know) in the mind.û

56 (1031)

        Sambuddhena katokàso, Þ nisãditvàna pa¤jali,
Having received leave from the Sambuddha, sitting with hands raised in reverence,

        Ajito pañhamaü pa¤haü Þ tattha pucchi Tathàgataü:
Ajita asked the Realised One the first question in that place:


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