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3: Nandavaggo
The Chapter (Including the Discourse) about Nanda


3-1: Kammasuttaü (21)
The Discourse about Deeds

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena
Then at that time

a¤¤ataro bhikkhu Bhagavato avidåre nisinno hoti,
a certain monk was sitting not far away from the Auspicious One,

pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
and after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

puràõakammavipàkajaü dukkhaü tibbaü kharaü kañukaü vedanaü,
 and was bearing painful, sharp, harsh, and bitter feelings, that had arisen as a result of former (unwholesome) deeds,

adhivàsento sato sampajàno aviha¤¤amàno.
mindfully, with clear knowledge, without being troubled.

Addasà kho Bhagavà taü bhikkhuü avidåre nisinnaü,
The Auspicious One saw that monk sitting not far away,

pallaïkaü àbhåjitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
who after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

puràõakammavipàkajaü dukkhaü tibbaü kharaü kañukaü vedanaü,
 and was bearing painful, sharp, harsh, and severe feelings, that had arisen as a result of former (unwholesome) deeds,

adhivàsentaü sataü sampajànaü aviha¤¤amànaü.
mindfully, with clear knowledge, without being troubled.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßSabbakammajahassa bhikkhuno,
ßFor the monk who has given up all deeds,

    Dhunamànassa purekataü rajaü,
Who is throwing off the dust of what was done before,

    Amamassa ñhitassa tàdino,
For he who is unselfish, stable, such-like,

    Attho natthi janaü lapetaveû ti. 1
There is no need to speak to people.û


3-2: Nandasuttaü (22)
The Discourse about Nanda

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Nando,
Then at that time venerable Nanda,

Bhagavato bhàtà màtucchàputto, 2
the Auspicious One's brother, his mother's sister's son,

sambahulànaü bhikkhånaü evam-àroceti:
confessed this to many monks:

ßAnabhirato ahaü àvuso brahmacariyaü caràmi,
ßI have no great delight, venerable friends, living the spiritual life,

na sakkomi brahmacariyaü sandhàretuü,
I am not able to endure the spiritual life,

sikkhaü paccakkhàya hãnàyàvattissàmãû ti. 3
having disavowed the training, I will return to what is inferior.û

Atha kho a¤¤ataro bhikkhu yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
Then a certain monk went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinno kho so bhikkhu Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While sat on one side that monk said this to the Auspicious One:

ßâyasmà bhante Nando Bhagavato bhàtà màtucchàputto,
ßVenerable Nanda, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One's brother, his mother's sister's son,

sambahulànaü bhikkhånaü evam-àroceti:
confesses this to many monks:

`Anabhirato ahaü àvuso brahmacariyaü caràmi,
`I have no great delight, venerable friends, living the spiritual life,

na sakkomi brahmacariyaü sandhàretuü,
I am not able to endure the spiritual life,

sikkhaü paccakkhàya hãnàyàvattissàmã' û ti.
having disavowed the training, I will return to what is inferior.' û

Atha kho Bhagavà a¤¤ataraü bhikkhuü àmantesi:
Then the Auspicious One addressed a certain monk, (saying):

ßEhi tvaü bhikkhu mama vacanena Nandaü bhikkhuü àmantehi:
ßPlease go, monk, and with my word address the monk Nanda, (saying):

`Satthà taü àvuso Nanda àmantetã' û ti.
`The Teacher, venerable friend Nanda, calls you.' û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho so bhikkhu, Bhagavato pañissutvà,
ßYes, reverend Sir,û said that monk, and after replying to the Auspicious One,

yenàyasmà Nando tenupasaïkami,
he went to venerable Nanda,

upasaïkamitvà, àyasmantaü Nandaü etad-avoca:
and after going, he said this to venerable Nanda:

ßSatthà taü àvuso Nanda àmantetãû ti.
ßThe Teacher, venerable friend Nanda, calls you.û

ßEvam-àvusoû ti kho àyasmà Nando, tassa bhikkhuno pañissutvà,
ßYes, venerable friend,û said venerable Nanda, and after replying to that monk,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
he went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinnaü kho àyasmantaü Nandaü Bhagavà etad-avoca:
While sat on one side, the Auspicious One said this to venerable Nanda:

ßSaccaü kira tvaü Nanda sambahulànaü bhikkhånaü evam-àrocesi:
ßIs it true, as it seems, Nanda, that you confessed this to many monks, (saying):

`Anabhirato ahaü àvuso brahmacariyaü caràmi,
ßI have no great delight, venerable friends, living the spiritual life,

na sakkomi brahmacariyaü sandhàretuü,
I am not able to endure the spiritual life,

sikkhaü paccakkhàya hãnàyàvattissàmã'? û ti.
having disavowed the training, I will return to what is inferior.' û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti.
ßYes, reverend Sir.û

ßKissa pana tvaü Nanda anabhirato brahmacariyaü carasi,
ßBut why do you, Nanda, have no great delight living the spiritual life,

na sakkosi brahmacariyaü sandhàretuü,
are not able to endure the spiritual life,

sikkhaü paccakkhàya hãnàyàvattissasã?û ti.
and having disavowed the training, will return to what is inferior?û

ßSàkiyànã maü bhante janapadakalyàõã gharà nikkhamantassa,
ßAs I was leaving from home, reverend Sir, a Sakyan girl, the most beautiful woman in the country,

upaóóhullikhitebhi kesebhi 4 apaloketvà maü etad-avoca:
with her hair half-combed, having looked round, said this to me:

`Tuvañaü kho Ayyaputta àgaccheyyàsã' ti.
`Master, may you quickly return.'

So kho ahaü bhante tam-anussaramàno,
Remembering that, reverend Sir,

anabhirato brahmacariyaü caràmi,
I have no great delight living the spiritual life,

na sakkomi brahmacariyaü sandhàretuü,
I am not able to endure the spiritual life,

sikkhaü paccakkhàya hãnàyàvattissàmãû ti.
and having disavowed the training, I will return to what is inferior.û

Atha kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü Nandaü bàhàya 5 gahetvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having taken venerable Nanda by the arm,

seyyathà pi nàma balavà puriso sammi¤jitaü và bàhaü pasàreyya,
just as a strong man might stretch out a bent arm,

pasàritaü và bàhaü sammi¤jeyya,
or bend in an outstretched arm,

evam-eva Jetavane antarahito devesu Tavatiüsesu pàturahosi.
in the same way did he disappear from Jeta's Wood, and reappear amongst the Tàvatiüsa devas.

Tena kho pana samayena pa¤camattàni 6 accharàsatàni
 Then at that time five hundred celestial dove-footed nymphs

Sakkassa devànam-indassa upaññhànaü àgatàni honti kakuñapàdàni. 7
had come to attend to Sakka, the lord of the devas.

Atha kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü Nandaü àmantesi:
Then the Auspicious One addressed venerable Nanda, (saying):

ßPassasi no tvaü Nanda imàni pa¤ca accharàsatàni kakuñapàdànã?û ti.
ßDo you see, Nanda, these five hundred celestial dove-footed nymphs?û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti.
ßYes, reverend Sir.û

ßTaü kiü ma¤¤asi, Nanda,
ßWhat do you think about this, Nanda,

katamà nu kho abhiråpatarà ca dassanãyatarà ca pàsàdikatarà ca,
who has the most perfect form, is the most fair to behold, is the most pleasing,

Sàkiyànã và janapadakalyàõã,
the Sakyan girl, the most beautiful woman in the country,

imàni và pa¤ca accharàsatàni kakuñapàdànã?û ti.
or these five hundred celestial dove-footed nymphs?û

ßSeyyathà pi bhante paluññhamakkañã kaõõanàsacchinnà,
ßLike a disfigured monkey, reverend Sir, with its ears and nose cut off,

evam-eva kho bhante Sàkiyànã janapadakalyàõã,
so is the Sakyan girl, reverend Sir, the most beautiful woman in the country,

imesaü pa¤cannaü accharàsatànaü upanidhàya saïkham-pi na upeti,
compared with these five hundred celestial nymphs she does not count,

kalam-pi na upeti, kalabhàgam-pi na upeti, 8 upanidhim-pi na upeti! 9
she is not even a fraction, she is not even half a fraction, she is not even to be compared!

Atha kho imàni pa¤ca accharàsatàni
These five hundred celestial nymphs

abhiråpataràni ceva dassanãyataràni ca pàsàdikataràni càû ti.
certainly have the more perfect form, are the more fair to behold, are the more pleasing.û

ßAbhirama Nanda! Abhirama Nanda! Ahaü te pàñibhogo
ßTake delight, Nanda! Take delight, Nanda! I am your surety

pa¤cannaü accharàsatànaü pañilàbhàya kakuñapàdànan!û-ti.
for gaining five hundred celestial dove-footed nymphs!û

ßSace me bhante Bhagavà pàñibhogo 10
ßIf, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One is my surety

pa¤cannaü accharàsatànaü pañilàbhàya kakuñapàdànaü,
for gaining five hundred celestial dove-footed nymphs,

abhiramissàmahaü bhante Bhagavati 11 brahmacariyeû ti.
I will take great delight, reverend Sir, in (living) the spiritual life under the Auspicious One.û

Atha kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü Nandaü bàhàya gahetvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having taken venerable Nanda by the arm,

seyyathà pi nàma balavà puriso sammi¤jitaü và bàhaü pasàreyya,
just as a strong man might stretch out a bent arm,

pasàritaü và bàhaü sammi¤jeyya,
or bend in an outstretched arm,

evam-eva devesu Tàvatiüsesu antarahito Jetavane pàturahosi.
in the same way did they disappear from amongst the Tàvatiüsa devas, and reappear in Jeta's Wood.

Assosuü kho bhikkhå: ßâyasmà kira Nando,
The monks heard: ßVenerable Nanda, it seems,

Bhagavato bhàtà màtucchàputto
the Auspicious One's brother, his mother's sister's son,

accharànaü hetu brahmacariyaü carati,
is living the spiritual life for the sake of celestial nymphs,

Bhagavà kirassa pàñibhogo
the Auspicious One, it seems, it his surety

pa¤cannaü accharàsatànaü pañilàbhàya kakuñapàdànan!û-ti.
for gaining five hundred celestial dove-footed nymphs!û

Atha kho àyasmato Nandassa sahàyakà bhikkhå àyasmantaü Nandaü
 Then venerable Nanda's monk friends talked to venerable Nanda

bhatakavàdena ca upakkitakavàdena ca samudàcaranti:
with words about a hireling, with words about a lackey, (saying):

ßBhatako kiràyasmà Nando, upakkitako kiràyasmà Nando,
ßIt seems venerable Nanda is a hireling, it seems venerable Nanda is a lackey,

accharànaü hetu brahmacariyaü carati,
he is living the spiritual life for the sake of celestial nymphs,

Bhagavà kirassa pàñibhogo
the Auspicious One, it seems, is his surety

pa¤cannaü accharàsatànaü pañilàbhàya kakuñapàdànan!û-ti.
for gaining five hundred celestial dove-footed nymphs!û

Atha kho àyasmà Nando sahàyakànaü bhikkhånaü
Then venerable Nanda, at his monk-friends'

bhatakavàdena ca upakkitakavàdena ca,
words about a hireling, words about a lackey,

aññãyamàno haràyamàno jigucchamàno,
was distressed, ashamed, and disgusted,

eko våpakaññho appamatto àtàpã pahitatto viharanto,
and while dwelling solitary, secluded, heedful, ardent, and resolute,

na cirasseva yassatthàya 12 kulaputtà
after no long time (attained) that good for which sons of good family

sammad-eva agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajanti,
rightly go forth from the home to homelessness,

tad-anuttaraü brahmacariyapariyosànaü,
that unsurpassed conclusion to the spiritual life,

diññheva dhamme sayaü abhi¤¤à sacchikatvà upasampajja vihàsi: 13
and dwelt having known, having experienced, and having attained (nibbàna) himself in this very life:

ßKhãõà jàti
Destroyed is birth

våsitaü brahmacariyaü
accomplished is the spiritual life

kataü karaõãyaü 14
done is what ought to be done

nàparaü itthattàyàû ti abbha¤¤àsi.
there is no more of this mundane stateû - this he knew.

A¤¤ataro ca kho panàyasmà Nando Arahataü ahosi.
And venerable Nanda became another of the Worthy Ones.

Atha kho a¤¤atarà devatà, abhikkantàya rattiyà,
Then a certain devatà, when the night had passed,

abhikkantavaõõà kevalakappaü Jetavanaü obhàsetvà,
having lit up the whole of Jeta's Wood with his surpassing beauty,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü aññhàsi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he stood on one side.

Ekamantaü ñhità kho sà devatà Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While standing on one side that devatà said this to the Auspicious One:

ßâyasmà bhante Nando Bhagavato bhàtà màtucchàputto,
ßVenerable Nanda, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One's brother, his mother's sister's son,

àsavànaü khayà anàsavaü cetovimuttiü pa¤¤àvimuttiü,
through the destruction of the pollutants, without pollutants, freed in mind, freed through wisdom,

diññheva dhamme sayaü abhi¤¤à sacchikatvà upasampajja viharatãû ti.
he dwells having known, having experienced, and having attained (nibbàna) himself in this very life.û

Bhagavato pi kho ¤àõaü udapàdi:
And this knowledge arose to the Auspicious One:

ßNando àsavànaü khayà anàsavaü cetovimuttiü pa¤¤àvimuttiü,
ßNanda, through the destruction of the pollutants, without pollutants, freed in mind, freed through wisdom,

diññheva dhamme 15 sayaü abhi¤¤à sacchikatvà upasampajja viharatãû ti.
dwells having known, having experienced, and having attained (nibbàna) himself in this very life.û

Atha kho àyasmà Nando, tassà rattiyà accayena,
Then venerable Nanda, when that night had passed,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinno kho àyasmà Nando Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While sat on one side venerable Nanda said this to the Auspicious One:

ßYaü me bhante Bhagavà pàñibhogo
ßThat, reverend Sir, for which the Auspicious One was my surety

- pa¤cannaü accharàsatànaü pañilàbhàya kakuñapàdànaü -
- for gaining five hundred celestial dove-footed nymphs -

mu¤càm-ahaü bhante Bhagavantaü etasmà pañissavàû ti.
I free the Auspicious One, reverend Sir, from that promise.û

ßMayà pi kho te Nanda cetasà ceto paricca vidito:
ßNanda, having encompassed your mind fully with my mind, and understood:

`Nando àsavànaü khayà anàsavaü cetovimuttiü pa¤¤àvimuttiü,
`Nanda, through the destruction of the pollutants, without pollutants, freed in mind, freed through wisdom,

diññheva dhamme sayaü abhi¤¤à sacchikatvà upasampajja viharatã' ti
dwells having known, having experienced, and having attained (nibbàna) himself in this very life.'

Devatà pi me etam-atthaü àrocesi:
Also a devatà announced that matter to me, (saying):

`âyasmà bhante Nando Bhagavato bhàtà màtucchàputto,
`Venerable Nanda, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One's brother, his mother's sister's son,

àsavànaü khayà anàsavaü cetovimuttiü pa¤¤àvimuttiü,
through the destruction of the pollutants, without pollutants, freed in mind, freed through wisdom,

diññheva dhamme sayaü abhi¤¤à sacchikatvà upasampajja viharatã' ti.
dwells having known, having experienced, and having attained (nibbàna) himself in this very life.'

Yad-eva kho te Nanda anupàdàya àsavehi cittaü vimuttaü,
When, Nanda, your mind was freed from the pollutants without attachment,

athàhaü mutto etasmà pañissavàû ti.
then I was freed from that promise.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßYassa nittiõõo païko ca,    maddito kàmakaõñako,
ßFor the one who has got out of the quagmire,    who has crushed the thorn of sense desire,

    Mohakkhayaü anuppatto,    sukhadukkhesu na vedhati sa bhikkhåû ti.
Who has arrived at the destruction of delusion,    that monk does not shake in regard to pleasure and pain.û


3-3: Yasojasuttaü (23)
The Discourse about Yasoja

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena
Then at that time

Yasojapamukhàni pa¤camattàni bhikkhusatàni
five hundred monks with Yasoja at their head

Sàvatthiü anuppattàni honti, Bhagavantaü dassanàya.
had arrived in Sàvatthã, to see the Auspicious One.

Te ca kho àgantukà bhikkhå
Then those visiting monks

nevàsikehi bhikkhåhi saddhiü pañisammodamànà,
while exchanging greetings with the resident monks,

senàsanàni pa¤¤àpayamànà, pattacãvaràni pañisàmayamànà,
having the dwelling places assigned, putting the bowls and robes in order,

uccàsaddà mahàsaddà ahesuü.
made a loud noise, a great noise.

Atha kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü ânandaü àmantesi:
Then the Auspicious One addressed venerable ânanda, (saying):

ßKe panete ânanda uccàsaddà mahàsaddà?
ßWho are these (making) a loud noise, a great noise?

Kevaññà ma¤¤e macchavilope!û ti
One would think it is fishermen with their haul of fish!û

ßEtàni bhante Yasojapamukhàni pa¤camattàni bhikkhusatàni,
ßThese, reverend Sir, are five hundred monks with Yasoja at their head,

Sàvatthiü anuppattàni Bhagavantaü dassanàya.
who have arrived at Sàvatthã to see the Auspicious One.

Tete àgantukà bhikkhå nevàsikehi bhikkhåhi
 These visiting monks while exchanging greetings

saddhiü pañisammodamànà,
with the resident monks,

senàsanàni pa¤¤àpayamànà, pattacãvaràni pañisàmayamànà,
having the dwelling places assigned, putting the bowls and robes in order,

uccàsaddà mahàsaddàû ti.
(make) a loud noise, a great noise.û

ßTena hànanda mama vacanena te bhikkhå àmantehi:
ßNow then, ânanda, with my word address those monks, (saying):

`Satthà àyasmante àmantetã' û ti.
`The Teacher calls the venerable ones.' û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho àyasmà ânando, Bhagavato pañissutvà,
ßYes, reverend Sir,û said venerable ânanda, and after replying to the Auspicious One,

yena te bhikkhå tenupasaïkami,
he went to those monks,

upasaïkamitvà, te bhikkhå etad-avoca:
and after going, he said this to those monks:

ßSatthà àyasmante àmantetãû ti.
ßThe Teacher calls the venerable ones.û

ßEvam-àvusoû ti kho te bhikkhå, àyasmato ânandassa pañissutvà,
ßYes, friend,û said those monks, and after replying to venerable ânanda,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkamiüsu,
they went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdiüsu.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, they sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinne kho te bhikkhå Bhagavà etad-avoca:
While sat on one side the Auspicious One said this to those bhikkhus:

ßKinnu tumhe bhikkhave uccàsaddà mahàsaddà,
ßWhy, monks, are you (making) a loud noise, a great noise,

kevaññà ma¤¤e macchavilope?û ti.
so one would think it is fishermen with their haul of fish?û

Evaü vutte, àyasmà Yasojo Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
After that was said, Yasoja said this to the Auspicious One:

ßImàni bhante pa¤camattàni bhikkhusatàni
ßThese, reverend Sir, are five hundred monks

Sàvatthiü anuppattàni Bhagavantaü dassanàya.
who have arrived at Sàvatthã to see the Auspicious One.

Teme àgantukà bhikkhå nevàsikehi bhikkhåhi
 These visiting monks while exchanging greetings

saddhiü pañisammodamànà,
with the resident monks,

senàsanàni pa¤¤àpayamànà, pattacãvaràni pañisàmayamànà,
having the dwelling places assigned, putting the bowls and robes in order,

uccàsaddà mahàsaddàû ti.
(make) a loud noise, a great noise.û

ßGacchatha bhikkhave vo paõàmemi.
ßPlease go, monks, I am dismissing you.

Na vo mama santike vatthabbanû-ti.
You should not live in my presence.û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho te bhikkhå, Bhagavato pañissutvà, 16
ßYes, reverend Sir,û said those monks, and after replying to the Auspicious One,

uññhàyàsanà, Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà padakkhiõaü katvà,
rising from their seats, worshipping and circumambulating the Auspicious One,

senàsanaü saüsàmetvà, pattacãvaram-àdàya,
putting their dwelling places in order, picking up their robes and bowls,

yena Vajji tena càrikaü pakkamiüsu.
they went on walking tour towards Vajji.

Vajjisu anupubbena càrikaü caramànà
While walking gradually through Vajji on walking tour

yena Vaggumudà nadã tenupasaïkamiüsu,
they went to the river Vaggumudà,

upasaïkamitvà Vaggumudàya nadiyà tãre paõõakuñiyo karitvà,
and after going and making leaf-huts on the bank of the river Vaggumudà,

Vassaü upagacchiüsu.
they entered upon the Rains Retreat.

Atha kho àyasmà Yasojo vassupagato bhikkhå àmantesi:
Then venerable Yasoja, having entered upon the Rains Retreat, addressed those monks (saying):

ßBhagavatà mayaü àvuso paõàmità atthakàmena hitesinà,
ßWe were dismissed, friends, by the Auspicious One, who desires our welfare, who seeks our benefit,

anukampakena anukampaü upàdàya.
who is compassionate, out of compassion (for us).

Handa mayaü àvuso tathà vihàraü kappema
Well now, venerable friends, we must live

yathà no viharataü Bhagavà attamano assàû ti.
in such a way that the Auspicious One will be pleased with our living.û

ßEvam-àvusoû ti kho te bhikkhå àyasmato Yasojassa paccassosuü.
ßYes, friend,û those monks replied to venerable Yasoja.

Atha kho te bhikkhå
Then those monks

våpakaññhà appamattà àtàpino pahitattà viharantà, 17
while dwelling secluded, heedful, ardent, and resolute,

tenevantaravassena sabbeva tisso vijjà sacchàkaüsu.
within the Rains Retreat all realized the three deep understandings.

Atha kho Bhagavà, Sàvatthiyaü yathàbhirantaü viharitvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having dwelt at Sàvatthã for as long as he wished,

yena Vesàlã tena càrikaü pakkàmi,
went on walking tour towards Vesàlã,

anupubbena càrikaü caramàno yena Vesàlã tad-avasari. 18
and while walking gradually on walking tour he arrived at Vesàlã.

Tatra sudaü Bhagavà Vesàliyaü viharati, 19
There the Auspicious One dwelt near Vesàlã,

Mahàvane Kåñàgàrasàlàyaü.
in the Gabled Hall in the Great Wood.

Atha kho Bhagavà, Vaggumudàtãriyànaü bhikkhånaü
 Then the Auspicious One, having applied his mind, and with his mind fully encompassed

cetasà ceto 20 paricca manasikaritvà àyasmantaü ânandaü àmantesi:
the minds of the monks on the bank of the Vaggumudà, addressed venerable ânanda, (saying):

ßâlokajàtà viya me ânanda esà disà.
ßIt is as though something light has arisen for me, ânanda, in this direction.

Obhàsajàtà viya me ânanda esà disà.
It is as though something splendid has arisen for me, ânanda, in this direction.

Yassaü disàyaü Vaggumudàtãriyà bhikkhå viharanti gantuü
To go to that direction where the monks on the bank of the Vaggumudà dwell

appañikålàsi me manasikàtuü.
and to apply my mind is not disagreeable.

Pahiõeyyàsi tvaü ânanda
Please send, ânanda,

Vaggumudàtãriyànaü bhikkhånaü santike 21 dåtaü:
a messenger into the presence of the monks on the bank of the Vaggumudà, (to say):

`Satthà àyasmante àmanteti, Satthà àyasmantànaü dassanakàmo' û ti.
`The Teacher, venerable friends, calls you, the Teacher desires to see the venerable ones.' û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho àyasmà ânando, Bhagavato pañissutvà,
ßYes, reverend Sir,û said venerable ânanda, and after replying to the Auspicious One,

yena a¤¤ataro bhikkhu tenupasaïkami,
he went to a certain monk,

upasaïkamitvà, taü bhikkhuü etad-avoca:
and after going, he said this to that monk:

ßEhi tvaü àvuso, yena Vaggumudàtãriyà bhikkhå tenupasaïkameyyàsi,
ßCome, venerable friend, you should go to the monks on the bank of the Vaggumudà,

upasaïkamitvà, Vaggumudàtãriye bhikkhå evaü vadehi:
and after going, please say this to the monks on the bank of the Vaggumudà:

`Satthà àyasmante àmanteti, satthà àyasmantànaü dassanakàmo' û ti.
`The Teacher, venerable friends, calls you, the Teacher desires to see the venerable ones.' û

ßEvam-àvuso,û ti kho so bhikkhu, àyasmato ânandassa pañissutvà,
ßYes, friend,û said that monk, and after replying to venerable ânanda,

seyyathà pi nàma balavà puriso sammi¤jitaü và bàhaü pasàreyya,
just as a strong man might stretch out a bent arm,

pasàritaü và bàhaü sammi¤jeyya,
or bend in an outstretched arm,

evam-eva Mahàvane kuñàgàrasàlàyaü antarahito,
in the same way did he disappear from the Gabled Hall in Great Wood,

Vaggumudàya nadiyà tãre tesaü bhikkhånaü purato pàturahosi.
and reappear in front of those monks on the bank of the river Vaggumudà.

Atha kho so bhikkhu Vaggumudàtãriye bhikkhå etad-avoca:
Then that monk said this to the monks on the bank of the Vaggumudà:

ßSatthà àyasmante àmanteti, satthà àsmantànaü dassanakàmoû ti.
ßThe Teacher, venerable friends, calls you, the Teacher desires to see the venerable ones.û

ßEvam-àvuso,û ti kho te bhikkhå, tassa bhikkhuno pañissutvà,
ßYes, friend,û said those monks, and after replying to that monk,

senàsanaü saüsàmetvà pattacãvaram-àdàya,
setting their dwelling places in order, and picking up their bowls and robes,

seyyathà pi nàma balavà puriso sammi¤jitaü và bàhaü pasàreyya,
just as a strong man might stretch out a bent arm,

pasàritaü và bàhaü sammi¤jeyya,
or bend in an outstretched arm,

evam-eva Vaggumudàya nadiyà tãre antarahità,
in the same way did they disappear from the bank of the river Vaggumudà,

Mahàvane Kåñàgàrasàlàyaü Bhagavato sammukhe pàturahesuü.
and reappear in front of the Auspicious One in the Gabled Hall in Great Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena Bhagavà àne¤jena samàdhinà nisinno hoti.
Then at that time the Auspicious One was sitting in imperturbable concentration.

Atha kho tesaü bhikkhånaü etad-ahosi:
Then it occured to those monks:

ßKatamena nu kho Bhagavà vihàrena etarahi viharatã?û ti
ßNow in what state is the Auspicious One dwelling at the present time?û

Atha kho tesaü bhikkhånaü etad-ahosi:
Then it occured to those monks:

ßâne¤jena kho Bhagavà vihàrena 22 etarahi viharatãû ti,
ßThe Auspicious One is dwelling in a state of imperturbability at the present time,û

sabbeva àne¤jena samàdhinà nisãdiüsu.
and they all sat in imperturbable concentration.

Atha kho àyasmà ânando, abhikkantàya rattiyà,
Then venerable ânanda, when the night had passed,

nikkhante pañhame yàme, uññhàyàsanà ekaüsaü cãvaraü karitvà,
when the first watch of the night had gone, after rising from his seat, arranging his robe on one shoulder,

yena Bhagavà tena¤jaliü paõàmetvà, Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
and raising his hands in respectful salutation, said this to the Auspicious One:

ßAbhikkantà bhante ratti, nikkhanto pañhamo yàmo,
ßThe night has passed, reverend Sir, the first watch of the night has gone,

ciranisinnà àgantukà bhikkhå,
for a long time (these) visiting monks have been sitting,

pañisammodatu bhante Bhagavà àgantukehi bhikkhåhãû ti.
let the Auspicious One exchange greetings, reverend Sir, with the visiting monks.û

Evaü vutte, Bhagavà tuõhã ahosi.
When that was said, the Auspicious One was silent.

Dutiyam-pi kho àyasmà ânando, abhikkantàya rattiyà,
For a second time venerable ânanda, when the night had passed,

nikkhante majjhime yàme, uññhàyàsanà ekaüsaü cãvaraü karitvà,
when the middle watch of the night had gone, after rising from his seat, arranging his robe on one shoulder,

yena Bhagavà tena¤jaliü paõàmetvà, Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
and raising his hands in respectful salutation, said this to the Auspicious One:

ßAbhikkantà bhante ratti, nikkhanto majjhimo yàmo,
ßThe night has passed, reverend Sir, the middle watch of the night has gone,

ciranisinnà àgantukà bhikkhå,
for a long time (these) visiting monks have been sitting,

pañisammodatu bhante Bhagavà àgantukehi bhikkhåhãû ti.
let the Auspicious One exchange greetings, reverend Sir, with the visiting monks.û

Dutiyam-pi kho Bhagavà tuõhã ahosi.
For a second time the Auspicious One was silent.

Tatiyam-pi kho àyasmà ânando, abhikkantàya rattiyà,
For a third time venerable ânanda, when the night had passed,

nikkhante pacchime yàme, uddhate aruõe, nandimukhiyà rattiyà, 23
when the last watch of the night had gone, when dawn had risen, when the night had a joyful appearance,

uññhàyàsanà ekaüsaü cãvaraü karitvà,
after rising from his seat, arranging his robe on one shoulder,

yena Bhagavà tena¤jaliü paõàmetvà, Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
and raising his hands in respectful salutation, said this to the Auspicious One:

ßAbhikkantà bhante ratti, nikkhanto pacchimo yàmo,
ßThe night has passed, reverend Sir, the last watch of the night has gone,

uddhato aruõo, nandimukhã ratti, ciranisinnà àgantukà bhikkhå,
dawn has risen, the night has a joyful appearance, for a long time (these) visiting monks have been sitting,

pañisammodatu bhante Bhagavà àgantukehi bhikkhåhãû ti.
let the Auspicious One exchange greetings, reverend Sir, with the visiting monks.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, tamhà samàdhimhà vuññhahitvà,
Then the Auspicious One, after rising from that concentration,

àyasmantaü ânandaü àmantesi:
addressed venerable ânanda, (saying):

ßSace kho tvaü ânanda jàneyyàsi ettakam-pi te nappañibhàseyya.
ßIf you knew, ânanda, you would not say even this much about them.

Aha¤-ca ânanda imàni ca pa¤ca bhikkhusatàni,
I and these five hundred monks, ânanda,

sabbeva àne¤jasamàdhinà nisãdimhàû ti.
have all been sat in imperturbable concentration.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßYassa jito kàmakaõñako,
ßFor the one who is victorious over the thorn of sense desire,

    Akkoso ca vadho ca bandhana¤-ca,
Scolding, slaying, and (other) bonds,

    Pabbato viya so ñhito anejo,
He who stands unmoved like a mountain,

    Sukhadukkhesu na vedhati sa bhikkhåû ti.
That monk does not shake in regard to pleasure and pain.û


3-4: Sàriputtasuttaü (24)
The Discourse about Sàriputta

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Sàriputto
Then at that time venerable Sàriputta

Bhagavato avidåre nisinno hoti,
was sitting not far away from the Auspicious One,

pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

parimukhaü satiü upaññhapetvà. 24
and establishing mindfulness at the front.

Addasà kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü Sàriputtaü avidåre nisinnaü, 25
The Auspicious One saw that venerable Sàriputta was sitting not far away,

pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

parimukhaü satiü upaññhapetvà.
and establishing mindfulness at the front.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßYathà pi pabbato selo,    acalo suppatiññhito, 26
ßJust like a mountain rock,    unagitated, well established,

    Evaü mohakkhayà bhikkhu    - pabbato va na vedhatãû ti
So is the monk, through the destruction of delusion    - like a mountain he does not shake.û


3-5: Kolitasuttaü 27 (25)
The Discourse about Kolita

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Mahàmoggallàno
Then at that time venerable Mahàmoggallàna

Bhagavato avidåre nisinno hoti,
was sitting not far away from the Auspicious One,

pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

kàyagatàya satiyà ajjhattaü såpaññhitàya.
and was well established in mindfulness relating to the body.

Addasà kho Bhagavà
The Auspicious One saw

àyasmantaü Mahàmoggallànaü avidåre nisinnaü,
venerable Mahàmoggallàna was sitting not far away,

pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

kàyagatàya satiyà ajjhattaü såpaññhitàya.
and was well established in mindfulness relating to the body.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßSati kàyagatà upaññhità,
ßEstablished in mindfulness related to the body,

    Chasu phassàyatanesu saüvuto,
Restrained inregard to the six spheres of contact,

    Satataü bhikkhu samàhito,
The monk who is continually concentrated,

    Ja¤¤à nibbànam-attanoû ti.
Can know nibbàna for himself.û


3-6: Pilindivacchasuttaü (26)
The Discourse about Pilindivaccha

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Ràjagahe viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Ràjagaha,

Veëuvane Kalandakanivàpe.
at the Squirrel's Feeding Place in Bamboo Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Pilindivaccho
Then at that time venerable Pilindivaccha

bhikkhå vasalavàdena 28 samudàcarati.
accosted monks with words of contempt.

Atha kho sambahulà bhikkhå yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkamiüsu,
Then many monks went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdiüsu.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, they sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinnà kho te bhikkhå Bhagavantaü etad-avocuü:
While sat on one side those monks said this to the Auspicious One:

ßâyasmà bhante Pilindivaccho bhikkhå vasalavàdena samudàcaratãû ti.
ßVenerable Pilindivaccha, reverend Sir, talks to monks with words of contempt.û

Atha kho Bhagavà a¤¤ataraü bhikkhuü àmantesi:
Then the Auspicious One addressed a certain monk, (saying):

ßEhi tvaü bhikkhu
ßPlease go, monk,

mama vacanena Pilindivacchaü bhikkhuü àmantehi:
and with my word address the monk Pilindivaccha, (saying):

`Satthà taü àvuso Pilindivaccha àmantetã' û ti.
`The Teacher, friend Pilindivaccha, calls you.' û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho so bhikkhu, Bhagavato pañissutvà,
ßYes, reverend Sir,û said that monk, and after replying to the Auspicious One,

yenàyasmà Pilindivaccho tenupasaïkami,
he went to venerable Pilindivaccha,

upasaïkamitvà, àyasmantaü Pilindivacchaü etad-avoca:
and after going, he said this to venerable Pilindivaccha:

ßSatthà taü àvuso àmantetãû ti.
ßThe Teacher, venerable friend, calls you.û

ßEvam-àvusoû ti kho àyasmà Pilindivaccho, tassa bhikkhuno pañissutvà,
ßYes, friend,û said venerable Pilindivaccha, and after replying to that monk,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
he went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinnaü kho
While sat on one side

àyasmantaü Pilindivacchaü Bhagavà etad-avoca:
the Auspicious One said this to venerable Pilindivaccha:

ßSaccaü kira tvaü Vaccha 29 bhikkhå vasalavàdena samudàcarasã?û ti.
ßIs it true, as it seems, Vaccha, that you accost monks with words of contempt?û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti.
ßYes, reverend Sir.û

Atha kho Bhagavà àyasmato Pilindivacchassa
 Then the Auspicious One, after applying his mind

pubbenivàsaü manasikaritvà, bhikkhå àmantesi:
to venerable Pilindivaccha's previous lives, addressed the monks, (saying):

ßMà kho tumhe bhikkhave Vacchassa bhikkhuno ujjhàyittha,
ßYou should not be offended, monks, at the monk Vaccha,

na bhikkhave Vaccho dosantaro bhikkhå vasalavàdena samudàcarati.
it is not with hatred on the inside, monks, that Vaccha talks to the monks with words of contempt.

Vacchassa bhikkhave bhikkhuno pa¤ca jàtisatàni
For the monk Vaccha, monks, for five hundred lives has

abbokiõõàni bràhmaõakule paccàjàtàni,
been reborn in a bràhmaõa family without interruption,

so tassa vasalavàdo dãgharattaü samudàciõõo,
for a long time he has been one who has talked to (others) with words of contempt,

tenàyaü Vaccho bhikkhå vasalavàdena samudàcaratãû ti.
because of this Vaccha talks to the monks with words of contempt.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßYamhi na màyà vasati na màno,
ßIn whom dwells no deceit or conceit,

    Yo vãtalobho amamo niràso,
He who is free from lust, unselfish, not yearning,

    Panunnakodho abhinibbutatto,
Who has dispelled anger, who is himself completely emancipated,

    So bràhmaõo so samaõo sa bhikkhåû ti.
He is a bràhmaõa, he is an ascetic, he is a monk.û


3-7: Kassapasuttaü (27)
The Discourse about Kassapa

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Ràjagahe viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Ràjagaha,

Veëuvane Kalandakanivàpe.
at the Squirrel's Feeding Place in Bamboo Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Mahàkassapo
Then at that time venerable Mahàkassapa

Pipphaliguhàyaü viharati, sattàhaü ekapallaïkena nisinno hoti,
was dwelling in the Pepper Cave, and was sitting in one cross-legged posture for seven days,

a¤¤ataraü samàdhiü samàpajjitvà. 30
having attained a certain concentration.

Atha kho àyasmà Mahàkassapo, tassa sattàhassa accayena
Then venerable Mahàkassapa, with the passing of those seven days

tamhà samàdhimhà vuññhàsi.
arose from that concentration.

Atha kho àyasmato Mahàkassapassa
 Then it occured to venerable Mahàkassapa

tamhà samàdhimhà vuññhitassa etad-ahosi:
after arising from that concentration:

ßYannånàhaü Ràjagahaü piõóàya paviseyyanû-ti.
ßWell now, I should enter Ràjagaha for alms.û

Tena kho pana samayena
Then at that time

pa¤camattàni devatàsatàni ussukkaü àpannàni honti
five hundred devatàs were ready and eager

àyasmato Mahàkassapassa piõóapàtapañilàbhàya. 31
to offer almsfood to venerable Mahàkassapa.

Atha kho àyasmà Mahàkassapo,
But venerable Mahàkassapa,

tàni pa¤camattàni devatàsatàni pañikkhipitvà,
after refusing those five hundred devatàs,

pubbanhasamayaü nivàsetvà pattacãvaram-àdàya,
having dressed in the morning time, after picking up his bowl and robe,

Ràjagahaü piõóàya pàvisi.
entered Ràjagaha for alms.

Tena kho pana samayena Sakko devànam-indo,
Then at that time the lord of the devas Sakka,

àyasmato Mahàkassapassa piõóapàtaü dàtukàmo hoti, 32
having a desire to give almsfood to venerable Mahàkassapa,

pesakàravaõõaü abhinimminitvà,
having created the appearance of a weaver (for himself),

tantaü vinàti Sujà Asuraka¤¤à tasaraü påreti. 33
was weaving thread while the Asura maiden Sujà was filling the shuttle.

Atha kho àyasmà Mahàkassapo,
Then venerable Mahàkassapa,

Ràjagahe sapadànaü piõóàya caramàno,
while walking systematically for alms in Ràjagaha,

yena Sakkassa devànam-indassa nivesanaü tenupasaïkami.
went to the residence of the lord of the devas Sakka.

Addasà kho Sakko devànam-indo
The lord of the devas Sakka saw

àyasmantaü Mahàkassapaü dårato va àgacchantaü.
venerable Mahàkassapa coming while still far away.

Disvàna, gharà nikkhamitvà paccuggantvà hatthato pattaü gahetvà,
After seeing (him), leaving the house, going to meet (him), taking the bowl from his hand,

gharaü pavisitvà ghañiyà odanaü uddharitvà pattaü påretvà,
entering the house, taking up the rice from the pot, and filling the bowl,

àyasmato Mahàkassapassa pàdàsi, 34
he gave it to venerable Mahàkassapa,

so ahosi piõóapàto anekasåpo anekabya¤jano anekasåparasabya¤jano. 35
and that almsfood had many sauces, many curries, many sauces and tasty curries.

Atha kho àyasmato Mahàkassapassa etad-ahosi:
Then this occured to venerable Mahàkassapa:

ßKo nu kho ayaü satto, yassàyaü evaråpo iddhànubhàvo?û ti.
ßNow who is this being, who has such power and majesty?û

Atha kho àyasmato Mahàkassapassa etad-ahosi:
Then it occured to venerable Mahàkassapa:

ßSakko kho ayaü devànam-indoû ti. 36
ßThis is the lord of the devas Sakka.û

Iti viditvà Sakkaü devànam-indaü etad-avoca:
Having understood it was so, he said this to the lord of the devas Sakka:

ßKataü kho te idaü Kosiya, màssu puna pi evaråpam-akàsãû ti.
ßThis is your doing, Kosiya, you must not do such a thing again.û

ßAmhàkam-pi bhante Kassapa pu¤¤ena attho,
ßWe also have a need for merit, reverend Kassapa,

amhàkam-pi pu¤¤ena karaõãyanû-ti. 37
we also have a duty to make merit.û

Atha kho Sakko devànam-indo
Then the lord of the devas Sakka

àyasmantaü Mahàkassapaü abhivàdetvà padakkhiõaü katvà,
after worshipping and circumambulating venerable Mahàkassapa,

vehàsaü abbhuggantvà, àkàse antaëikkhe 38 tikkhattaü udànaü udànesi:
after going up into the sky, while in the air, in the firmament, three times uttered an exalted utterance:

    ßAho dànaü! Paramadànaü    Kassape suppatiññhitaü,
ßAh giving! The best gift is well established on Kassapa,

    Aho dànaü! Paramadànaü    Kassape suppatiññhitanû-ti.
Ah giving! The best gift is well established on Kassapa.û

Assosi kho Bhagavà dibbàya sotadhàtuyà,
The Auspicious One heard with his divine ear-element,

visuddhàya atikkantamànusikàya, Sakkassa devànam-indassa,
which is purified, and surpasses that of men, the lord of the devas Sakka,

vehàsaü abbhuggantvà àkàse antaëikkhe,
after going up into the sky, while in the air, in the firmament,

tikkhattuü udànaü udànentassa: 39
three times uttering an exalted utterance:

    ßAho dànaü! Paramadànaü    Kassape suppatiññhitaü,
ßAh giving! The best gift is well established on Kassapa,

    Aho dànaü! Paramadànaü    Kassape suppatiññhitanû-ti.
Ah giving! The best gift is well established on Kassapa.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßPiõóapàtikassa 40 bhikkhuno,
 ßThe devas envy the alms-gathering monk,

    Attabharassa ana¤¤aposino,
Self-supporting, not nourishing another,

    Devà pihayanti tàdino
Such a one,

    Upasantassa sadà satãmatoû ti. 41
A peaceful one, one who is always mindful.û


3-8: Piõóapàtikasuttaü (28)
The Discourse about the Alms-Gatherer

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü 42 viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulànaü bhikkhånaü,
Then at that time, amongst many monks,

pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkantànaü,
after returning from the alms-round after the meal,

Karerimaõóalamàle sannisinnànaü sannipatitànaü,
assembling together, and sitting in the Kareri Round Hall,

ayam-antaràkathà udapàdi:
this conversation arose:

ßPiõóapàtiko àvuso bhikkhu piõóàya caranto
ßAn alms-gathering monk, venerable friends, while walking for alms

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike cakkhunà råpe passituü;
gets the opportunity from time to time to see appealing forms with the eye;

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike sotena sadde sotuü;
gets the opportunity from time to time to hear appealing sounds with the ear;

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike ghànena gandhe ghàyituü;
gets the opportunity from time to time to smell appealing smells with the nose;

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike jivhàya rase sàyituü;
gets the opportunity from time to time to taste appealing flavours with the tongue;

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike kàyena phoññhabbe phåsituü.
gets the opportunity from time to time to touch appealing tangibles with the body.

Piõóapàtiko àvuso bhikkhu,
An alms-gathering monk, venerable friends,

sakkato garukato mànito påjito apacito piõóàya carati.
walking for alms is venerated, respected, revered, honoured, and esteemed.

Handa àvuso mayam-pi piõóapàtikà homa, 43
Now, venerable friends, we too should be alms-gatherers,

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpike cakkhunà råpe passituü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to see appealing forms with the eye;

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpike sotena sadde sotuü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to hear appealing sounds with the ear;

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpiko ghànena gandhe ghàyituü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to smell appealing smells with the nose;

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpike jivhàya rase sàyituü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to taste appealing flavours with the tongue;

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpike kàyena phoññhabbe phusituü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to touch appealing tangibles with the body;

mayam-pi sakkatà garukatà mànità påjità apacità piõóàya carissàmàû ti.
and we also will walk for alms being venerated, respected, revered, honoured, and esteemed.û

Aya¤-carahi tesaü bhikkhånaü antaràkathà hoti vippakatà.
Now this conversation that arose amongst those monks was left unfinished.

Atha kho Bhagavà sàyanhasamayaü pañisallànà vuññhito,
Then the Auspicious One, having risen from seclusion in the evening time,

yena Karerimaõóalamàlo tenupasaïkami,
went to the Kareri Round Hall,

upasaïkamitvà, pa¤¤atte àsane nisãdi.
and after going, he sat down on the prepared seat.

Nisajja kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
Having sat down the Auspicious One addressed the monks, (saying):

ßKàyanuttha bhikkhave etarahi kathàya sannipatità,
ßWhat was the talk about, monks, that those who are sitting here at present (were having),

kà ca pana vo antaràkathà vippakatà?û ti.
and what was the conversation that you left unfinished?û

ßIdha bhante amhàkaü pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkantànaü,
ßHere, reverend Sir, after returning from the alms-round after the meal,

Karerimaõóalamàle sannisinnànaü sannipatitànaü,
assembling together, and sitting in the Kareri Round Hall,

ayam-antaràkathà udapàdi:
this conversation arose:

`Piõóapàtiko àvuso bhikkhu piõóàya caranto
`An alms-gathering monk, venerable friends, while walking for alms

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike cakkhunà råpe passituü;
gets the opportunity from time to time to see appealing forms with the eye;

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike sotena sadde sotuü;
gets the opportunity from time to time to hear appealing sounds with the ear;

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike ghànena gandhe ghàyituü;
gets the opportunity from time to time to smell appealing smells with the nose;

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike jivhàya rase sàyituü;
gets the opportunity from time to time to taste appealing flavours with the tongue;

labhati kàlena kàlaü manàpike kàyena phoññhabbe phåsituü.
gets the opportunity from time to time to touch appealing tangibles with the body.

Piõóapàtiko àvuso bhikkhu,
An alms-gathering monk, venerable friends,

sakkato garukato mànito påjito apacito piõóàya carati.
walking for alms is venerated, respected, revered, honoured, and esteemed.

Handa àvuso mayam-pi piõóapàtikà homa,
Now, venerable friends, we too should be alms-gatherers,

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpike cakkhunà råpe passituü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to see appealing forms with the eye;

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpike sotena sadde sotuü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to hear appealing sounds with the ear;

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpiko ghànena gandhe ghàyituü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to smell appealing smells with the nose;

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpike jivhàya rase sàyituü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to taste appealing flavours with the tongue;

mayam-pi lacchàma kàlena kàlaü manàpike kàyena phoññhabbe phusituü;
and we also will get the opportunity from time to time to touch appealing tangibles with the body;

mayam-pi sakkatà garukatà mànità påjità apacità piõóàya carissàmà' ti.
and walking for alms we also will be venerated, respected, revered, honoured, and esteemed.'

Ayaü kho no bhante antaràkathà hoti vippakatà,
This was the conversation, reverend Sir, that was left unfinished,

atha kho Bhagavà anuppattoû ti.
then the Auspicious One arrived.û

ßNakhvetaü bhikkhave tumhàkaü patiråpaü
ßThis is certainly not suitable, monks, for you

kulaputtànaü saddhà agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajitànaü,
sons of good family who have gone forth from the home to homelessness,

yaü tumhe evaråpiü kathaü katheyyàtha.
that you should talk such talk.

Sannipatitànaü vo bhikkhave dvayaü karaõãyaü:
When you have assembled together, monks, there are two things that ought to be done:

Dhammã và kathà, ariyo và tuõhãbhàvoû ti.
talk about the Dhamma, or maintain noble silence.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßPiõóapàtikassa bhikkhuno,
 ßThe devas envy the alms-gathering monk,

    Attabharassa ana¤¤aposino
Self-supporting, not nourishing another,

    Devà pihayanti tàdino -
Such a one -

    No ce saddasilokanissitoû ti. 44
But not if [he is] dependent on becoming famous.û


3-9: Sippasuttaü (29)
The Discourse about the Crafts

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulànaü bhikkhånaü,
Then at that time, amongst many monks,

pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkantànaü,
after returning from the alms-round after the meal,

Maõóalamàle 45 sannisinnànaü sannipatitànaü,
assembling together, and sitting in the Round Hall,

ayam-antaràkathà udapàdi:
and this conversation arose:

ßKo nu kho àvuso sippaü jànàti?
ßNow who, venerable friends, knows a craft?

Ko kiü sippaü sikkhi?
Who has trained in what craft?

Kataraü sippaü sippànaü aggan?û-ti.
Which craft is the greatest of the crafts?û

Tatthekacce evam-àhaüsu, ßHatthisippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
Then some said this: ßElephant-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßAssasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßHorse-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßRathasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßChariot-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßDhanusippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßBow-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßTharusippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßSword-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßMuddàsippaü 46 sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßFinger-calculation-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßGaõanasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßAbacus-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßSaïkhànasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßAccountancy-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßLekhàsippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßWriting-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßKàveyyasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßPoetry-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßLokàyatasippaü 47 sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßNatural philosophy-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßKhattavijjàsippaü sippànaü agganû-ti.
some said this: ßPolitical science-craft is the greatest of the crafts.û

Aya¤-carahi tesaü bhikkhånaü antaràkathà hoti vippakatà.
Now this conversation that arose amongst those monks was left unfinished.

Atha kho Bhagavà sàyanhasamayaü pañisallànà vuññhito,
Then the Auspicious One, having risen from seclusion in the evening time,

yena Maõóalamàlo tenupasaïkami,
went to the Round Hall,

upasaïkamitvà, pa¤¤atte àsane nisãdi.
and after going, he sat down on the prepared seat.

Nisajja kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
Having sat down the Auspicious One addressed the monks, (saying):

ßKàyanuttha bhikkhave etarahi kathàya sannisinnà,
ßWhat was the talk about, monks, that those who have assembled together at present (were having),

kà ca pana vo antaràkathà vippakatà?û ti.
and what was the conversation amongst you that was left unfinished?û

ßIdha bhante amhàkaü pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkantànaü,
ßHere, reverend Sir, after returning from the alms-round after the meal,

Maõóalamàle sannisinnànaü sannipatitànaü,
assembling together, and sitting in the Round Hall,

ayam-antaràkathà udapàdi:
this conversation arose:

ßKo nu kho àvuso sippaü jànàti?
ßNow who, venerable friends, knows a craft?

Ko kiü sippaü sikkhi?
Who has trained in what craft?

Kataraü sippaü sippànaü aggan?û-ti.
Which of the crafts in the greatest of the crafts?û

Tatthekacce evam-àhaüsu, ßHatthisippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
Then some said this: ßElephant-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßAssasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßHorse-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßRathasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßChariot-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßDhanusippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßBow-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßTharusippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßSword-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßMuddàsippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßFinger-calculation-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßGaõanasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßAbacus-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßSaïkhànasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßAccountancy-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßLekhàsippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßWriting-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßKàveyyasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßPoetry-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßLokàyatasippaü sippànaü agganû-ti,
some said this: ßNatural philosophy-craft is the greatest of the crafts,û

ekacce evam-àhaüsu: ßKhattavijjàsippaü sippànaü agganû-ti.
some said this: ßPolitical science-craft is the greatest of the crafts.û

Ayaü kho no bhante antaràkathà hoti vippakatà,
This was the conversation, reverend Sir, that we left unfinished,

atha kho Bhagavà anuppattoû ti.
then the Auspicious One arrived.û

ßNakhvetaü bhikkhave tumhàkaü patiråpaü
ßThis is certainly not suitable, monks, for you

kulaputtànaü saddhà agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajitànaü,
sons of good family who through faith have gone forth from the home to homelessness,

yaü tumhe evaråpiü kathaü katheyyàtha.
that you should talk such talk.

Sannipatitànaü vo bhikkhave dvayaü karaõãyaü:
When you have assembled together, monks, there are two things that ought to be done:

Dhammã và kathà, ariyo và tuõhãbhàvoû ti.
talk about the Dhamma, or maintain noble silence.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßAsippajãvã lahu atthakàmo, 48
ßOne who lives without craft, light, desiring (others') welfare,

    Yatindriyo sabbadhi vippamutto,
With restrained faculties, completely free in every way,

    Anokasàrã amamo niràso,
Who wanders homeless, unselfish, not yearning,

    Hitvà mànaü ekacaro - sa bhikkhåû ti.
Having given up conceit, solitary - he is a monk.û


3-10: Lokavolokanasuttaü (30)
The Discourse about Looking Around the World

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Uruvelàyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Uruvelà,

najjà Nera¤jaràya tãre Bodhirukkhamåle pañhamàbhisambuddho.
on the bank of the river Nera¤jara, at the root of the Awakening tree, in the first (period) after attaining Awakening.

Tena kho pana samayena Bhagavà
Then at that time the Auspicious One

sattàhaü ekapallaïkena nisinno hoti vimuttisukhapañisaüvedã.
was sitting in one cross-legged posture for seven days experiencing the happiness of freedom.

Atha kho Bhagavà tassa sattàhassa accayena,
Then with the passing of those seven days the Auspicious One,

tamhà samàdhimhà vuññhahitvà, Buddhacakkhunà lokaü volokesi.
after rising from that concentration, looked around the world with his Buddha-eye.

Addasà kho Bhagavà buddhacakkhunà lokaü volokento
The Auspicious One looking around the world with his Buddha-eye saw

satte anekehi santàpehi santappamàne,
beings tormented with many torments,

anekehi ca pariëàhehi parióayhamàne,
and burning with many fevers,

ràgajehi pi dosajehi pi mohajehi pã ti.
born from passion, and born from hatred, and born from delusion.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

ßAyaü loko santàpajàto phassapareto,
ßThis world, overcome by contact, is tormented,

    Rogaü vadati attato,
It speaks of a disease as the self,

    Yena yena hi ma¤¤ati
For with whatever it conceives

    Tato taü hoti a¤¤athà. 49
Hereafter it becomes otherwise.

A¤¤athàbhàvi bhavasatto loko bhavapareto,
Continually becoming other, the world is shackled by continuity, overcome by continuity,

It greatly rejoices in continuity,

    Yad-abhinandati taü bhayaü,
What it rejoices in, that is fearful,

    Yassa bhàyati taü dukkhaü.
What is fears, that is suffering.

Bhavavippahànàya kho panidaü brahmacariyaü vussati.
This spiritual life is lived for the complete giving up of continuity.

Ye hi keci samaõà và bràhmaõà và
For whatever the ascetics or bràhmaõas

bhavena bhavassa vippamokkham-àhaüsu,
say about freedom from continuity being through (further) continuity,

sabbe te avippamuttà bhavasmà ti vadàmi.
all of them are not free from continuity, I say.

Ye và pana keci samaõà và bràhmaõà và
Or whatever the ascetics or bràhmaõas

vibhavena bhavassa nissaraõam-àhaüsu,
say about the escape from continuity being through discontinuity,

sabbe te anissañà bhavasmà ti vadàmi.
all of them have not escaped from continuity, I say.

Upadhiü 50 pañicca dukkham-idaü sambhoti,
Conditioned by cleaving this suffering originates,

sabbåpàdànakkhayà natthi dukkhassa sambhavo.
through the destruction of all attachment there is no origination of suffering.

Lokam-imaü passa puthå avijjàya paretà
See this world overcome by many kinds of ignorance

bhåtà bhåtaratà bhavà aparimuttà.
beings, who delight in beings, are not free from continuity.

Ye hi keci bhavà sabbadhi sabbattatàya,
Whatever continuities (in existence) there are, everywhere, in every respect,

sabbe te bhavà aniccà dukkhà vipariõàmadhammà.
all those continuities are impermanent, suffering, changeable things.

     Evam-etaü yathàbhåtaü,    sammappa¤¤àya passato,
Seeing it like this, as it really is, with right wisdom,

    Bhavataõhà pahãyati, 51    vibhavaü nàbhinandati.
Craving for continuity is given up,    and he does not rejoice in discontinuity.

Sabbaso taõhànaü khayà asesaviràganirodho Nibbànaü.
From the comlete destruction of craving there is fading away without remainder, cessation, and Emancipation.

Tassa nibbutassa bhikkhuno,
For that monk who is emancipated,

    Anupàdànà punabbhavo na hoti.
Without attachment, there is no continuity in existence.

    Abhibhåto Màro vijitasaïgàmo,
He has vanquished Màra, is victorious in battle,

    Upaccagà sabbabhavàni tàdãû ti.
He is such a one who has overcome all continuations (in existence).û




End Notes

1 The infinitive is -tave (= Vedic -tave, tavai) is confined to the gàthà language, see Geiger, PG, Æ 204.1.

2 Venerable Nanda's father was King Suddhodana, the Buddha's father; his mother however, was the Buddha's mother's sister, Mahàpajàpatã (who was also, of course, the Buddha's foster mother).

3 Masefield translates the absolutive paccakkhàya here as a future: I will disavow the training..., and so in similar places throughout. Ireland similarly: I will give up the training...; ...what is inferior, means the state of a householder.

4 The intermediate instrumental forms in -ebhi (= Skr -ebhis; normal Pàëi form -ehi) are interesting here, and maybe reflect the rememberence of a genuine utterance.

5 Note that bàhàya here is a locative (as in parallel usage where the declension is clear), though it has the sense of the instrumental case; see Syntax Æ166e.

6 Matta is pleonastic in phrases of this kind, and therefore untranslatable, notice that it is dropped when used in direct speech just below.

7 Masefield takes kakuñapàdàni as a name, and translates: known as the `dove-footed'; though there is no word corresponding to known as in the text, and clearly it is intended as an adjective to accharàsatàni. Ireland glosses: pink-footed.

8 Masefield omits kalabhàgam-pi na upeti from the translation.

9 Ireland translates the verb as a noun here: there is no comparison.

10 Ireland translates the noun as a verb here: If...the Lord guarantees...; and just below takes the noun as a verb: ...that I will obtain...

11 Masefield omits Bhagavati from the translation.

12 yassatthàya here is a periphrasis, the sense of which could have been carried by the dative case alone; lit: for the purpose of which...;

13 Here the auxilliary verb vihàsi gives durative sense to the three absolutives that precede it.

14 Cognate accusative with the future passive participle.

15 This is an idiom, perhaps more literally we could translate: in the things that are seen.

16 As noted above this sentence is often mistranslated as though pañissutvà were an aorist, giving the sense `[nominative] replied to the [accusative]. Just below the same type of sentence does occur with the finite verb paccassosuü.

17 Participle use, with viharantà giving durative sense.

18 yena ... tad... is a parallel idiom to the more common yena ... tena .... Here the instrumental is constructed with the accusative, lit: where Vesàlã was at that he arrived.

19 Notice the use of the historical present again in this sentence, which is similar to the way it is used in the openings of the discourses.

20 Ceto, nominative singular, applied to the monks as a group.

21 Santike here is a periphrasis, where the same meaning is obtained even if it was omitted: Please send ... a messenger to the monks ... etc.

22 àna¤jena...vihàrena... , used here and in similar contexts below, is the instrumental of attendant circumstance, see Syntax (Æ65).

23 These four clauses are all locative absolutes.

24 The relative clauses, in the form of absolutives, appear after the finite verb in this construction, which is sometimes mistranslated through taking the last of the absolutives as though it were the finite verb.

25 Although the auxilliary hoti is missing in the repetition, it has to be understood to give durative sense to nisinnaü, otherwise we would have to understand the absolutives which follow as occuring before the action of the finite verb.

26 These nouns are in apposition, not predicated, as Ireland translates: Just as a mountain made of solid rock stands firm and unshakeable...

27 Kolita was Ven. Mahàmoggallàna's clan name; Ireland gives the title as Mahàmoggallàna.

28 Vasalavàda here has to be taken metaphorically to give adequate meaning, I think, but the commentary takes it quite literally, saying that he addressed monks, saying: Ehi vasala, apehi vasala.

Ireland makes the common confusion and translates vasala as outcasts; but the vasala was someone born outside the caste system (an outcaste), not someone thrown out of society (an outcast).

29 Vaccha is his clan name, Pilindi his personal name.

30 Defined in the commentary as being nirodhasamàpatti.

31 Infinitive-like dative, evidently from the causative form of the verb: pañilàbheti, to cause to take, to offer.

32 Once again the auxilliary hoti can be seen to give durative sense to the main verb (dàtuü).

33 Double use of the historical present.

34 Another good example of how past actions (pubbakiriya), in this case no fewer than seven, are enumerated one after the other, before the entrance of the finite verb (pàdàsi, aorist to padàti).

35 Notice the rhetorical repetition here.

36 Ireland translates this as a question, although there is no question word: Is it not Sakka...?

37 We can see from the parallel in the previous line that the future passive participle karaõãya is being used here as a noun, not as a verb.

38 The accusative (vehàsaü) clearly has a locative sense; and is followed by a locative absolute construction which gives durative sense.

39 Note that the genitive absolute construction: Sakassa devànam-indassa...udànentassa, is being used parallel to the locative absolute: àkàse antaëikkhe.

40 The commentary explains that piõóapàtikassa is the dative case used in the sense of the accusative; for this usage cf. Syntax Æ99b.

41 Ireland's seems to have been reading piyàyanti for pihayanti: The devas hold dear such a bhikkhu. Similarly in the next verse.

42 Ireland: Ràjagaha, by mistake.

43 Homa here is an imperative, not a present indicative, as Masefield translates it.

44 Becoming famous in the translation is a paraphrase, lit: on the sound of fame, which is unidiomatic in English.

45 Ireland: kareri-tree pavillion, by mistake; same mistake occurs again below.

46 Both Masefield and Ireland translate as gestures, which goes against the commentarial explanation: hatthamuddàya gaõanasippaü. See the article by Edgerton in BHSD, s.v. mudrà; and cf. also Divyàvadàna pgs. 3, 26, etc.

47 Ireland renders lokàyatana (lit: world-sphere) as: the art of debate; and has a note supporting the interpretation, but cites no authority for his assertion. It appears that it really means a form of materialism or worldly science.

48 Ireland: desiring the goal; but the commentary takes it as desiring the welfare of the world: sadevakassa lokassa attham-eva kàmetã ti atthakàmo.

49 With this passage compare Salàyatanasaüyutta (SN 35), suttas 31 & 91.

50 Masefield again takes upadhi as `a substrate', but clearly in this context, which is a synopsis of the pañiccasamuppàda formula, upadhi is synonymous with taõhà, craving, and has to be translated as such.

51 Pahãyati, passive form of pajahati.