Udàna Home Page    Udàna 6: Jaccandhavaggo

5: Soõavaggo
The Chapter (Including the Discourse) about Soõa


5-1: Ràjasuttaü (41)
The Discourse about the King

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena Ràjà Pasenadi Kosalo
Then at that time the Kosalan King Pasenadi

Mallikàya Deviyà saddhiü uparipàsàdavaragato hoti.
had gone to the top of the royal palace with Queen Mallikà.

Atha kho Ràjà Pasenadi Kosalo Mallikaü Deviü etad-avoca:
Then the Kosalan King Pasenadi said this to Queen Mallika:

ßAtthi nu kho te Mallike koca¤¤o attanà piyataro?û ti.
ßIs there anyone, Mallika, you love more than yourself?û

ßNatthi kho me Mahàràja koca¤¤o attanà piyataro ti.
ßThere is no one, Great King, I love more than myself.

Tuyhaü pana Mahàràja attha¤¤o koci attanà piyataro?û ti.
But is there, Great King, anyone you love more than yourself?û

ßMayham-pi kho Mallike nattha¤¤o koci attanà piyataroû ti.
ßFor me also, Mallika, there is no one I love more than myself.û

Atha kho Ràjà Pasenadi Kosalo pàsàdà orohitvà
Then the Kosalan King Pasenadi having come down from the palace

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinno kho
While sat on one side

Ràjà Pasenadi Kosalo Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
the Kosalan King Pasenadi said this to the Auspicious One:

ßIdhàhaü bhante Mallikàya Deviyà saddhiü uparipàsàdavaragato
ßHere, reverend Sir, having gone to the top of the royal palace with Queen Mallikà

Mallikàdeviü etad-avocaü:
I said this to Queen Mallikà:

`Atthi nu kho te Mallike koca¤¤o attanà piyataro?' ti.
`Is there anyone, Mallikà, you love more than yourself?'

Evaü vutte, Mallikàdevã maü etad-avoca:
When that was said, Queen Mallikà said this to me:

`Natthi kho me Mahàràja koca¤¤o attanà piyataro ti.
`There is no one, Great King, I love more than myself.

Tuyhaü pana Mahàràja attha¤¤o koci attanà piyataro?' ti.
But is there, Great King, anyone you love more than yourself?'

Evaü vutte, ahaü bhante Mallikaü deviü etad-avocaü:
When that was said, reverend Sir, I said this to Queen Mallika:

`Mayham-pi kho Mallike nattha¤¤o koci attanà piyataro' û ti.
`For me also, Mallika, there is no one I love more than myself.' û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßSabbà disà anuparigamma cetasà,
ßHaving gone around in all directions with the mind,

    Nevajjhagà piyataram-attanà kvaci.
There is surely no one found who is loved more than oneself.

    Evaü piyo puthu attà paresaü,
In the same way others each love themselves,

    Tasmà na hiüse param-attakàmoû ti.
Therefore one who cares for himself should not harm another.û


5-2: Appàyukasuttaü (42)
The Discourse about the One Short-Lived

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Atha kho àyasmà ânando sàyanhasamayaü patisallànà vuññhito
Then venerable ânanda, having risen from seclusion in the evening time,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinno kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While sat on one side the venerable ânanda said this to the Auspicious One:

ßAcchariyaü bhante, abbhutaü bhante,
ßIt is wonderful, reverend Sir, it is marvellous, reverend Sir,

yàva appàyukà hi bhante Bhagavato màtà ahosi,
just how short-lived, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One's mother was,

sattàhajàte Bhagavati, 1 Bhagavato màtà kàlam-akàsi,
seven days after the Auspicious One was born, the Auspicious One's mother died,

Tusitaü kàyaü upapajjãû ti.
and arose among the Tusita hosts.û

ßEvam-etaü ânanda appàyukà hi ânanda bodhisattamàtaro honti,
ßIt is just so, ânanda, the mothers of Awakening-Beings are indeed short-lived,

sattàhajàtesu bodhisattesu bodhisattamàtaro kàlaü karonti,
seven days after the Awakening-Beings are born, the mothers of Awakening-Beings die,

Tusitaü kàyaü upapajjantãû ti.
and arise among the Tusita hosts.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßYe keci bhåtà bhavissanti ye và pi,
ßWhatsoever beings there are, or [ever] will be,

    Sabbe gamissanti pahàya dehaü.
They will all go on after giving up the body.

    Taü sabbaü jàniü kusalo viditvà,
The one who is skilful, having understood all that deprivation,

    âtàpiyo brahmacariyaü careyyàû ti.
Should live the spiritual life with ardour.û


5-3: Suppabuddhakuññhisuttaü (43)
The Discourse about the Leper Suppabuddha

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Ràjagahe viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Ràjagaha,

Veëuvane Kalandakanivàpe.
at the Squirrel's Feeding Place in Bamboo Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena Ràjagahe Suppabuddho nàma kuññhi ahosi,
Then at that time the leper known as Suppabuddha (Wide Awake) was in Ràjagaha,

manussadaëiddo manussakapaõo manussavaràko.
a poor man, a wretched man, a miserable man.

Tena kho pana samayena Bhagavà
Then at that time the Auspicious One

mahatiyà parisàya parivuto Dhammaü desento nisinno hoti.
was sitting teaching Dhamma surrounded by a great assembly.

Addasà kho Suppabuddho kuññhi
The leper Suppabuddha saw

taü mahàjanakàyaü dårato va sannipatitaü.
while still a far away that a great body of people had assembled together.

Disvànassa etad-ahosi:
Having seen (that), this occurred to him:

ßNissaüsayaü kho ettha
ßUndoubtedly in this place

ki¤ci khàdanãyaü và bhojanãyaü và bhàjiyissati.
some comestibles and edibles will be distributed.

Yannånàhaü yena so mahàjanakàyo tenupasaïkameyyaü,
Well now, I could go to that great crowd of people,

appeva nàmettha ki¤ci khàdanãyaü và bhojanãyaü và labheyyantiû.
perhaps I will get some comestibles or edibles in this place.û

Atha kho Suppabuddho kuññhi yena so mahàjanakàyo tenupasaïkami.
Then the leper Suppabuddha went to that great crowd of people.

Addasà kho Suppabuddho kuññhi Bhagavantaü
The leper Suppabuddha saw the Auspicious One

mahatiyà parisàya parivutaü Dhammaü desentaü nisinnaü.
was sitting teaching Dhamma surrounded by a great assembly.

Disvànassa etad-ahosi:
Having seen (that), this occurred to him:

ßNa kho ettha ki¤ci khàdanãyaü và bhojanãyaü và bhàjiyati,
ßHere there are no comestibles or edibles being distributed,

samaõo ayaü Gotamo parisatiü Dhammaü deseti.
this ascetic Gotama is teaching Dhamma to the assembly.

Yannånàham-pi Dhammaü suõeyyanti,û tattheva ekamantaü nisãdi:
Perhaps I also could hear the Dhammaû, and he sat down right there (and then), (thinking):

ßAham-pi Dhammaü sossàmãû ti. 2
ßI will also listen to the Dhamma.û

Atha kho Bhagavà sabbàvantaü parisaü cetasà cetoparicca manasàkàsi
Then the Auspicious One, applied his mind and encompassed fully the whole of that assembly with his mind, (thinking):

ßKo nu kho idha bhabbo Dhammaü vi¤¤àtun?û-ti.
ßWho here is able to understand the Dhamma?û

Addasà kho Bhagavà Suppabuddhaü kuññhiü
The Auspicious One saw the leper Suppabuddha

tassaü parisàyaü nisinnaü, disvànassa etad-ahosi:
sat in that assembly, and having seen (him), this occurred to him:

ßAyaü kho idha bhabbo Dhammaü vi¤¤àtunû-ti,
ßThis one here is able to understand the Dhammaû,

Suppabuddhaü kuññhiü àrabbha ànupubbãkathaü kathesi,
and having regard to the leper Suppabuddha he related a gradual talk,

seyyathãdaü: dànakathaü, sãlakathaü, saggakathaü,
that is to say: talk on giving, talk on virtue, talk on heaven,

kàmànaü àdãnavaü okàraü saïkilesaü,
the danger, degradation, and defilement of sensual desires,

nekkhamme ca ànisaüsaü - pakàsesi.
and the advantages in renunciation - (these) he explained.

Yadà Bhagavà a¤¤àsi Suppabuddhaü kuññhiü
When the Auspicious One knew that the leper Suppabuddha

kallacittaü muducittaü vinãvaraõacittaü udaggacittaü pasannacittaü,
was of ready mind, malleable mind, unhindered mind, uplifted mind, trusting mind,

atha yà Buddhànaü sàmukkaüsikà Dhammadesanà taü pakàsesi:
then he explained the Dhamma teaching the Awakened Ones have discovered themselves:

dukkhaü samudayaü nirodhaü maggaü.
suffering, arising, cessation, path.

Seyyathà pi nàma suddhaü vatthaü apagatakàlakaü
Just as it is known that a clean cloth without a stain

sammad-eva rajanaü patigaõheyya,
would take the dye well,

evam-eva Suppabuddhassa kuññhissa
so to the leper Suppabuddha

tasmiü yeva àsane virajaü vãtamalaü Dhammacakkhuü udapàdi:
on that very seat, the dust-free, stainless Vision-of-the-Dhamma arose:

ßYaü ki¤ci samudayadhammaü, sabbaü taü nirodhadhamman-ti.û
ßWhatever has the nature of arising, all that has the nature of ceasing.û

Atha kho Suppabuddho kuññhi diññhadhammo pattadhammo
Then the leper Suppabuddha having seen the Dhamma, attained the Dhamma,

viditadhammo pariyogàëhadhammo tiõõavicikiccho vigatakathaükatho
understood the Dhamma, penetrated the Dhamma, crossed over uncertainty, being without doubts,

vesàrajjappatto aparappaccayo Satthusàsane,
attained full confidence, having become independent of others in the Teacher's teaching,

uññhàyàsanà yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
after rising from his seat went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down at one side.

Ekamantaü nisinno kho Suppabuddho kuññhi Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While he was sitting on one side the leper Suppabuddha said this to the Auspicious One:

ßAbhikkantaü bhante! Abhikkantaü bhante!
ßExcellent, reverend Sir! Excellent reverend Sir!

Seyyathà pi bhante nikkujjitaü và ukkujjeyya,
Just as, reverend Sir, one might set upright what has been overturned,

pañicchannaü và vivareyya, måëhassa và maggaü àcikkheyya,
or open up what has been closed, or show a path to one who is lost,

andhakàre và telapajjotaü dhàreyya cakkhumanto råpàni dakkhintã ti,
or bear an oil lamp in the darkness so that those who have eyes can see forms,

evam-eva Bhagavatà anekapariyàyena dhammo pakàsito.
just so has the Dhamma been explained by the Auspicious One in countless ways.

Esàhaü bhante Bhagavantaü saraõaü gacchàmi,
I go, reverend Sir, to the Auspicious One for refuge,

dhamma¤-ca Bhikkhusaïgha¤-ca.
and to the Dhamma, and to the Community of monks.

Upàsakaü maü Bhagavà dhàretu
Please bear it in mind, reverend Gotama, that I am a lay follower

ajjatagge pàõupetaü saraõaü gatanû-ti. 3
who has gone for refuge from today forward for as long as I have the breath of life.û

Atha kho Suppabuddho kuññhi Bhagavatà
 Then the Auspicious One instructed, roused,

dhammiyà kathàya sandassito, samàdapito, samuttejito, sampahaüsito,
enthused, and cheered the leper Suppabuddha with a Dhamma talk,

Bhagavato bhàsitaü abhinanditvà anumoditvà,
and after greatly rejoicing and gladly receiving this word of the Auspicious One,

uññhàyàsanà, Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà padakkhiõaü katvà pakkàmi.
after rising from his seat, worshipping and circumambulating the Auspicious One, he went away.

Atha kho Suppabuddhaü kuññhiü acirapakkantaü
Then not long after the leper Suppabuddha had gone

gàvã taruõavacchà adhipàtetvà, jãvità voropesi.
a cow with a young calf having attacked him, deprived him of life.

Atha kho sambahulà bhikkhå yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkamiüsu,
Then many monks went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdiüsu.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, they sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinnà kho te bhikkhå Bhagavantaü etad-avocuü:
While sat on one side those monks said this to the Auspicious One:

ßYo so bhante Suppabuddho nàma kuññhi Bhagavatà dhammiyà kathàya
 ßThat leper called Suppabuddha, reverend Sir, who was instucted, roused, enthused, and cheered

sandassito, samàdapito, samuttejito, sampahaüsito - so kàlakato.
by the Auspicious One with a Dhamma talk - he has died.

Tassa kà gati, ko abhisamparàyoû ti?
What is his destination? What is his future state?û

ßPaõóito bhikkhave Suppabuddho kuññhi,
ßA wise man, monks, was Suppabuddha,

paccapàdi dhammassànudhammaü,
who practiced Dhamma in accordance with the Dhamma,

na ca maü dhammàdhikaraõaü vihesesi.
and did not trouble me on account of the Dhamma.

Suppabuddho bhikkhave kuññhi tiõõaü saüyojanànaü parikkhayà,
The leper Suppabuddha, monks, through the destruction of three fetters,

sotàpanno avinipàtadhammo niyato Sambodhiparàyanoû ti.
is a stream-enterer, not subject to the fall, and is assured of arriving at Full Awakening.û

Evaü vutte, a¤¤ataro bhikkhu Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
When that was said, a certain monk said this to the Auspicious One:

ßKo nu kho bhante hetu, ko paccayo yena Suppabuddho kuññhi ahosi
ßWhat was the reason, reverend Sir, what was the cause, through which the leper Suppabuddha became

manussadaëiddo manussakapaõo manussavaràko?û ti.
a poor man, a wretched man, a miserable man?û

ßBhåtapubbaü bhikkhave Suppabuddho kuññhi
ßFormerly, monks, the leper Suppabuddha

imasmiü yeva Ràjagahe seññhiputto ahosi.
was a son of a wealthy merchant in this very Ràjagaha.

So uyyànabhåmiü niyyanto 4 addasa Tagarasikhiü Paccekabuddhaü
While going to his pleasure park he saw the Pacceka Buddha Tagarasikkhi

nagaraü piõóàya pavisantaü, disvànassa etad-ahosi:
entering the city for alms, and having seen (him), this occurred to him:

ßKvàyaü kuññhi kuññhicãvarena hi vicaratã?û ti
ßWhere is this leper roaming around with his leper's robe?û

Niññhuhitvà 5 apasabyato karitvà pakkàmi.
And having spat, and circumambulated him (disrespectfully) on the left side, he went away.

So tassa kammassa vipàkena bahåni vassàni bahåni vassasatàni,
As a result of that deed for many years, for many hundreds of years,

bahåni vassasahassàni bahåni vassasatasahassàni niraye paccittha.
for many thousands of years, for many hundreds of thousands of years, he boiled in the nether regions.

Tasseva kammassa vipàkàvasesena
As a result of the remaining part of that deed

imasmiü yeva Ràjagahe kuññhi ahosi,
he became a leper in this very Ràjagaha,

manussadaëiddo manussakapaõo manussavaràko.
a poor man, a wretched man, a miserable man.

So Tathàgatappaveditaü Dhammavinayaü àgamma,
(But) he came to the Dhamma and Discipline taught by the Realised One,

saddhaü samàdiyi, sãlaü samàdiyi, sutaü samàdiyi,
and obtained faith, obtained virtue, obtained learning,

càgaü samàdiyi, pa¤¤aü samàdiyi.
obtained liberality, obtained wisdom.

So Tathàgatappaveditaü Dhammavinayaü àgamma,
After coming to the Dhamma and Discipline taught by the Realised One,

saddhaü samàdiyitvà, sãlaü samàdiyitvà, sutaü samàdiyitvà,
and obtaining faith, obtaining virtue, obtaining learning,

càgaü samàdiyitvà, pa¤¤aü samidiyitvà,
obtaining liberality, obtaining wisdom,

kàyassa bhedà, paraü maraõà, 6 sugatiü Saggaü lokaü upapanno,
at the break up of the body, after death, he arose in a fortunate destiny, in the world of Heaven,

devànaü Tàvatiüsànaü sahabyataü.
in the companionship of the Tàvatiüsa devas.

So tattha a¤¤e deve atirocati vaõõena ceva yasasà càû ti.
And there he surely outshines the other devas with his beauty and repute.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßCakkhumà visamàni va    vijjamàne parakkame,
ßAs a man with vision, who is endeavouring, (would avoid) dangerous paths,

    Paõóito jãvalokasmiü,    pàpàni parivajjayeû ti.
(So) a wise man in the world of the living,    should avoid bad deeds.û


5-4: Kumàrakasuttaü (44)
The Discourse about the Young Boys

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulà kumàrakà
Then at that time many young boys

antarà ca Sàvatthiü antarà ca Jetavanaü macchake bàdhenti. 7
who were between Sàvatthã and Jeta's Wood were catching little fish.

Atha kho Bhagavà, pubbanhasamayaü nivàsetvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having dressed in the morning time,

pattacãvaram-àdàya, Sàvatthiü piõóàya pàvisi.
after picking up his bowl and robe, was entering Sàvatthã for alms.

Addasà kho Bhagavà sambahule kumàrake
The Auspicious One saw those many young boys

antarà ca Sàvatthiü antarà ca Jetavanaü macchake bàdhente.
who were between Sàvatthã and Jeta's Wood catching fish.

Disvàna, yena te kumàrakà tenupasaïkami,
Having seen (that), he went to those young boys,

upasaïkamitvà te kumàrake etad-avoca:
and after going, he said this to those young boys:

ßBhàyatha tumhe kumàrakà dukkhassa? Appiyaü vo dukkhan?û-ti.
ßAre you afraid, boys, of suffering? Is suffering unpleasant to you?û

ßEvaü bhante bhàyàma mayaü dukkhassa, appiyaü no dukkhanû-ti.
ßYes, reverend Sir, we are afraid of suffering, suffering is unpleasant to us.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßSace bhàyatha dukkhassa, 8    sace vo dukkham-appiyaü,
ßIf you have fear of suffering,    if suffering is unpleasant to you,

    Màkattha pàpakaü kammaü,    àvi và yadi và raho.
Don't do (any) bad deeds,    whether in the open or in secret.

    Sace ca pàpakaü kammaü    karissatha karotha và,
But if you will do, or (now) do do bad deeds,

    Na vo dukkhà pamuttyatthi,    upecca 9 pi palàyatanû-ti.
For you there is no freedom from suffering,    even after going, while running away.û


5-5: Uposathasuttaü (45)
The Discourse about the Observance

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Pubbàràme Migàramàtupàsàde.
at the Eastern Monastery in Migàra's mother's mansion.

Tena kho pana samayena Bhagavà
Then at that time the Auspicious One

tadahuposathe Bhikkhusaïghaparivuto nisinno hoti.
was sitting surrounded by the Community of monks on the Observance Day.

Atha kho àyasmà ânando abhikkantàya rattiyà,
Then venerable ânanda, when the night had passed,

nikkhante pañhame yàme, uññhàyàsanà ekaüsaü cãvaraü katvà,
when the first watch of the night had gone, after rising from his seat, arranging his robe on one shoulder,

yena Bhagavà tena¤jaliü paõàmetvà Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
and raising his hands in respectful salutation, said this to the Auspicious One:

ßAbhikkantà bhante ratti, nikkhanto pañhamo yàmo,
ßThe night has passed, reverend Sir, the first watch of the night has gone,

cãranisinno Bhikkhusaïgho,
for a long time the Community of monks has been sitting,

uddisatu bhante Bhagavà bhikkhånaü Pàtimokkhanû-ti.
may the Auspicious One recite the Pàtimokkha for the monks.û

Evaü vutte, Bhagavà tuõhã ahosi.
When that was said, the Auspicious One was silent.

Dutiyam-pi kho àyasmà ânando, abhikkantàya rattiyà,
For a second time venerable ânanda, when the night had passed,

nikkhante majjhime yàme, uññhàyàsanà ekaüsaü cãvaraü katvà,
when the middle watch of the night had gone, after rising from his seat, arranging his robe on one shoulder,

yena Bhagavà tena¤jaliü paõàmetvà Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
and raising his hands in respectful salutation, said this to the Auspicious One:

ßAbhikkantà bhante ratti, nikkhanto majjhimo yàmo,
ßThe night has passed, reverend Sir, the middle watch of the night has gone,

ciranisinno Bhikkhusaïgho,
for a long time the Community of monks has been sitting,

uddisatu bhante Bhagavà bhikkhånaü Pàtimokkhanû-ti.
may the Auspicious One recite the Pàtimokkha for the monks.û

Dutiyam-pi kho Bhagavà tuõhã ahosi.
For a second time the Auspicious One was silent.

Tatiyam-pi kho àyasmà ânando, abhikkantàya rattiyà,
For a third time venerable ânanda, when the night had passed,

nikkhante pacchime yàme, uddhañe aruõe, nandimukhiyà rattiyà
when the last watch of the night had gone, when dawn had risen, when the night had a joyful appearance,

uññhàyàsanà ekaüsaü cãvaraü katvà,
after rising from his seat, arranging his robe on one shoulder,

yena Bhagavà tena¤jaliü paõàmetvà Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
and raising his hands in respectful salutation, said this to the Auspicious One:

ßAbhikkantà bhante ratti, nikkhanto pacchimo yàmo,
ßThe night has passed, reverend Sir, the last watch of the night has gone,

uddhaño aruõo, nandimukhã ratti, ciranisinno Bhikkhusaïgho,
dawn has risen, the night has a joyful appearance, for a long time the Community of monks has been sitting,

uddisatu bhante Bhagavà bhikkhånaü Pàtimokkhanû-ti.
may the Auspicious One recite the Pàtimokkha for the monks.û

ßAparisuddhà ânanda parisàû ti.
ßThe assembly is not compeletly pure, ânanda.û

Atha kho àyasmato Mahàmoggallànassa etad-ahosi:
Then it occurred to venerable Mahàmoggallàna:

ßKaü nu kho Bhagavà puggalaü sandhàya evam-àha:
ßWith regard to which person did the Auspicious One say this:

`Aparisuddhà ânanda parisà'? û ti.
`The assembly is not compeletly pure, ânanda'? û

Atha kho àyasmà Mahàmoggallàno
Then venerable Mahàmoggallàna

sabbàvantaü Bhikkhusaïghaü cetasà ceto paricca manasàkàsi.
applied his mind and encompassed fully the whole of that assembly with his mind.

Addasà kho àyasmà Mahàmoggallàno taü puggalaü dussãlaü,
Venerable Mahàmoggallàna saw that person who was lacking in virtue,

pàpadhammaü, asucisaïkassarasamàcàraü, pañicchannakammantaü,
of bad character, of impure and doubtful conduct, who covered up his deeds,

assamaõaü samaõapañi¤¤aü, abrahmacàriü brahmacàripañi¤¤aü
who was not an ascetic, though making it known he was an ascetic, who was not living the spiritual life, though making it known he was living the spiritual life,

antopåtiü, avassutaü, kasambujàtaü
who was filthy inside, polluted, and rotten,

majjhe Bhikkhusaïghassa nisinnaü.
sat in the middle of the Community of monks.

Disvàna, uññhàyàsanà yena so puggalo tenupasaïkami,
Having seen (him), he went to that person,

upasaïkamitvà, taü puggalaü etad-avoca:
and after going, he said this to that person:

ßUññhehàvuso diññhosi Bhagavatà,
ßGet up, friend, you have been seen by the Auspicious One,

natthi te bhikkhåhi saddhiü saüvàsoû ti.
there is no communion for you with the monks.û

Atha kho so puggalo tuõhã ahosi.
Then that person was silent.

Dutiyam-pi kho àyasmà Mahàmoggallàno taü puggalaü etad-avoca:
For a second time venerable Mahàmoggallàna said this to that person:

ßUññhehàvuso diññhosi Bhagavatà,
ßGet up, friend, you have been seen by the Auspicious One,

natthi te bhikkhåhi saddhiü saüvàsoû ti.
there is no longer communion for you with the monks.û

Dutiyam-pi kho so puggalo tuõhã ahosi.
For a second time that person was silent.

Tatiyam-pi kho àyasmà Mahàmoggallàno taü puggalaü etad-avoca:
For a third time venerable Mahàmoggallàna said this to that person:

ßUññhehàvuso diññhosi Bhagavatà,
ßGet up, friend, you have been seen by the Auspicious One,

natthi te bhikkhåhi saddhiü saüvàsoû ti.
there is no longer communion for you with the monks.û

Tatiyam-pi kho so puggalo tuõhã ahosi.
For a third time that person was silent.

Atha kho àyasmà Mahàmoggallàno taü puggalaü bàhàyaü gahetvà,
Then venerable Mahàmoggallàna, having taken that person by the arm,

bahidvàrakoññhakà nikkhàmetvà, såcighañikaü datvà,
having expelled him outside the doorway, and drawn the lock,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
and after going, he said this to the Auspicious One:

ßNikkhàmito bhante so puggalo mayà, parisuddhà parisà,
ßI have expelled that person, reverend Sir, the assembly is (now) compeletly pure,

uddisatu bhante Bhagavà bhikkhånaü Pàtimokkhanû-ti.
may the Auspicious One, venerable Sir, recite the Pàtimokkha for the monks.û

ßAcchariyaü Moggallàna, abbhutaü Moggallàna,
ßIt is wonderful, Moggallàna, it is marvellous, Moggallàna,

yàva bàhà gahaõà pi nàma so moghapuriso àgamessatãû ti.
how that foolish person waited until he was grabbed by the arm.û

Atha kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
Then the Auspicious One addressed the monks:

ßNa dànàhaü bhikkhave itoparaü Uposathaü karissàmi,
ßFrom now onwards, monks, I will not make the Observance,

Pàtimokkhaü uddisissàmi.
or recite the Pàtimokkha.

Tumheva dàni bhikkhave itoparaü Uposathaü kareyyàtha,
From now onwards, monks, you must make the Observance,

Pàtimokkhaü uddiseyyàtha.
and recite the Pàtimokkha.

Aññhànam-etaü bhikkhave anavakàso,
It is impossible, monks, it is not permitted,

yaü Tathàgato aparisuddhàya parisàya Uposathaü kareyya,
that the Realised One should make the Observance in an assembly that is not compeletly pure,

Pàtimokkhaü uddiseyya.
and should recite the Pàtimokkha.

Aññhime bhikkhave mahàsamudde acchariyà abbhutà dhammà,
There are these eight wonderful and marvellous things about the great ocean, monks,

ye disvà disvà 10 Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuràs delight in the great ocean.

Katame aññha?
Which eight?

1. Mahàsamuddo bhikkhave anupubbaninno, anupubbapoõo,
The great ocean, monks, gradually inclines, gradually slopes,

anupubbapabbhàro, nàyatakeneva papàto.
gradually slants, certainly does not have an abrupt falling away.

Yaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo anupubbaninno, anupubbapoõo,
That the great ocean, monks, gradually inclines, gradually slopes,

anupubbapabbhàro, nàyatakeneva papàto,
gradually slants, certainly does not have an abrupt falling away,

ayaü bhikkhave mahàsamudde pañhamo
 monks, is the first wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhuto dhammo,
about the great ocean,

yaü disvà disvà Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuras delight in the great ocean.

2. Puna caparaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo ñhitadhammo 11
Furthermore, monks, the great ocean is a steady thing,

velaü nàtivattati.
which doesn't transgress the shoreline.

Yaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo ñhitadhammo velaü nàtivattati,
That the great ocean, monks, is a stable thing, which doesn't transgress the shoreline,

ayam-pi bhikkhave mahàsamudde dutiyo
monks, is the second wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhuto dhammo,
about the great ocean,

yaü disvà disvà Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuras delight in the great ocean.

3. Puna caparaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo
Furthermore, monks, the great ocean

na matena kuõapena saüvasati,
does not endure a dead corpse,

yaü hoti mahàsamudde mataü kuõapaü
and when there is a dead corpse in the great ocean

taü khippa¤-¤eva tãraü vàheti, thalaü ussàdeti.
it quickly carries it to the bank, throws it up on dry ground.

Yaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo na matena kuõapena saüvasati,
That the great ocean, monks, does not endure a dead corpse,

yaü hoti mahàsamudde mataü kuõapaü
and when there is a dead corpse in the great ocean

taü khippa¤-¤eva tãraü vàheti, thalaü ussàdeti,
it quickly carries it to the bank, throws it up on dry ground,

ayam-pi bhikkhave mahàsamudde tatiyo
 monks, is the third wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhuto dhammo,
about the great ocean,

yaü disvà disvà Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuras delight in the great ocean.

4. Puna caparaü bhikkhave yà kàci mahànadiyo, seyyathãdaü:
Furthermore, monks, whatever great rivers there are, that is to say:

Gaïgà, Yamunà, Aciravatã, Sarabhå, Mahã,
The Gaïga, the Yamunà, the Aciravatã, the Sarabhå, and the Mahã,

tà mahàsamuddaü patvà jahanti purimàni nàmagottàni,
having arrived at the great ocean, they give up their former lineage names,

mahàsamuddo tveva saïkhaü gacchanti.
and are then designated as the great ocean.

Yaü bhikkhave, yà kàci mahànadiyo, seyyathãdaü:
That, monks, whatever great rivers there are, that is to say:

Gaïgà, Yamunà, Aciravatã, Sarabhå, Mahã,
The Gaïga, the Yamunà, the Aciravatã, the Sarabhå, and the Mahã,

tà mahàsamuddaü patvà jahanti purimàni nàmagottàni,
having arrived at the great ocean, give up their former lineage names,

mahàsamuddo tveva saïkhaü gacchanti,
and are then designated as the great ocean,

ayam-pi bhikkhave mahàsamudde catuttho
 monks, is the fourth wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhuto dhammo,
about the great ocean,

yaü disvà disvà Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuras delight in the great ocean.

5. Puna caparaü bhikkhave yà ca loke savantiyo
Furthermore, monks, the streams in the world

mahàsamuddaü appenti, yà ca antaëikkhà dhàrà papatanti,
flow into the great ocean, and showers fall from the sky,

na tena mahàsamuddassa ånattaü và pårattaü và pa¤¤àyati.
but it is not known that there is a depletion or filling of the great ocean by that.

Yaü bhikkhave yà ca loke savantiyo mahàsamuddaü appenti,
That, monks, the streams in the world flow into the great ocean,

yà ca antaëikkhà dhàrà papatanti,
and showers fall from the sky,

na tena mahàsamuddassa ånattaü và pårattaü và pa¤¤àyati,
but it is not known that there is a depletion or filling of the great ocean by that,

ayam-pi bhikkhave mahàsamudde pa¤camo
 monks, is the fifth wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhuta dhammo,
about the great ocean,

yaü disvà disvà Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuras delight in the great ocean.

6. Puna caparaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo ekaraso loõaraso.
Furthermore, monks, the great ocean has one taste, the taste of salt.

Yaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo ekaraso loõaraso,
That, monks, the great ocean has one taste, the taste of salt,

ayam-pi bhikkhave mahàsamudde chaññho
 monks, is the sixth wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about the great ocean,

yaü disvà disvà Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuras delight in the great ocean.

7. Puna caparaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo bahåratano,
Furthermore, monks, the great ocean has many precious things,

anekaratano, tatrimàni ratanàni, seyyathãdaü:
countless precious things, and therein are these precious things, that is to say:

muttà, maõi, veëuriyo, saïkho, silà,
pearls, crystals, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, quartz,

pavàëaü, rajataü, jàtaråpaü, lohitaïko, masàragallaü.
coral, silver, gold, ruby, and cat's eyes.

Yaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo bahuratano,
That, monks, the great ocean has many precious things,

anekaratano, tatrimàni ratanàni, seyyathãdaü:
countless precious things, and therein are these precious things, that is to say:

muttà, maõi, veëuriyo, saïkho, silà,
pearls, crystals, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, quartz,

pavàëaü, rajataü, jàtaråpaü, lohitaïko, masàragallaü,
coral, silver, gold, ruby, and cat's eyes,

ayam-pi bhikkhave mahàsamudde sattamo
 monks, is the seventh wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about the great ocean,

yaü disvà disvà Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuras delight in the great ocean.

8. Puna caparaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo
Furthermore, monks, the great ocean

mahataü bhåtànaü àvàso, tatrime bhåtà:
is a dwelling place for great beings, and therein are these beings:

Timi, Timiïgalo, Timirapiïgalo, Asurà, Nàgà, Gandhabbà,
Timis, Timiïgalas, Timirapiïgalas, Asuras, Nàgas, Gandhabbas,

santi mahàsamudde yojanasatikà pi attabhàvà,
and there are in the great ocean individuals of a hundred leagues,

dviyojanasatikà pi attabhàvà, tiyojanasatikà pi attabhàvà,
and individuals of two hundred leagues, and individuals of three hundred leagues,

catuyojanasatikà pi attabhàvà, pa¤cayojanasatikà pi attabhàvà.
and individuals of four hundred leagues, and individuals of five hundred leagues.

Yaü bhikkhave mahàsamuddo
That, monks, the great ocean

mahataü bhåtànaü àvàso, tatrime bhåtà:
is a dwelling place for great beings, and therein are these beings:

timi, timiïgalo, timirapiïgalo, Asurà, nàgà, gandhabbà,
Timis, Timiïgalas, Timirapiïgalas, Asuras, Nàgas, Gandhabbas,

santi mahàsamudde yojanasatikà pi attabhàvà,
and there are in the great ocean individuals of a hundred leagues,

dviyojanasatikà pi attabhàvà, tiyojanasatikà pi attabhàvà,
and individuals of two hundred leagues, and individuals of three hundred leagues,

catuyojanasatikà pi attabhàvà, pa¤cayojanasatikà pi attabhàvà,
and individuals of four hundred leagues, and individuals of five hundred leagues,

ayam-pi bhikkhave mahàsamudde aññhamo
 monks, is the eighth wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about the great ocean,

yaü disvà disvà Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuras delight in the great ocean.

Ime kho bhikkhave mahàsamudde aññha acchariyà abbhutadhammà,
These are these eight wonderful and marvellous things about the great ocean,

ye disvà disvà Asurà mahàsamudde abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the Asuras delight in the great ocean.

Evam-eva kho bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye
 In the same way, monks, there are eight wonderful and marvellous things

aññha acchariyà abbhutadhammà,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

ye disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.

Katame aññha?
Which eight?

1. Seyyathà pi bhikkhave mahàsamuddo
Just as the great ocean, monks,

anupubbaninno, anupubbapoõo,
gradually inclines, gradually slopes,

anupubbapabbhàro, nàyatakeneva papàto,
gradually slants, certainly does not fall away abruptly,

evam-eva kho bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye
so, monks, in this Dhamma and Discipline

anupubbasikkhà, anupubbakiriyà,
there is a gradual training, a gradual performance,

anupubbapañipadà, nàyatakeneva a¤¤àpañivedho.
a gradual practice, it certainly does not have an abrupt penetration of knowledge.

Yaü bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye
That, monks, in this Dhamma and Discipline

anupubbasikkhà, anupubbakiriyà,
there is a gradual training, a gradual performance,

anupubbapañipadà, nàyatakeneva a¤¤àpañivedho,
a gradual practice, and it certainly does not have an abrupt penetration of knowledge,

ayaü bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye pañhamo
 is the first wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

yaü disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.

2. Seyyathà pi bhikkhave mahasamuddo ñhitadhammo
Just as, monks, the great ocean is a steady thing,

velaü nàtivattati, evam-eva kho bhikkhave
which doesn't transgress the shoreline, so, monks,

yaü mayà sàvakànaü sikkhàpadaü pa¤¤attaü,
those training rules which are laid down by me for my disciples,

taü mama sàvakà jãvitahetu pi nàtikkamanti.
my disciples do not transgress even for the sake of life.

Yaü bhikkhave mayà sàvakànaü sikkhàpadaü pa¤¤attaü
That, monks, those training rules which are laid down by me for my disciples,

taü mama sàvakà jãvitahetu pi nàtikkamanti,
my disciples do not transgress even for the sake of life,

ayam-pi bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye dutiyo
 is the second wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

yaü disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.

3. Seyyathà pi bhikkhave mahàsamuddo
Just as, monks, the great ocean

na matena kuõapena saüvasati,
does not endure a dead corpse,

yaü hoti mahàsamudde mataü kuõapaü
and when there is a dead corpse in the great ocean

taü khippa¤-¤eva tãraü vàheti, thalaü ussàdeti,
it quickly carries it to the bank, throws it up on dry ground,

evam-eva kho bhikkhave yo so puggalo dussãlo
so, monks, he who is a person who is lacking in virtue,

pàpadhammo, asucisaïkassarasamàcàro, pañicchannakammanto,
of bad character, of impure and doubtful conduct, who covers up his deeds,

assamaõo samaõapañi¤¤o, abrahmacàrã brahmacàripañi¤¤o,
who is not an ascetic, though making it known he is an ascetic, who is not living the spiritual life, though making it known he is living the spiritual life,

antopåti, avassuto, kasambujàto, na tena Saïgho saüvasati,
who is filthy inside, polluted, and rotten, the Community does not endure that (person),

atha kho naü khippa¤-¤eva sannipatitvà ukkhipati,
but quickly having assembled together, suspend him,

ki¤càpi so hoti majjhe Bhikkhusaïghassa nisinno
and whoever was sitting in the midst of the Community of monks

atha kho so àrakà va Saïghamhà, Saïgho ca tena. 12
is then far from the Community, and the Community from him.

Yaü bhikkhave yo so puggalo dussãlo,
That, monks, he who is a person who is lacking in virtue,

pàpadhammo, asucisaïkassarasamàcàro pañicchannakammanto,
of bad character, of impure and doubtful conduct, who covers up his deeds,

assamaõo samaõapañi¤¤o, abrahmacàrã brahmacàripañi¤¤o,
who is not an ascetic, though making it known he is an ascetic, who is not living the spiritual life, though making it known he is living the spiritual life,

antopåti, avassuto, kasambujàto, na tena Saïgho saüvasati,
who is filthy inside, polluted, and rotten, the Community does not endure that (person),

atha kho naü khippa¤-¤eva sannipatitvà ukkhipati,
but quickly having assembled together, suspend him,

ki¤càpi so hoti majjhe Bhikkhusaïghassa nisinno,
and whoever was sitting in the midst of the Community of monks,

atha kho so àrakàva Saïghamhà, Saïgho ca tena,
is then by the Community removed far from the Saïgha,

ayam-pi bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye tatiyo
 is the third wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

yaü disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.

4. Seyyathà pi bhikkhave yà kàci mahànadiyo, seyyathãdaü:
Just as, monks, whatever great rivers there are, that is to say:

Gaïgà, Yamunà, Aciravatã, Sarabhå, Mahã,
The Gaïga, the Yamunà, the Aciravatã, the Sarabhå, and the Mahã,

tà mahàsamuddaü patvà jahanti pårimàni nàmagottàni,
having arrived at the great ocean, they give up their former lineage names,

mahàsamuddo tveva saïkhaü gacchanti,
and are then designated as the great ocean,

evam-eva kho bhikkhave cattàro me vaõõà:
so, monks, there are these four classes:

Khattiyà, Bràhmaõà, Vessà, Suddà, te Tathàgatappavedite
 Khattiyas, Bràhmaõas, Vessas, and Suddas, who, having gone forth

Dhammavinaye agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajitvà,
from the home to homelessness in the Dhamma and Discipline taught by the Realised One,

jahanti purimàni nàmagottàni,
give up their former lineage names,

samaõà Sakyaputtiyà tveva saïkhaü gacchanti.
and are then designated as Sakyan ascetics.

Yaü bhikkhave cattàro me vaõõà:
That, monks, there are these four classes:

Khattiyà, Bràhmaõà, Vessà, Suddhà, te Tathàgatappavedite
Khattiyas, Bràhmaõas, Vessas, and Suddas, who, having gone forth

Dhammavinaye agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajitvà,
from the home to homelessness in the Dhamma and Discipline taught by the Realised One,

jahanti purimàni nàmagottàni,
give up their former lineage names,

samaõà Sakyaputtiyà tveva saïkhaü gacchanti,
and are then designated as Sakyan ascetics,

ayam-pi bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye catuttho
 is the fourth wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

yaü disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.

5. Seyyathà pi bhikkhave yà ca loke savantiyo
Just as, monks, the streams in the world

mahàsamuddaü appenti, yà ca antaëikkhà dhàrà papatanti,
flow into the great ocean, and showers fall from the sky,

na tena mahàsamuddassa ånattaü và pårattaü và pa¤¤àyati,
but it is not known that there is a depletion or filling of the great ocean by that,

evam-eva kho bhikkhave bahå ce pi bhikkhå,
so, monks, even if many monks,

anupàdisesàya Nibbànadhàtuyà parinibbàyanti,
are completely emancipated in the Emancipation-element which has no basis for attachment remaining,

na tena Nibbànadhàtuyà ånattaü và pårattaü và pa¤¤àyati.
it is not known that the Emancipation-element is either depleted or filled by that.

Yaü bhikkhave bahå ce pi bhikkhå,
That, monks, even if many monks,

anupàdisesàya Nibbànadhàtuyà parinibbàyanti,
are completely emancipated in the Emancipation-element which has no basis for attachment remaining,

na tena Nibbànadhàtuyà ånattaü và pårattaü và pa¤¤àyati,
it is not known that the Emancipation-element is either depleted or filled by that,

ayam-pi bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye pa¤camo
 is the fifth wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

yaü disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.

6. Seyyathà pi bhikkhave mahàsamuddo ekaraso loõaraso,
Just as, monks, the great ocean has one taste, the taste of salt,

evam-eva kho bhikkhave ayaü Dhammavinayo
so, monks, this Dhamma and Discipline

ekaraso vimuttiraso.
has one taste, the taste of freedom.

Yaü bhikkhave ayaü Dhammavinayo ekaraso vimuttiraso,
That, monks, this Dhamma and Discipline has one taste, the taste of freedom,

ayam-pi bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye chaññho
 is the sixth wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

yaü disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.

7. Seyyathà pi bhikkhave mahàsamuddo bahuratano,
Just as, monks, the great ocean has many precious things,

anekaratano, tatrimàni ratanàni: seyyathãdaü:
countless precious things, and therein are these precious things, that is to say:

muttà, maõi, veëuriyo, saïkho, silà, quartz,
pearls, crystals, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl,

pavàëaü, rajataü, jàtaråpaü, lohitaïko, masàragallaü,
coral, silver, gold, ruby, and cat's eye,

evam-eva kho bhikkhave ayaü Dhammavinayo
so, monks, this Dhamma and Discipline

bahuratano, anekaratano, tatrimàni ratanàni: seyyathãdaü:
has many precious things, countless precious things, and therein are these precious things, that is to say:

cattàri satipaññhànàni, cattàri sammappadhànàni,
the four ways of attending to mindfulness, the four right efforts,

cattàro iddhipàdà, pa¤cindriyàni, pa¤cabalàni,
the four paths to power, the five faculties, the five strengths,

sattabojjhaïgà, ariyo aññhaïgiko maggo.
the seven factors of Awakening, the eight-fold noble path.

Yaü bhikkhave ayaü Dhammavinayo bahuratano, anekaratano,
That, monks, this Dhamma and Discipline has many precious things, countless precious things,

tatrimàni ratanàni: seyyathãdaü:
and therein are these precious things, that is to say:

cattàri satipaññhànàni, cattàri sammappadhànàni,
the four ways of attending to mindfulness, the four right efforts,

cattàro iddhipàdà, pa¤cindriyàni, pa¤cabalàni,
the four paths to power, the five faculties, the five strengths,

sattabojjhaïgà, ariyo aññhaïgiko maggo,
the seven factors of Awakening, the eight-fold noble path,

ayam-pi bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye sattamo
 is the seventh wonderful and marvellous thing

acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

yaü disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.

8. Seyyathà pi bhikkhave mahàsamuddo
Just as, monks, the great ocean,

mahataü bhåtànaü àvàso, tatrime bhåtà:
is a dwelling place for great beings and therein are these beings:

Timi, Timiïgalo, Timirapiïgalo, Asurà, Nàgà, Gandhabbà,
Timis, Timiïgalas, Timirapiïgalas, Asuras, Nàgas, Gandhabbas,

santi mahàsamudde yojanasatikà pi attabhàvà,
and there are in the great ocean individuals of a hundred leagues,

dviyojanasatikà pi attabhàvà, tiyojanasatikà pi attabhàvà,
and individuals of two hundred leagues, and individuals of three hundred leagues,

catuyojanasatikà pi attabhàvà, pa¤cayojanasatikà pi attabhàvà.
and individuals of four hundred leagues, and individuals of five hundred leagues.

evam-eva kho bhikkhave ayaü Dhammavinayo
so, monks, this Dhamma and Discipline

mahataü bhåtànaü àvàso, tatrime bhåtà:
is a dwelling place for great beings, and therein are these beings:

sotàpanno, sotàpattiphalasacchikiriyàya pañipanno,
the stream-enterer, and he who is practising for the realisation of the fruit of stream-entry,

sakadàgàmi, sakadàgàmiphalasacchikiriyàya pañipanno,
the once-returner, and he who is practising for the realisation of the fruit of once-returning,

anàgàmi, anàgàmiphalasacchikiriyàya pañipanno,
the non-returner, and he who is practising for the realisation of the fruit of non-returning,

Arahà, Arahattaphalasacchikiriyàya pañipanno.
the Worthy One, and he who is practising for the realisation of the fruit of Worthiness.

Yaü bhikkhave ayaü Dhammavinayo
That, monks, this Dhamma and Discipline

mahataü bhåtànaü àvàso, tatrime bhåtà:
is a dwelling place for great beings, and therein are these beings:

sotàpanno, sotàpattiphalasacchikiriyàya pañipanno,
the stream-enterer, and he who is practising for the realisation of the fruit of stream-entry,

sakadàgàmi, sakadàgàmiphalasacchikiriyàya pañipanno,
the once-returner, and he who is practising for the realisation of the fruit of once-returning,

anàgàmi, anàgàmiphalasacchikiriyàya pañipanno,
the non-returner, and he who is practising for the realisation of the fruit of non-returning,

Arahà, Arahattaphalasacchikiriyàya pañipanno,
the Worthy One, and he who is practising for the realisation of the fruit of Worthiness,

ayaü bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye
 is the eighth wonderful and marvellous thing

aññhamo acchariyo abbhutadhammo,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

yaü disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramanti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.

Ime kho bhikkhave imasmiü Dhammavinaye
 These are the eight wonderful and marvellous things

aññha acchariyà, abbhutadhammà,
about this Dhamma and Discipline,

ye disvà disvà bhikkhå imasmiü Dhammavinaye abhiramantãû ti.
which, having seen and considered, the monks delight in this Dhamma and Discipline.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßChannam-ativivassati    vivañaü nàtivassati,
ßOn what is covered (defilement) pours down,    on what is open it does not pour down,

    Tasmà channaü vivaretha    evaü taü 13 nàtivassatãû ti.
Therefore what is covered open up,    so that it does not pour down on you.û


5-6: Soõasuttaü (46)
The Discourse about Soõa

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Mahàkaccàyano
Then at that time venerable Mahàkaccàyana

Avantisu viharati, Kuraraghare Pavatte pabbate.
was dwelling amongst the Avanti people, near Kuraraghara, on Pavatta mountain.

Tena kho pana samayena Soõo upàsako Kuñikaõõo
Then at that time the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

àyasmato Mahàkaccàyanassa upaññhàko hoti.
was venerable Mahàkaccàyana's supporter.

Atha kho Soõassa upàsakassa Kuñikaõõassa
Then when the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

rahogatassa patisallãõassa evaü cetaso parivitakko udapàdi:
had gone into hiding, into seclusion, this reflection arose in his mind:

ßYathà yathà kho Ayyo Mahàkaccàyano dhammaü deseti,
ßAccording to the way Master Mahàkaccàyana teaches the Dhamma,

na-y-idaü sukaraü agàraü ajjhàvasatà ekantaparipuõõaü,
 it is not easy, while dwelling in the home, to live the spiritual life,

ekantaparisuddhaü saïkhalikhitaü brahmacariyaü carituü.
absolutely fulfilled, absolutely pure, like a polished shell.

Yannånàhaü kesamassuü ohàretvà, kàsàyàni vatthàni acchàdetvà,
Well now, after shaving off head-hair and beard, and donning ochre clothes,

agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajeyyanû-ti.
I could go forth from the home to homelessness.û

Atha kho Soõo upàsako Kuñikaõõo
Then the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

yenàyasmà Mahàkaccàyano tenupasaïkami,
went to venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

upasaïkamitvà àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü abhivàdetvà,
and after going and worshipping venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

ekamantaü nisãdi. Ekamantaü nisinno kho Soõo upàsako Kuñikaõõo
he sat down on one side. While sat on one side the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü etad-avoca:
said this to venerable Mahàkaccàyana:

ßIdha mayhaü bhante rahogatassa patisallãõassa
ßHere, reverend Sir, having gone into hiding, into seclusion,

evaü cetaso parivitakko udapàdi:
this reflection arose in my mind:

`Yathà yathà kho ayyo Mahàkaccàyano dhammaü deseti,
`According to the way Master Mahàkaccàyana teaches the Dhamma,

na-y-idaü sukaraü agàraü ajjhàvasatà ekantaparipuõõaü
 it is not easy, while dwelling in the home, to live the spiritual life

ekantaparisuddhaü saïkhalikhitaü brahmacariyaü carituü.
absolutely fulfilled, absolutely pure, like a polished shell.

Yannånàhaü kesamassuü ohàretvà kàsàyàni vatthàni acchàdetvà,
Well now, after shaving off head-hair and beard, and donning ochre clothes,

agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajeyyan'-ti.
I could go forth from the home to homelessness.'

Pabbàjetu maü bhante ayyo Mahàkaccàyanoû ti.
Reverend Sir, may Master Mahàkaccàyana let me go forth.û

Evaü vutte, àyasmà Mahàkaccàyano
When that was said, venerable Mahàkaccàyana

Soõaü upàsakaü Kuñikaõõaü etad-avoca:
said this to the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa:

ßDukkaraü kho Soõa yàvajãvaü ekabhattaü ekaseyyaü brahmacariyaü, 14
ßA solitary meal, a solitary bed, and celibacy, Soõa, for as long as life lasts, is difficult,

iïgha tvaü Soõa tattheva agàrikabhåto samàno, 15
come on, Soõa, right now while still living as a householder,

Buddhànaü sàsanaü anuyu¤ja,
you should devote yourself to the Buddhas' teaching,

kàlayuttaü 16 ekabhattaü ekaseyyaü brahmacariyanû-ti.
and at suitable times (i.e. on Observance days) (have only) a solitary meal, a solitary bed, and celibacy.û

Atha kho Soõassa upàsakassa Kuñikaõõassa
 Then that determination the lay follower

yo ahosi pabbajjàbhisaïkhàro so pañippassambhi.
Soõa Kuñikaõõa had to go forth abated.

Dutiyam-pi kho Soõassa upàsakassa Kuñikaõõassa
For a second time when the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

rahogatassa patisallãõassa evaü cetaso parivitakko udapàdi:
had gone into hiding, into seclusion, this reflection arose in his mind:

ßYathà yathà kho ayyo Mahàkaccàyano dhammaü deseti,
ßAccording to the way Master Mahàkaccàyana teaches the Dhamma,

na-y-idaü sukaraü agàraü ajjhàvasatà ekantaparipuõõaü,
 it is not easy, while dwelling in the home, to live the spiritual life,

ekantaparisuddhaü saïkhalikhitaü brahmacariyaü carituü.
absolutely fulfilled, absolutely pure, like a polished shell.

Yannånàhaü kesamassuü ohàretvà kàsàyàni vatthàni acchàdetvà
Well now, after shaving off head-hair and beard, and donning ochre clothes,

agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajeyyanû-ti.
I could go forth from the home to homelessness.û

Dutiyam-pi kho Soõo upàsako Kuñikaõõo
For a second time the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

yenàyasmà Mahàkaccàyano tenupasaïkami,
went to venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

upasaïkamitvà àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü abhivàdetvà,
and after going and worshipping venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

ekamantaü nisãdi. Ekamantaü nisinno kho Soõo upàsako Kuñikaõõo
he sat down on one side. While sat on one side the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü 17 etad-avoca:
said this to venerable Mahàkaccàyana:

ßIdha mayhaü bhante rahogatassa patisallãõassa,
ßHere, reverend Sir, having gone into hiding, into seclusion,

evaü cetaso parivitakko udapàdi:
this reflection arose in my mind:

`Yathà yathà kho ayyo Mahàkaccàyano dhammaü deseti,
`According to the way Master Mahàkaccàyana teaches the Dhamma,

na-y-idaü sukaraü agàraü ajjhàvasati ekantaparipuõõaü
 it is not easy, while dwelling in the home, to live the spiritual life

ekantaparisuddhaü saïkhalikhitaü brahmacariyaü carituü.
absolutely fulfilled, absolutely pure, like a polished shell.

Yannånàhaü kesamassuü ohàretvà kàsàyàni vatthàni acchàdetvà,
Well now, after shaving off head-hair and beard, and donning ochre clothes,

agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajeyyan'-ti.
I could go forth from the home to homelessness.'

Pabbàjetu maü bhante ayyo Mahàkaccàyanoû ti.
Reverend Sir, may Master Mahàkaccàyana let me go forth.û

Dutiyam-pi kho àyasmà Mahàkaccàyano
For a second time venerable Mahàkaccàyana

Soõaü upàsakaü Kuñikaõõaü etad-avoca:
said this to the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa:

ßDukkaraü kho Soõa yàvajãvaü ekabhattaü ekaseyyaü brahmacariyaü,
ßA solitary meal, a solitary bed, and celibacy, Soõa, for as long as life lasts, is difficult,

iïgha tvaü Soõa, tattheva agàrikabhåto samàno,
come on, Soõa, right now while still living as a householder,

buddhànaü sàsanaü anuyu¤ja,
you should devote yourself to the Buddhas' teaching,

kàlayuttaü ekabhattaü ekaseyyaü brahmacariyanû-ti.
and at suitable times (have only) a solitary meal, a solitary bed, and celibacy.û

Dutiyam-pi kho Soõassa upàsakassa Kuñikaõõassa
 For a second time that determination the lay follower

yo ahosi pabbajjàbhisaïkhàro so pañippassambhi.
Soõa Kuñikaõõa had to go forth abated.

Tatiyam-pi kho Soõassa upàsakassa Kuñikaõõassa
For a third time when the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

rahogatassa patisallãõassa evaü cetaso parivitakko udapàdi:
had gone into hiding, into seclusion, this reflection arose in his mind:

ßYathà yathà kho ayyo Mahàkaccàyano dhammaü deseti,
ßIn the way Master Mahàkaccàyana teaches the Dhamma,

na-y-idaü sukaraü agàraü ajjhàvasatà ekantaparipuõõaü,
 it is not easy, while dwelling in the home, to live the spiritual life,

ekantaparisuddhaü saïkhalikhitaü brahmacariyaü carituü.
absolutely fulfilled, absolutely pure, like a polished shell.

Yannånàhaü kesamassuü ohàretvà kàsàyàni vatthàni acchàdetvà,
Well now, after shaving off head-hair and beard, and donning ochre clothes,

agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajeyyanû-ti.
I could go forth from the home to homelessness.û

Tatiyam-pi kho Soõo upàsako Kuñikaõõo
For a third time the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

yenàyasmà Mahàkaccàyano tenupasaïkami,
went to venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

upasaïkamitvà àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü abhivàdetvà,
and after going and worshipping venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

ekamantaü nisãdi. Ekamantaü nisinno kho Soõo upàsako Kuñikaõõo
he sat down on one side. While sat on one side the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa

àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü etad-avoca:
said this to venerable Mahàkaccàyana:

ßIdha mayhaü bhante rahogatassa patisallãõassa
ßHere, reverend Sir, having gone into hiding, into seclusion,

evaü cetaso parivitakko udapàdi:
this reflection arose in my mind:

`Yathà yathà kho ayyo Mahàkaccàyano dhammaü deseti,
`According to the way Master Mahàkaccàyana teaches the Dhamma,

na-y-idaü sukaraü agàraü ajjhàvasatà ekantaparipuõõaü
 it is not easy, while dwelling in the home, to live the spiritual life

ekantaparisuddhaü saïkhalikhitaü brahmacariyaü carituü.
absolutely fulfilled, absolutely pure, like a polished shell.

Yannånàhaü kesamassuü ohàretvà kàsàyàni vatthàni acchàdetvà,
Well now, after shaving off head-hair and beard, and donning ochre clothes,

agàrasmà anagàriyaü pabbajeyyan'-ti.
I could go forth from the home to homelessness.'

Pabbàjetu maü bhante ayyo Mahàkaccàyanoû ti.
Reverend Sir, may Master Mahàkaccàyana let me go forth.û

Atha kho àyasmà Mahàkaccàyano
Then venerable Mahàkaccàyana

Soõaü upàsakaü Kuñikaõõaü pabbàjesi.
let the lay follower Soõa Kuñikaõõa go forth.

Tena kho pana samayena Avantidakkhiõàpatho 18 appabhikkhuko hoti.
Then at that time there were few monks in the Southern State of Avanti.

Atha kho àyasmà Mahàkaccàyano tiõõaü vassànaü accayena,
Then with the passing of three years venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

kicchena kasirena tato tato dasavaggaü Bhikkhusaïghaü sannipàtetvà,
having, with difficulty and with trouble, from here and there, brought together a group of ten monks from the Order,

àyasmantaü Soõaü upasampàdesi.
fully ordained venerable Soõa.

Atha kho àyasmato Soõassa Vassaü vutthassa,
Then when venerable Soõa, after residing for the Rains Retreat,

rahogatassa patisallãõassa evaü cetaso parivitakko udapàdi:
had gone into hiding, into seclusion, this reflection arose in his mind:

ßNa kho me so Bhagavà sammukhà diññho,
ßI have not seen the Auspicious One face to face,

api ca suto yeva me so Bhagavà ãdiso ca ãdiso cà ti.
but I have heard that the Auspicious One is such and such a one.

Sace maü upajjhàyo anujàneyya gaccheyyàhaü
If the preceptor would allow me I could go

taü Bhagavantaü dassanàya, Arahantaü Sammàsambuddhanû-ti.
to see the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha.û

Atha kho àyasmà Soõo sàyanhasamayaü patisallàõà vuññhito,
Then the venerable Soõa, having risen from seclusion in the evening time,

yenàyasmà Mahàkaccàyano tenupasaïkami,
went to venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

upasaïkamitvà àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü abhivàdetvà,
and after going and worshipping venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

ekamantaü nisãdi. Ekamantaü nisinno kho àyasmà Soõo
he sat down on one side. While sat on one side venerable Soõa

àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü etad-avoca:
said this to venerable Mahàkaccàyana:

ßIdha mayhaü bhante rahogatassa patisallãõassa,
ßHere, reverend Sir, having gone into hiding, into seclusion,

evaü cetaso parivitakko udapàdi:
this reflection arose in my mind:

`Na kho me so Bhagavà sammukhà diññho,
`I have not seen the Auspicious One face to face,

api ca suto yeva me so Bhagavà ãdiso ca ãdiso cà' ti.
but I have heard that the Auspicious One is such and such a one.'

Sace maü upajjhàyo anujàneyya gaccheyyàhaü
If the preceptor would allow me I could go

taü Bhagavantaü dassanàya Arahantaü Sammàsambuddhanû-ti.
to see the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha.û

ßSàdhu sàdhu Soõa gaccha tvaü Soõa,
ßGood, good, Soõa, you must go, Soõa,

taü Bhagavantaü dassanàya Arahantaü Sammàsambuddhaü. 19
to see the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha.

Dakkhissasi tvaü Soõa taü Bhagavantaü
You will see, Soõa, that Auspicious One

pàsàdikaü pasàdanãyaü santindriyaü santamànasaü,
who is confident, inspiring confidence, with (sense) faculties at peace, mind at peace,

having attained supreme self-control and calm,

dantaü guttaü yatindriyaü nàgaü.
controlled, guarded, with restrained faculties, a (true) nàga.

Disvàna, mama vacanena Bhagavato pàde sirasà vandàhi,
Having seen (him), in my name you should worship the Auspicious One's feet with your head,

appàbàdhaü appàtaïkaü lahuññhànaü balaü phàsuvihàra¤-ca puccha:
ask (if he is) free from affliction, free from sickness, in good health, strong, and living comfortably, (saying):

`Upajjhàyo me bhante àyasmà Mahàkaccàyano,
`My Preceptor, venerable Mahàkaccàyana, reverend Sir,

Bhagavato pàde sirasà vandati,
worships the Auspicious One's feet with his head,

appàbàdhaü appàtaïkaü
and asks (if you are) free from affliction, free from sickness,

lahuññhànaü balaü phàsuvihàra¤-ca pucchatã?' û ti.
in good health, strong, and living comfortably?' û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho àyasmà Soõo,
ßYes, reverend Sirû, and venerable Soõa,

àyasmato Mahàkaccàyanassa bhàsitaü abhinanditvà anumoditvà,
and after greatly rejoicing and gladly receiving this word of venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü abhivàdetvà padakkhiõaü katvà,
having worshipped and circumambulated venerable Mahàkaccàyana,

senàsanaü saüsàmetvà, pattacãvaram-àdàya,
after putting his dwelling place in order, and picking up his robe and bowl,

yena Sàvatthã tena càrikaü pakkàmi.
he went on walking tour towards Sàvatthã.

Anupubbena càrikaü caramàno yena Sàvatthã,
 Walking gradually on walking tour he went to Sàvatthã,

Jetavanaü Anàthapiõóikassa àràmo yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
Jeta's Wood, Anàthapiõóika's monastery, and the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinno kho àyasmà Soõo Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While sat on one side venerable Soõa said this to the Auspicious One:

ßUpajjhàyo me bhante àyasmà Mahàkaccàyano
ßMy Preceptor, venerable Mahàkaccàyana, reverend Sir,

Bhagavato pàde sirasà vandati,
worships the Auspicious One's feet with his head,

appàbàdhaü appàtaïkaü
and asks (if you are) free from affliction, free from sickness,

lahuññhànaü balaü phàsuvihàra¤-ca pucchatãû ti.
in good health, strong, and living comfortably?û

ßKacci bhikkhu khamanãyaü? Kacci yàpanãyaü?
ßCan you bear up, monk? Can you carry on?

Kaccisi appakilamathena addhànaü àgato,
Did you come along the road without fatigue,

na ca piõóakena kilantosã?û ti.
and without going short of alms?û

ßKhamanãyaü Bhagavà, yàpanãyaü Bhagavà,
ßI can bear up, reverend Sir, I can carry on,

appakilamathena càhaü bhante addhànaü àgato,
and I did come along the road without fatigue,

na ca piõóakena kilantomhãû ti.
and without going short of alms.û

Atha kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü ânandaü àmantesi:
Then the Auspicious One addressed Venerable ânanda, (saying):

ßImass' ânanda àgantukassa bhikkhuno senàsanaü pa¤¤àpehãû ti.
ßPlease prepare a dwelling place, ânanda, for this visiting monk.û

Atha kho àyasmato ânandassa etad-ahosi:
Then it occurred to venerable ânanda:

ßYassa kho maü Bhagavà àõàpeti:
ßWhen the Auspicious One orders me, (saying):

`Imass' ânanda àgantukassa bhikkhuno senàsanaü pa¤¤àpehã' ti,
`Please prepare a dwelling place, ânanda, for this visiting monk,'

icchati Bhagavà tena bhikkhunà saddhiü ekavihàre vatthuü.
he wants to to dwell together with that monk in one living quarters.

Icchati Bhagavà àyasmatà Soõena saddhiü ekavihàre vatthuü.û
The Auspicious One wants to dwell together with venerable Soõa in one living quarters.û

Yasmiü vihàre Bhagavà viharati,
And in the living quarters where the Auspicious One was living,

tasmiü vihàre àyasmato Soõassa senàsanaü pa¤¤àpesi.
there he prepared a dwelling place for venerable Soõa.

Atha kho Bhagavà bahudeva rattiü abbhokàse nisajjàya vãtinàmetvà,
Then the Auspicious One having spent most of the night sitting in the open air,

pàde pakkhàletvà vihàraü pàvisi.
having washed his feet, entered the living quarters.

âyasmà pi kho Soõo bahudeva rattiü abbhokàse nisajjàya vãtinàmetvà,
Also venerable Soõa having spent most of the night sitting in the open air,

pàde pakkhàletvà vihàraü pàvisi.
having washed his feet, entered the living quarters.

Atha kho Bhagavà rattiyà paccåsasamayaü paccuññhàya,
Then towards the time of dawn, after rising, the Auspicious One

àyasmantaü Soõaü ajjhesi:
requested venerable Soõa, (saying):

ßPañibhàtu taü bhikkhu dhammo bhàsitunû-ti.
ßMay the Dhamma inspire you to speak, monk.û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho àyasmà Soõo Bhagavato pañissutvà,
ßYes, reverend Sir,û said venerable Soõa, and after replying to the Auspicious One,

soëasa Aññhakavaggikàni sabbàneva sarena abhaõã.
he melodiously recited (all) sixteen (discourses) of the Chapter of the Eights.

Atha kho Bhagavà àyasmato Soõassa
 Then at the end of venerable Soõa's

sarabha¤¤apariyosàne abbhanumodi:
melodious recitation the Auspicious One greatly rejoiced, (saying):

ßSàdhu sàdhu bhikkhu suggahitàni bhikkhu,
ßGood, good, monk, well learned, monk,

soëasa Aññhakavaggikàni sumanasikatàni supadhàrãtàni,
well remembered, well born in mind, are the sixteen (discourses) of the Chapter of the Eights,

kalyàõiyàsi vàcàya samannàgato,
you are endowed with a good voice,

vissaññhàya aneëagalàya atthassa vi¤¤àpaniyà.
with good enunciation, pure articulation, which makes the meaning clear.

Kati Vassosi tvaü bhikkhå?û ti. 20
How many Rains do you have, monk?û

ßEkavasso ahaü Bhagavàû ti.
ßI have one Rains, Auspicious One.û

ßKissa pana tvaü bhikkhu evaü ciraü akàsã?û ti
ßBut why, monk, did it take you so long (to ordain)?û

ßCiradiññho me bhante kàmesu àdãnavo,
ßFor a long time, reverend Sir, I have seen the danger in sensual desires,

api ca sambàdho gharàvàso bahukicco bahukaraõãyoû ti.
but dwelling in the home there was obstruction, with many duties and many things to do.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßDisvà àdãnavaü loke,    ¤atvà 21 dhammaü niråpadhiü,
ßHaving seen the danger in the world,    having come to know the state free from cleaving,

    Ariyo na ramatã pàpe,    pàpe na ramatã sucãû ti. 22
The Noble One does not delight in bad deeds,    the pure one does not delight in bad deeds.û


5-7: Revatasuttaü (47)
The Discourse about Revata

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Kaïkhàrevato
Then at that time venerable Kaïkhàrevata (Doubting Revata)

Bhagavato avidåre nisinno hoti,
was sitting not far away from the Auspicious One,

pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

attano kaïkhàvitaraõavisuddhiü paccavekkhamàno.
relecting on his own purification through crossing over doubt.

Addasà kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü Kaïkhàrevataü
The Auspicious One saw venerable Kaïkhàrevata

avidåre nisinnaü, pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
sat not far away, after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

attano kaïkhàvitaraõavisuddhiü paccavekkhamànaü.
relecting on his own purification through crossing over doubt.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßYà kàci kaïkhà idha và huraü và,
ßWhatever doubts there are (about) here or hereafter,

    Sakavediyà và paravediyà và,
Understandable by oneself, or understandable by another,

    Jhàyino tà pajahanti sabbà,
The meditators give up all these,

    âtàpino brahmacariyaü carantàû ti.
The ardent ones living the spiritual life.û


5-8: ânandasuttaü (48)
The Discourse about ânanda

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Ràjagahe viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Ràjagaha,

Veëuvane Kalandakanivàpe.
at the Squirrel's Feeding Place in Bamboo Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà ânando
Then at that time venerable ânanda

tadahuposathe pubbanhasamayaü nivàsetvà,
on the Observance day, having dressed in the morning time,

pattacãvaram-àdàya, Ràjagahaü piõóàya pàvisi.
after picking up his bowl and robe, entered Ràjagaha for alms.

Addasà kho Devadatto àyasmantaü ânandaü Ràjagahe piõóàya carantaü,
Devadatta saw venerable ânanda walking for alms in Ràjagaha,

disvàna, yena àyasmà ânando tenupasaïkami,
and after seeing (him), he went to venerable ânanda,

upasaïkamitvà àyasmantaü ânandaü etad-avoca:
and after going, he said this to venerable ânanda:

ßAjjatagge dànàhaü àvuso ânanda a¤¤atreva Bhagavatà,
ßFrom today forward, friend ânanda, apart from the Auspicious One,

a¤¤atra Bhikkhusaïghà, Uposathaü karissàmi Saïghakammàni càû ti.
apart from the Community of monks, I will make the Observance and do [Legal] Acts of the Community.û

Atha kho àyasmà ânando Ràjagahe piõóàya caritvà,
Then venerable ânanda, after walking for alms in Ràjagaha,

pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkanto, yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
while returning from the alms-round after the meal, went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinno kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While sat on one side venerable ânanda said this to the Auspicious One:

ßIdhàhaü bhante pubbanhasamayaü nivàsetvà,
ßHere I, reverend Sir, having dressed in the morning time,

pattacãvaram-àdàya, Ràjagahaü piõóàya pàvisiü.
after picking up my bowl and robe, entered Ràjagaha for alms.

Addasà kho maü bhante Devadatto Ràjagahe piõóàya carantaü,
Devadatta saw me, reverend Sir, walking for alms in Ràjagaha,

disvàna, yenàhaü tenupasaïkami, upasaïkamitvà maü etad-avoca:
and after seeing (me), he came to me, and after coming, he said this to me:

`Ajjatagge dànàhaü àvuso ânanda a¤¤atreva Bhagavatà
`From today forward, friend ânanda, apart from the Auspicious One,

a¤¤atra Bhikkhusaïghà Uposathaü karissàmi Saïghakammàni cà' ti.
apart from the Community of monks, I will make the Observance and do [Legal] Acts of the Community.'

Ajja bhante Devadatto Saïghaü bhindissati,
Today, reverend Sir, Devadatta will split the Order,

Uposatha¤-ca karissati Saïghakammàni càû ti.
and will make the Observance and do [Legal] Acts of the Community (apart).û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßSukaraü sàdhunà sàdhu,    sàdhu pàpena dukkaraü,
ßDone with ease by the good is good,    good by the bad is done (only) with difficulty,

    Pàpaü pàpena sukaraü,    pàpam-Ariyehi dukkaranû-ti.
Bad by the bad is done with ease,    bad by the Noble Ones is done (only) with difficulty.û


5-9: Saddhàyamànasuttaü (49)
The Discourse about Mocking

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Kosalesu càrikaü carati,
at one time the Auspicious One was walking on walking tour amongst the Kosalans,

mahatà Bhikkhusaïghena saddhiü.
together with a great Community of monks.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulà màõavakà
Then at that time a great many young bràhmaõas

Bhagavato avidåre saddhàyamànaråpà 23 atikkamanti.
were passing by not far from the Auspicious One in a mocking manner.

Addasà kho Bhagavà sambahule màõavake
The Auspicious One saw those many young bràhmaõas

avidåre saddhàyamànaråpe atikkamante.
passing by not far away in a mocking manner.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßParimuññhà paõóitàbhàsà, 24    vàcàgocarabhàõino, 25
ßThe forgetful, speaking unsuitable words, (though) appearing to be wise,

    Yàvicchanti mukhàyàmaü    yena nãtà na taü vidåû ti.
Stretching their mouths as much as they want,    are led on by what they don't understand.û


5-10: Panthakasuttaü (50)
The Discourse about Panthaka

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Cullapanthako
Then at that time venerable Cullapanthaka

Bhagavato avidåre nisinno hoti,
was sitting not far away from the Auspicious One,

pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

parimukhaü satiü upaññhapetvà.
and establishing mindfulness at the front.

Addasà kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü Cullapanthakaü
The Auspicious One saw venerable Cullapanthaka

avidåre nisinnaü pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
sat not far away, after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

parimukhaü satiü upaññhapetvà.
and establishing mindfulness at the front.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßòhitena kàyena ñhitena cetasà,
ßWith steady body, with steady mind,

    Tiññhaü nisinno uda và sayàno,
Whether standing, sitting, or lying down,

    Evaü satiü bhikkhu adhiññhahàno,
The monk who is thus determined on mindfulness,

    Labhetha pubbàpariyaü visesaü. 26
Can find the earlier and following distinction(s).

    Laddhàna pubbàpariyaü visesaü,
Having found the earlier and following distinction(s),

    Adassanaü Maccuràjassa gaccheû ti
He can go beyong sight of the King of Death.û


End Notes

1 Locative absolute construction, with the sense of the time after.

2 Masefield quite regularly turns direct speech into indirect reportage in his translation, as he does here: whereupon he, there and then, seated himself to one side, thinking that he, too, would hear Dhamma.

There is another case of this just below where he translates: Then the Lord embraced and attended to, with his (own) mind, the mind of that all-inclusive assembly, wondering whether there were, in the present case, anyone capable of perceiving Dhamma.

And again when Suppabuddha attains sotapatti: even so did there arise to Suppabuddha the leper, still on that same seat, the dustless, stainless Dhammacakkhu, viz. that whatever is of a nature to uprise, all that is of a nature to cease.

In each case, as there can be no difficulty in understanding, it seems better to simply translate the Pàëi as it is.

3 Here Masefield reverses his usual practice and turns reportage into direct speech: may the Lord accept me as a layfollower such that: `Beginning with today, whilst furnished with life's breath, I be one gone (thereto) as refuge'. Notice how confused the syntax has become here, whereas the Pàëi is quite straightforward.

4 This appears to be the present participle to niyyàti, to go out (comm. paraphrases with nikkhamanto); not to nãyati, to be led out, as Ireland's translation has it: while being conducted to the pleasure-garden...

5 Ireland: having spat at him, but the pronoun is missing in the Pàëi, and cannot be presumed. Comm, says simply: niññhubhitvà ti kheëaü pàtetvà.

6 The ablatives in -à here have no causal sense at all, which is the usual underlying meaning of the ablative, but simply imply the time after which something happens.

7 Bàdheti is not listed in PED or SED. Ireland: tormenting the fish; but comm: khuddakamacche gaõhanti ceva hananti ca ßpacitvà khàdissàmàû ti, which makes it clear that they were catching the fish with the intention of cooking and eating them.

8 bhàyati is normally constructed with the genitive (the same with other verbs of similar meaning), see Syntax Æ150c.

9 According to Masefield in Be there is a note: upecca pi uppatitvà iti attho. Cone DP (s.v. upeti, also s.v. appatati), believes the reading here is wrong, and that we should read upacca pi - from the sources quoted in these articles it appears that these readings are regularly confused. The suggested reading is also found in the Udànavarga (9-4): hy utplutyàpi palàyataþ (after jumping up and running away). Comm, however, glosses with apecca.

Palàyataü is the present participle of palàyati.

10 I translate disvà disvà here with it's concrete and abstract meanings.

11 It can hardly be predicated of the ocean that it is of a static nature (!), as Masefield's translation has it.

12 Masefield's translation here: ...though he be seated in the midst of the order of monks, he nonetheless is one wholly aloof from that Saïgha and that Saïgha from him; and Ireland's: even though he may be sitting in the midst of the Order of bhikkhus, yet he is far from the Order and the Order is far from him; are both very inaccurate, and inexplicably seem to take no note of the circumstances that gave rise to the discourse.

13 For the sake of concinnity we have to take taü here as 2nd person accusative, not 3rd person as Masefield renders it: ...one should divulge that which has been covered up, thus it will not rain to excess on him.

Ireland takes it as 3rd person neuter: therefore uncover what is covered that the rain will not sodden it; but this goes against the commentarial explanation here: evaü sante taü àpatti-àpajjanakaü àpannapuggalaü attabhàvaü ativijjhitvà kilesavassaü na vassati na temeti.

14 Both Masefield and Ireland take brahmacariya here as meaning the holy life, but the word is in apposition to ekabhattaü & ekaseyyaü, and it seems to me to be more natural to take it in its more restricted meaning of celibacy. Comm allows for both: brahmacariyan ti methunaviratibrahmacariyaü, sikkhattayànuyogasaïkhàtaü sàsanabrahmacariyaü .

15 The nominative here is given durative sense by samàno.

16 Ireland: for a limited period; which ignores the comm: tattha kàlayuttan ti càtuddasãpa¤cadasã-aññhamãpàñihàriyapakkhasaïkhà tena kàlena yuttaü.

17 Editor's note: the passage abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi. Ekamantaü nisinno kho Sono upàsako Kuñikaõõo àyasmantaü Mahàkaccàyanaü is missing from BJT, by mistake.

18 According to B. C. Law, Geography of Early Buddhism, Avanti was divided into two kingdoms, with Avantidakkhiõàpatha being the Southern State. He gives no indication, though, how the Northern State was designated to distinguish it from the Southern. Malalasekera, DPPN (s.v. Avanti), seems to be following Law, and gives no further help.

19 Editor's note: here BJT reads Sammàsambuddhan-ti, probably by mistake. ChS reads as in text.

20 Monks count their seniority by the amount of Rains Retreats they have spent.

21 The commentary points out that disvà and ¤atvà have causal meaning here: hetu-atthatà.

22 Udànavarga avoids the awkward repetition, by reading in the last line: pàpo na ramate ÷ubhe (the bad one does not delight in what is good).

23 Saddhàyamànaråpa is not listed in PED. Ee reads saddàyamànaråpa (noisy). Be: sadhàyamàna, with the same meaning as given here. The commentary says: sadhàyamànaråpà ti uppaõóanajàtikaü vacanaü sandhàya vuttaü.

SED lists a verb ÷ardhati (s.v. ÷dh), and gives the meanings: to mock at, ridicule, defy; the Pàëi form would be saddhàya- as here (not sadhàya- as Ireland suggests).

24 Udànavarga (29-6) reads: paõóitàbhà here, which is less awkward, and may be the original reading. In line c the same text (14-7) reads: vyàyacchanti mukhaü vàmà, extending the mouth beautifully.

25 Masefield translates: those reciting with speech as their pasture. Ireland similarly: recite with speech alone as their range. These renderings seem to be based on the last of the commentarial explanations (taking the short -a at the end of gocara as m.c.): vàcàgocarà, na satipaññhànàdigocarà bhàõino va.

The commentary also allows for the translation given here: vàcàya agocaraü ariyànaü kathàya avisayaü musàvàdaü bhaõantã ti vàcàgocarabhàõino.

A 3rd explanation is offered: vàcàgocarabhàõino ti yesaü vàcà eva gocaro visayo, te vàcàgocarabhàõino, vàcàvatthumattasseva bhàõino atthassa apari¤¤àtattà.

26 This is an instance of where the constraints of the metre have necessitated the use of a singular, visesaü, where clearly a plural is implied.