Udàna Home Page    Udàna 7: Cullavaggo

6: Jaccandhavaggo
The Chapter (Including the Discourse) about the Congenitally Blind


6-1: âyusaïkhàravossajanasuttaü (51)
The Discourse about the Relinquishment of the Life Process

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Vesàliyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Vesàlã,

Mahàvane Kåñàgàrasàlàyaü.
in the Gabled Hall in the Great Wood.

Atha kho Bhagavà, pubbanhasamayaü nivàsetvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having dressed in the morning time,

pattacãvaram-àdàya, Vesàliü piõóàya pàvisi.
after picking up his bowl and robe, entered Vesàlã for alms.

Vesàliyaü piõóàya caritvà, pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkanto,
After walking for alms in Vesàlã, when he had returned from the alms-round after the meal,

àyasmantaü ânandaü àmantesi:
he addressed venerable ânanda, (saying):

ßGaõhàhi ânanda nisãdanaü,
ßTake up the sitting mat, ânanda,

yena Càpàlaü cetiyaü tenupasaïkamissàma divà vihàràyàû 1 ti.
we will go to the Càpàla shrine to dwell for the day.û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavato pañissutvà,
ßYes, reverend Sir,û said venerable ânanda, and after replying to the Auspicious One,

nisãdanam-àdàya Bhagavantaü piññhito piññhito anubandhi.
and taking the sitting mat, he followed along close behind the Auspicious One.

Atha kho Bhagavà yena Càpàlaü cetiyaü tenupasaïkami,
Then the Auspicious One went to the Càpàla shrine,

upasaïkamitvà, pa¤¤atte àsane nisãdi.
and after going, he sat down on the prepared seat.

Nisajja kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü ânandaü àmantesi:
While sat the Auspicious One addressed venerable ânanda, (saying):

ßRamaõãyà ânanda Vesàlã, ramaõãyaü Udenaü cetiyaü,
ßDelightful, ânanda, is Vesàlã, delightful is the Udena shrine,

ramaõãyaü Gotamakaü cetiyaü, ramaõãyaü Sattambaü cetiyaü,
delightful is the Gotamaka shrine, delightful is the Sattamba shrine,

ramanãyaü Bahuputtaü cetiyaü, ramaõãyaü Sàrandadaü cetiyaü,
delightful is the Bahuputta shrine, delightful is the Sàrandada shrine,

ramaõãyaü Càpàlaü cetiyaü.
delightful is the Càpàla shrine.

Yassa kassaci ânanda cattàro iddhipàdà bhàvità,
 Whoever has developed, ânanda, made much of, carried on, established,

bahulãkatà yànãkatà vatthukatà anuññhità paricità susamàraddhà,
maintained, augmented, and properly instigated the four paths to power,

so àkaïkhamàno kappaü và tiññheyya kappàvasesaü và. 2
could, if he wanted, remain for the life-span or for what is left of the life-span.

Tathàgatassa kho ânanda cattàro iddhipàdà bhàvità,
 The Realised One has developed, ânanda, made much of, carried on, established,

bahulãkatà yànãkatà vatthukatà anuññhità paricità susamàraddhà.
maintained, augmented, and properly instigated the four paths to power.

âkaïkhamàno ânanda Tathàgato
If he wanted, ânanda, the Realised One

kappaü và tiññheyya kappàvasesaü vàû ti.
could remain for the life-span or for what is left of the life-span.û

Evam-pi kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavatà oëàrike nimitte kayiramàne,
But venerable ânanda, despite such a gross hint being made by the Auspicious One,

oëàrike obhàse kayiramàne, 3 nàsakkhi pañivijjhituü,
such a gross suggestion being made, was unable to penetrate it,

na Bhagavantaü yàci:
and did not beg the Auspicious One, (saying):

ßTiññhatu bhante Bhagavà kappaü; tiññhatu Sugato kappaü,
ßMay the Auspicious One remain, reverend Sir, for the life-span; may the Fortunate One remain for the life-span,

bahujanahitàya bahujanasukhàya lokànukampàya,
for the benefit of many people, for the happiness of many people, out of compassion for the world,

atthàya hitàya sukhàya devamanussànanû-ti, 4
for the welfare, benefit, and happiness of devas and men,û

yathà taü Màrena pariyuññhitacitto.
like one whose mind was possessed by Màra.

Dutiyam-pi kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü ânandaü àmantesi:
For a second time the Auspicious One addressed venerable ânanda, (saying):

ßRamaõãyà ânanda Vesàlã, ramaõãyaü Udenaü cetiyaü,
ßDelightful, ânanda, is Vesàlã, delightful is the Udena shrine,

ramaõãyaü Gotamakaü cetiyaü, ramaõãyaü Sattambaü cetiyaü,
delightful is the Gotamaka shrine, delightful is the Sattamba shrine,

ramanãyaü Bahuputtaü cetiyaü, ramaõãyaü Sàrandadaü cetiyaü,
delightful is the Bahuputta shrine, delightful is the Sàrandada shrine,

ramaõãyaü Càpàlaü cetiyaü.
delightful is the Càpàla shrine.

Yassa kassaci ânanda cattàro iddhipàdà bhàvità,
 Whoever has developed, ânanda, made much of, carried on, established,

bahulãkatà yànãkatà vatthukatà anuññhità paricità susamàraddhà,
maintained, augmented, and properly instigated the four paths to power,

so àkaïkhamàno kappaü và tiññheyya kappàvasesaü và.
could, if he wanted, remain for the life-span or for what is left of the life-span.

Tathàgatassa kho ânanda cattàro iddhipàdà bhàvità
 The Realised One has developed, ânanda, made much of, carried on, established,

bahulãkatà yànãkatà vatthukatà anuññhità paricità susamàraddhà.
maintained, augmented, and properly instigated the four paths to power.

âkaïkhamàno ânanda Tathàgato
If he wanted, ânanda, the Realised One

kappaü và tiññheyya kappàvasesaü vàû ti.
could remain for the life-span or for what is left of the life-span.û

Evam-pi kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavatà oëàrike nimitte kayiramàne,
But venerable ânanda, despite such a gross hint being made by the Auspicious One,

oëàrike obhàse kayiramàne, nàsakkhi pañivijjhituü,
such a gross suggestion being made, was unable to penetrate it,

na Bhagavantaü yàci:
and did not beg the Auspicious One, (saying):

ßTiññhatu bhante Bhagavà kappaü; tiññhatu Sugato kappaü,
ßMay the Auspicious One remain, reverend Sir, for the life-span, may the Fortunate One remain for the life-span,

bahujanahitàya bahujanasukhàya lokànukampàya,
for the benefit of many people, for the happiness of many people, out of compassion for the world,

atthàya hitàya sukhàya devamanussànanû-ti,
for the welfare, benefit, and happiness of devas and men,û

yathà taü Màrena pariyuññhitacitto.
like one whose mind was possessed by Màra.

Tatiyam-pi kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü ânandaü àmantesi: 
For a third time the Auspicious One addressed venerable ânanda, (saying):

ßRamaõãyà ânanda Vesàlã, ramaõãyaü Udenaü cetiyaü,
ßDelightful, ânanda, is Vesàlã, delightful is the Udena shrine,

ramaõãyaü Gotamakaü cetiyaü, ramaõãyaü Sattambaü cetiyaü,
delightful is the Gotamaka shrine, delightful is the Sattamba shrine,

ramanãyaü Bahuputtaü cetiyaü, ramaõãyaü Sàrandadaü cetiyaü,
delightful is the Bahuputta shrine, delightful is the Sàrandada shrine,

ramaõãyaü Càpàlaü cetiyaü.
delightful is the Càpàla shrine.

Yassa kassaci ânanda cattàro iddhipàdà bhàvità,
 Whoever has developed, ânanda, made much of, carried on, established,

bahulãkatà yànãkatà vatthukatà anuññhità paricità susamàraddhà,
maintained, augmented, and properly instigated the four paths to power,

so àkaïkhamàno kappaü và tiññheyya kappàvasesaü và.
could, if he wanted, remain for the life-span or for what is left of the life-span.

Tathàgatassa kho ânanda cattàro iddhipàdà bhàvità
 The Realised One has developed, ânanda, made much of, carried on, established,

bahulãkatà yànãkatà vatthukatà anuññhità paricità susamàraddhà.
maintained, augmented, and properly instigated the four paths to power.

âkaïkhamàno ânanda Tathàgato
If he wanted, ânanda, the Realised One

kappaü và tiññheyya kappàvasesaü vàû ti.
could remain for the life-span or for what is left of the life-span.û

Evam-pi kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavatà oëàrike nimitte kayiramàne,
But venerable ânanda, despite such a gross hint being made by the Auspicious One,

oëàrike obhàse kayiramàne, nàsakkhi pañivijjhituü,
such a gross suggestion being made, was unable to penetrate it,

na Bhagavantaü yàci:
and did not beg the Auspicious One, (saying):

ßTiññhatu bhante Bhagavà kappaü; tiññhatu Sugato kappaü,
ßMay the Auspicious One remain, reverend Sir, for the life-span, may the Fortunate One remain for the life-span,

bahujanahitàya bahujanasukhàya lokànukampàya,
for the benefit of many people, for the happiness of many people, out of compassion for the world,

atthàya hitàya sukhàya devamanussànanû-ti,
for the welfare, benefit, and happiness of devas and men,û

yathà taü Màrena pariyuññhitacitto.
like one whose mind was possessed by Màra.

Atha kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü ânandaü àmantesi:
Then the Auspicious One addressed venerable ânanda, (saying):

ßGaccha tvaü ânanda yassa dàni kàlaü ma¤¤asãû ti.
ßGo, ânanda, now is the time for whatever you are thinking.û

ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavato pañissutvà,
ßYes, reverend Sir,û said venerable ânanda, and after replying to the Auspicious One,

uññhàyàsanà, Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà padakkhiõaü katvà,
rising from his seat, worshipping and circumambulating the Auspicious One,

avidåre a¤¤atarasmiü rukkhamåle nisãdi.
he sat down not far away at the root of a certain tree.

Atha kho Màro Pàpimà, acirapakkante àyasmante ânande,
Then Màra the Bad, not long after the venerable ânanda had gone,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami, upasaïkamitvà, ekamantaü aññhàsi.
went to the Auspicious One, and after going, he stood on one side.

Ekamantaü ñhito kho Màro Pàpimà Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While stood on one side Màra the Bad said this to the Auspicious One:

ßParinibbàtu bhante Bhagavà, parinibbàtu Sugato,
ßMay the Auspicious One attain complete emancipation, reverend Sir, may the Fortunate One attain complete emancipation,

parinibbànakàlo dàni bhante Bhagavato.
now is the time, reverend Sir, for the Auspicious One's complete emancipation.

Bhàsità kho panesà bhante Bhagavatà vàcà:
For the Auspicious One, reverend Sir, has said these words:

`Na tàvàhaü Pàpima parinibbàyissàmi,
`I will not attain complete emancipation, Bad One,

yàva me bhikkhå na sàvakà bhavissanti,
for as long as my monks are not (true) disciples,

viyattà vinãtà visàradà yogakkhemà bahussutà,
accomplished, disciplined, confident, secure, learn‚d,

Dhammadharà Dhammànudhammapañipannà,
bearers of Dhamma, practicing in conformity with the Dhamma,

sàmãcipañipannà anudhammacàrino,
correct in their practice, living in conformity with the Dhamma,

sakaü àcariyakaü uggahetvà,
and having learned it from their own teacher,

àcikkhissanti desessanti pa¤¤apessanti paññhapessanti,
will declare, reveal, make known, set forth,

vivarissanti vibhajissanti uttànã karissanti
open up, analyse, make plain

- uppannaü parappavàdaü sahadhammena suniggahitaü niggahetvà -
- after giving a good rebuke with reason to the arguments of others that have arisen -

sappàñihàriyaü Dhammaü desessantã' ti. 5

and teach the wonderful Dhamma.'

Santi kho pana bhante etarahi bhikkhå Bhagavato sàvakà,
But at present, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One's monks are (true) disciples,

viyattà vinãtà visàradà yogakkhemà bahussutà,
accomplished, disciplined, confident, secure, learn‚d,

Dhammadharà Dhammànudhammapañipannà,
bearers of Dhamma, practicing in conformity with the Dhamma,

sàmãcipañipannà anudhammacàrino,
correct in their practice, living in conformity with the Dhamma,

sakaü àcariyakaü uggahetvà
and having learned it from their own teacher,

àcikkhanti desenti pa¤¤apenti paññhapenti
do declare, reveal, make known, set forth,

vivaranti vibhajanti uttàniü karonti
open up, analyse, make plain

- uppannaü parappavàdaü sahadhammena suniggahitaü niggahetvà -
- after giving a good rebuke with reason to the arguments of others that have arisen -

sappàñihàriyaü dhammaü desenti.
and teach the wonderful Dhamma.

Parinibbàtu bhante Bhagavà, parinibbàtu Sugato,
May the Auspicious One attain complete emancipation, reverend Sir, may the Fortunate One attain complete emancipation,

parinibbànakàlo dàni bhante Bhagavato.
now is the time, reverend Sir, for the Auspicious One's complete emancipation.

Bhàsità kho panesà Bhagavatà vàcà:
For the Auspicious One has said these words:

`Na tàvàhaü Pàpima parinibbàyissàmi,
`I will not attain complete emancipation, Bad One,

yàva me bhikkhunãyo na sàvikà bhavissanti
for as long as my nuns are not (true) disciples,

viyattà vinãtà visàradà yogakkhemà bahussutà,
accomplished, disciplined, confident, secure, learn‚d,

Dhammadharà Dhammànudhammapañipannà,
bearers of Dhamma, practicing in conformity with the Dhamma,

sàmãcipañipannà anudhammacàrino,
correct in their practice, living in conformity with the Dhamma,

sakaü àcariyakaü uggahetvà,
and having learned it from their own teacher,

àcikkhissanti desessanti pa¤¤apessanti paññhapessanti,
will declare, reveal, make known, set forth,

vivarissanti vibhajissanti uttànã karissanti
open up, analyse, make plain

- uppannaü parappavàdaü sahadhammena suniggahitaü niggahetvà -
- after giving a good rebuke with reason to the arguments of others that have arisen -

sappàñihàriyaü Dhammaü desessantã' ti.
and teach the wonderful Dhamma.'

Santi kho pana bhante etarahi bhikkhuniyo Bhagavato sàvikà
But at present, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One's nuns are (true) disciples,

viyattà vinãtà visàradà yogakkhemà bahussutà,
accomplished, disciplined, confident, secure, learn‚d,

Dhammadharà Dhammànudhammapañipannà,
bearers of Dhamma, practicing in conformity with the Dhamma,

sàmãcipañipannà anudhammacàrino,
correct in their practice, living in conformity with the Dhamma,

sakaü àcariyakaü uggahetvà
and having learned it from their own teacher,

àcikkhanti desenti pa¤¤apenti paññhapenti
do declare, reveal, make known, set forth,

vivaranti vibhajanti uttàniü karonti
open up, analyse, make plain

- uppannaü parappavàdaü sahadhammena suniggahitaü niggahetvà -
- after giving a good rebuke with reason to the arguments of others that have arisen -

sappàñihàriyaü dhammaü desenti.
and teach the wonderful Dhamma.

Parinibbàtu bhante Bhagavà, parinibbàtu Sugato,
May the Auspicious One attain complete emancipation, reverend Sir, may the Fortunate One attain complete emancipation,

parinibbànakàlo dàni bhante Bhagavato.
now is the time, reverend Sir, for the Auspicious One's complete emancipation.

Bhàsità kho panesà Bhagavatà vàcà:
For the Auspicious One has said these words:

`Na tàvàhaü Pàpima parinibbàyissàmi,
`I will not attain complete emancipation, Bad One,

yàva me upàsakà na sàvakà bhavissanti,
for as long as my male lay followers are not (true) disciples,

viyattà vinãtà visàradà yogakkhemà bahussutà,
accomplished, disciplined, confident, secure, learn‚d,

Dhammadharà Dhammànudhammapañipannà,
bearers of Dhamma, practicing in conformity with the Dhamma,

sàmãcipañipannà anudhammacàrino,
correct in their practice, living in conformity with the Dhamma,

sakaü àcariyakaü uggahetvà,
and having learned it from their own teacher,

àcikkhissanti desessanti pa¤¤apessanti paññhapessanti,
will declare, reveal, make known, set forth,

vivarissanti vibhajissanti uttànã karissanti
open up, analyse, make plain

- uppannaü parappavàdaü sahadhammena suniggahitaü niggahetvà -
- after giving a good rebuke with reason to the arguments of others that have arisen -

sappàñihàriyaü Dhammaü desessantã' ti.
and teach the wonderful Dhamma.'

Santi kho pana bhante etarahi upàsakà Bhagavato sàvakà
But at present, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One's male lay followers are (true) disciples,

viyattà vinãtà visàradà yogakkhemà bahussutà,
accomplished, disciplined, confident, secure, learn‚d,

Dhammadharà Dhammànudhammapañipannà,
bearers of Dhamma, practicing in conformity with the Dhamma,

sàmãcipañipannà anudhammacàrino,
correct in their practice, living in conformity with the Dhamma,

sakaü àcariyakaü uggahetvà
and having learned it from their own teacher,

àcikkhanti desenti pa¤¤apenti paññhapenti
do declare, reveal, make known, set forth,

vivaranti vibhajanti uttàniü karonti
open up, analyse, make plain

- uppannaü parappavàdaü sahadhammena suniggahitaü niggahetvà -
- after giving a good rebuke with reason to the arguments of others that have arisen -

sappàñihàriyaü dhammaü desenti.
and teach the wonderful Dhamma.

Parinibbàtu bhante Bhagavà, parinibbàtu Sugato,
May the Auspicious One attain complete emancipation, reverend Sir, may the Fortunate One attain complete emancipation,

parinibbànakàlo dàni bhante Bhagavato.
now is the time, reverend Sir, for the Auspicious One's complete emancipation.

Bhàsità kho panesà Bhagavatà vàcà:
For the Auspicious One has said these words:

`Na tàvàhaü Pàpima parinibbàyissàmi,
`I will not attain complete emancipation, Bad One,

yàva me upàsikà na sàvikà bhavissanti
for as long as my female lay followers are not (true) disciples,

viyattà vinãtà visàradà yogakkhemà bahussutà,
accomplished, disciplined, confident, secure, learn‚d,

Dhammadharà Dhammànudhammapañipannà,
bearers of Dhamma, practicing in conformity with the Dhamma,

sàmãcipañipannà anudhammacàrino,
correct in their practice, living in conformity with the Dhamma,

sakaü àcariyakaü uggahetvà,
and having learned it from their own teacher,

àcikkhissanti desessanti pa¤¤apessanti paññhapessanti,
will declare, reveal, make known, set forth,

vivarissanti vibhajissanti uttànã karissanti
open up, analyse, make plain

- uppannaü parappavàdaü sahadhammena suniggahitaü niggahetvà -
- after giving a good rebuke with reason to the arguments of others that have arisen -

sappàñihàriyaü Dhammaü desessantã' ti.
and teach the wonderful Dhamma.'

Santi kho pana bhante etarahi upàsikà Bhagavato sàvikà
But at present, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One's female lay followers are (true) disciples,

viyattà vinãtà visàradà yogakkhemà bahussutà,
accomplished, disciplined, confident, secure, learn‚d,

Dhammadharà Dhammànudhammapañipannà,
bearers of Dhamma, practicing in conformity with the Dhamma,

sàmãcipañipannà anudhammacàrino,
correct in their practice, living in conformity with the Dhamma,

sakaü àcariyakaü uggahetvà
and having learned it from their own teacher,

àcikkhanti desenti pa¤¤apenti paññhapenti
do declare, reveal, make known, set forth,

vivaranti vibhajanti uttàniü karonti
open up, analyse, make plain

- uppannaü parappavàdaü sahadhammena suniggahitaü niggahetvà -
- after giving a good rebuke with reason to the arguments of others that have arisen -

sappàñihàriyaü dhammaü desenti.
and teach the wonderful Dhamma.

Parinibbàtu bhante Bhagavà, parinibbàtu Sugato,
May the Auspicious One attain complete emancipation, reverend Sir, may the Fortunate One attain complete emancipation,

parinibbànakàlo dàni bhante Bhagavato.
now is the time, reverend Sir, for the Auspicious One's complete emancipation.

Bhàsità kho panesà Bhagavato vàcà:
For the Auspicious One has said these words:

`Na tàvàhaü Pàpima parinibbàyissàmi,
`I will not attain complete emancipation, Bad One,

yàva me idaü brahmacariyaü na iddha¤-ceva bhavissati phãta¤-ca,
for as long as this spiritual life of mine has not become prosperous and successful,

vitthàrikaü bàhuja¤¤aü puthubhåtaü, 6
well spread out, possessed by many, become great,

yàva devamanussehi suppakàsitaü.' 7
until it is well explained amongst devas and men.'

Etarahi kho pana bhante Bhagavato brahmacariyaü
But at present, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One's spiritual life

iddha¤-ceva phãta¤-ca, vitthàrikaü bàhuja¤¤aü puthubhåtaü
is prosperous and successful, well spread out, possessed by many, become great,

yàva devamanussehi suppakàsitaü.
it is well explained amongst devas and men.

Parinibbàtu bhante Bhagavà, parinibbàtu Sugato,
May the Auspicious One attain complete emancipation, reverend Sir, may the Fortunate One attain complete emancipation,

parinibbànakàlo dàni bhante Bhagavatoû ti.
now is the time, reverend Sir, for the Auspicious One's complete emancipation.û

Evaü vutte, Bhagavà Màraü Pàpimantaü etad-avoca:
When that was said the Auspicious One said this to Màra the Bad:

ßAppossukko tvaü Pàpima hohi,
ßYou should have little concern, Bad One,

na ciraü Tathàgatassa parinibbànaü bhavissati,
in no long time the Realised One will become completely emancipated,

ito tiõõaü màsànaü accayena, Tathàgato parinibbàyissatãû ti.
after three months have passed from now, the Realised One will attain complete emancipation.û

Atha kho Bhagavà Càpàle cetiye sato sampajàno àyusaïkhàraü ossajji.
Then at the Càpàla shrine the Auspicious One, mindfully and clearly knowing, relinquished the life process.

Ossaññhe ca Bhagavatà àyusaïkhàre 8 mahàbhåmicàlo ahosi,
With the relinquishment of the life process by the Auspicious One there was a great earthquake,

bhiüsanako lomahaüso, devadundubhiyo ca phaliüsu.
and a fearful, horrifying crash of the devas' (thunder) drum.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßTulam-atula¤-ca sambhavaü, 9
ßMeasureable and immeasureable continuity,

    Bhavasaïkhàram-avassajji Muni.
And the process of continuation the Sage relinquished.

    Ajjhattarato samàhito,
Internally content, and concentrated,

    Abhindi kavacam-ivattasambhavanû-ti.
He broke continuity of self like a coat of mail.û


6-2: Jañilasuttaü (52)
The Discourse about Those with Knotted Hair

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Pubbàràme Migàramàtupàsàde.
at the Eastern Monastery in Migàra's mother's mansion.

Tena kho pana samayena Bhagavà
Then at that time the Auspicious One

sàyanhasamayaü patisallàõà vuññhito bahidvàrakoññhake nisinno hoti.
having risen from seclusion in the evening time, was sitting outside the doorway.

Atha kho ràjà Pasenadi Kosalo yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
Then the Kosalan King Pasenadi went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Tena kho pana samayena satta ca jañilà, satta ca nigaõñhà,
Then at that time seven knotted hair ascetics, seven of those knot-free (i.e. Jainas),

satta ca acelakà, satta ca ekasàñakà, satta ca paribbàjakà,
seven naked ascetics, seven one-cloakers, and seven wanderers,

paråëhakacchanakhalomà 10 khàrivividham-àdàya,
with their nails, armpit-hair, and body hair grown long, having taken up their various requisites,

Bhagavato avidåre atikkamanti.
were passing by not far away from the Auspicious One.

Addasà kho ràjà Pasenadi Kosalo te satta ca jañile, satta ca nigaõñhe,
The Kosalan King Pasenadi saw those seven knotted hair ascetics, seven of those knot-free,

satta ca acelake, satta ca ekasàñake, satta ca paribbàjake,
seven naked ascetics, seven one-cloakers, and seven wanderers,

paråëhakacchanakhalome khàrivividham-àdàya,
with their nails, armpit-hair, and body hair grown long, who, having taken up their various requisites,

Bhagavato avidåre atikkamante.
were passing by not far away from the Auspicious One.

disvàna, uññhàyàsanà, ekaüsaü uttaràsaïgaü karitvà,
And having seen (them), after rising from his seat, arranging his outer robe on one shoulder,

dakkhiõaü jàõumaõóaü pañhaviyaü nihantvà,
placing his right knee-cap on the ground,

yena te satta ca jañilà, satta ca nigaõñhà, satta ca acelakà,
towards the place where those seven knotted hair ascetics, seven of those knot-free, seven naked ascetics,

satta ca ekasàñakà, satta ca paribbàjakà,
seven one-cloakers, and seven wanderers were,

tena¤jaliü paõàmetvà, tikkhattuü nàmaü sàvesi:
raising his hands in respectful salutation, he three times announced his name, (saying):

ßRàjàhaü bhante Pasenadi Kosaloû ti.
ßReverend Sirs, I am the Kosalan King Pasenadi.û

Atha kho ràjà Pasenadi Kosalo
Then the Kosalan King Pasenadi,

acirapakkantesu tesu sattasu ca jañilesu, sattasu ca nigaõñhesu,
 not long after those seven knotted hair ascetics, seven of those knot-free,

sattasu ca acalekesu, sattasu ca ekasàñakesu, sattasu ca paribbàjakesu, 11
seven naked ascetics, seven one-cloakers, and seven wanderers had gone,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side,

Ekamantaü nisinno kho ràjà Pasenadi Kosalo
While sat on one side the Kosalan King Pasenadi

Bhagavantaü etad-avoca: ßYe ca kho bhante loke Arahanto và,
said this to the Auspicious One: ßAmong those in the world reverend Sir, who are Worthy Ones,

Arahattamaggaü và samàpannà, ete tesaü a¤¤ataràû ti. 12
or have entered the path to Worthiness, these are some of them.û

ßDujjànaü kho panetaü Mahàràja tayà gihinà kàmabhoginà
ßBut this is hard to know, Great King, by you, a householder, partaking of sense pleasures,

puttasambàdhasayanaü ajjhàvasantena,
by one dwelling in a sleeping place crowded with sons,

Kàsikacandanaü paccanubhontena,
by one enjoying sandalwood from Kàsi,

màlàgandhavilepanaü dhàrayantena,
by one wearing garlands, scents, and creams,

jàtaråparajataü sàdiyantena:
by one accepting gold and silver:

`Ime và Arahanto ime và arahattamaggaü samàpannà' ti.
`These are Worthy Ones, or these have entered the path to Worthiness,'

Saüvàsena kho Mahàràja sãlaü veditabbaü,
Through living together, Great King, one can understand (a person's) virtue,

ta¤-ca kho dãghena addhunà, na ittarena,
and that after a long time, and not after a short one,

manasikarotà no amanasikarotà, pa¤¤avatà no duppa¤¤ena.
by one applying the mind, not by one not applying the mind, by one with wisdom, not by one with poor wisdom.

Saüvohàrena kho Mahàràja soceyyaü veditabbaü,
Through having dealings together, Great King, one can understand (a person's) purity,

ta¤-ca kho dãghena addhunà, na ittarena,
and that after a long time, and not after a short one,

manasikarotà no amanasikarotà, pa¤¤avatà no duppa¤¤ena.
by one applying the mind, not by one not applying the mind, by one with wisdom, not by one with poor wisdom.

âpadàsu kho Mahàràja thàmo veditabbo,
Through misfortunes, Great King, one can understand (a person's) stamina,

so ca kho dãghena addhunà, na ittarena,
and that after a long time, and not after a short one,

manasikarotà no amanasikarotà, pa¤¤avatà no duppa¤¤ena.
by one applying the mind, not by one not applying the mind, by one with wisdom, not by one with poor wisdom.

Sàkacchàya kho Mahàràja pa¤¤à veditabbà,
Through discussion, Great King, one can understand (a person's) wisdom,

sà ca kho dãghena addhunà, na ittarena,
and that after a long time, and not after a short one,

manasikarotà no amanasikarotà, pa¤¤avatà no duppa¤¤enàû ti.
by one applying the mind, not by one not applying the mind, by one with wisdom, not by one with poor wisdom.û

ßAcchariyaü bhante, abbhutaü bhante,
ßIt is wonderful, reverend Sir, it is marvellous, reverend Sir,

yàva subhàsita¤-cidaü bhante Bhagavatà:
how well spoken that was, reverend Sir, by the Auspicious One:

`Dujjànaü kho panetaü Mahàràja tayà gihinà kàmabhoginà,
`But this is hard to know, Great King, by you, a householder, partaking of sense pleasures,

puttasambàdhasayanaü ajjhàvasantena,
by one dwelling in a sleeping place crowded with sons,

Kàsikacandanaü paccanubhontena,
by one enjoying sandalwood from Kàsi,

màlàgandhavilepanaü dhàrayantena,
by one wearing garlands, scents, and creams,

jàtaråparajataü sàdiyantena:
by one accepting gold and silver:

ßIme và Arahanto ime và arahattamaggaü samàpannàû ti.
ßThese are Worthy, or these have entered the path to Worthiness,û

Saüvàsena kho Mahàràja sãlaü veditabbaü,
Through living together, Great King, one can understand (a person's) virtue,

ta¤-ca kho dãghena addhunà, na ittarena,
and that after a long time, and not after a short one,

manasikarotà no amanasikarotà, pa¤¤avatà no duppa¤¤ena.
by one applying the mind, not by one not applying the mind, by one with wisdom, not by one with poor wisdom.

Saüvohàrena kho Mahàràja soceyyaü veditabbaü,
Through having dealings together, Great King, one can understand (a person's) purity,

ta¤-ca kho dãghena addhunà, na ittarena,
and that after a long time, and not after a short one,

manasikarotà no amanasikarotà, pa¤¤avatà no duppa¤¤ena.
by one applying the mind, not by one not applying the mind, by one with wisdom, not by one with poor wisdom.

âpadàsu kho Mahàràja thàmo veditabbo,
Through misfortunes, Great King, one can understand (a person's) stamina,

so ca kho dãghena addhunà, na ittarena,
and that after a long time, and not after a short one,

manasikarotà no amanasikarotà, pa¤¤avatà no duppa¤¤ena.
by one applying the mind, not by one not applying the mind, by one with wisdom, not by one with poor wisdom.

Sàkacchàya kho Mahàràja pa¤¤à veditabbà,
Through discussion, Great King, one can understand (a person's) wisdom,

sà ca kho dãghena addhunà, na ittarena,
and that after a long time, and not after a short one,

manasikarotà no amanasikarotà, pa¤¤avatà no duppa¤¤enà' ti.
by one applying the mind, not by one not applying the mind, by one with wisdom, not by one with poor wisdom.'

Ete bhante mama purisà corà 13 ocarakà janapadaü ocaritvà àgacchanti,
These are my men, imposters and spies, reverend Sir, who are returning after spying on the country,

te hi pañhamaü otiõõaü, ahaü pacchà otarissàmi. 14
for first they have gone down (to the country), and afterwards I will go down.

Idàni te bhante taü rajojallaü pavàhetvà,
Now these, reverend Sir, having removed dust and dirt,

nhàtà suvilittà kappitakesamasså odàtavatthavasanà,
being bathed, well annointed, with trimmed hair and beards, dressed in clean clothes,

pa¤cahi kàmaguõehi samappità samaïgãbhåtà paricàressantãû ti.
and provided with and possessing the five strands of sensual pleasures, will amuse themselves.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßNa vàyameyya sabbattha, 15    nतassa puriso siyà,
ßOne should not endeavour in all circumstances,    one should not be another's man,

    Nतaü nissàya jãveyya,    Dhammena na vaõiü careû ti.
One should not live depending on another,    one should not live trading in Dhamma.û


6-3: Paccavekkhanasuttaü (53)
The Discourse about Reflecting

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena ko pana samayena Bhagavà attano
 Then at that time the Auspicious One was sitting reflecting on his own

aneke pàpake akusale dhamme pahãõe paccavekkhamàno nisinno hoti,
elimination of countless bad, unwholesome things,

aneke ca kusale dhamme bhàvanàya pàripåriü gate.
and how through development countless wholesome things had come to fulfilment.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßAhu pubbe tadà nàhu,    nàhu pubbe tadà ahu,
ßBefore it was, then it wasn't,    before it wasn't, then it was,

    Na càhu, na ca bhavissati    na cetarahi vijjatãû ti.
It was not, and it will not be,    and at present it is not found.û


6-4: Pañhamanànàtitthiyasuttaü (54)
The First Discourse about the Various Sectarians

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulà nànàtitthiyà,
Then at that time many and various sectarians,

samaõabràhmaõaparibbàjakà Sàvatthiyaü pañivasanti,
ascetics, bràhmaõas, and wanderers were living at Sàvatthã,

nànàdiññhikà nànàkhantikà nànàrucikà nànàdiññhinissayanissità:
having various views, various likings, various tendencies, subject to dependence on various views, (such as):

1. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà 16 evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSassato loko
ßThe world is eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

2. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAsassato loko
ßThe world is not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

3. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAntavà loko
ßThe world is finite

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

4. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAnantavà loko
ßThe world is infinite

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

5. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßTaü jãvaü taü sarãraü 17
ßThat which is soul, that is (also) the body

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

6. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßA¤¤aü jãvaü a¤¤aü sarãraü
ßThe soul is one thing, the body is another thing,

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

7. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßHoti tathàgato param-maranà 18
ßThe individual exists after death

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

8. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßNa hoti tathàgato param-maranà
ßThe individual does not exist after death

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

9. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßHoti ca na hoti ca tathàgato param-maranà
ßThe individual exists and does not exist after death

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

10. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßNeva hoti ca, na na hoti ca tathàgato param-maraõà
ßThe individual neither exists nor does not exist after death

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

Te bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 They lived contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi 19 vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

ßEdiso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammoû ti.
ßSuch is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.û

Atha kho sambahulà bhikkhå, pubbanhasamayaü nivàsetvà,
Then many monks, having dressed in the morning time,

pattacãvaram-àdàya, 20 Sàvatthiü piõóàya pavisiüsu.
after picking up their bowl and robe, entered Sàvatthã for alms.

Sàvatthiyaü piõóàya caritvà, pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkantà,
After walking for alms in Sàvatthã, while returning from the alms-round after the meal,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkamiüsu,
they went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdiüsu.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, they sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinnà kho te bhikkhå Bhagavantaü etad-avocuü:
While sat on one side those monks said this to the Auspicious One:

ßIdha bhante sambahulà nànàtitthiyà,
ßHere, reverend Sir, many and various sectarians,

samaõabràhmaõaparibbàjakà Sàvatthiyaü pañivasanti,
ascetics, bràhmaõas, and wanderers are living at Sàvatthã,

nànàdiññhikà nànàkhantikà nànàrucikà nànàdiññhinissayanissità:
having various views, various likings, various tendencies, subject to dependence on various views, (such as):

1. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sassato loko
`The world is eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

2. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Asassato loko
`The world is not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

3. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Antavà loko
`The world is finite

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

4. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Anantavà loko
`The world is infinite

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

5. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Taü jãvaü taü sarãraü
`That which is soul, that is (also) the body

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

6. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`A¤¤aü jãvaü a¤¤aü sarãraü
`The soul is one thing, the body is another thing,

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

7. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Hoti tathàgato param-maranà
`The individual exists after death

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

8. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Na hoti tathàgato param-maranà
`The individual does not exist after death

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

9. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Hoti ca na hoti ca tathàgato param-maranà
`The individual exists and does not exist after death

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

10. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Neva hoti ca, na na hoti ca tathàgato param-maraõà
`The individual neither exists nor does not exist after death

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

Te bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 They live contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

`Ediso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammo' û ti.
`Such is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.' û

ßA¤¤atitthiyà bhikkhave paribbàjakà andhà, acakkhukà,
ßWanderers from other sects, monks, are blind, without vision,

atthaü na jànanti, anatthaü na jànanti,
they do not know what is good, they do not know what is not good,

Dhammaü na jànanti, adhammaü na jànanti.
they do not know what is Dhamma, they do not know what is not Dhamma.

Te atthaü ajànantà anatthaü ajànantà,
They, not knowing what is good, not knowing what is not good,

Dhammaü ajànantà, adhammaü ajànantà,
not knowing what is Dhamma, not knowing what is not Dhamma,

bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 live contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

`Ediso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammo' ti.
`Such is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.'

Bhåtapubbaü bhikkhave imissàyeva Sàvatthiyà a¤¤ataro Ràjà ahosi.
Formerly, monks, in this Sàvatthã there was a certain King.

Atha kho bhikkhave so Ràjà a¤¤ataraü purisaü àmantesi:
Then that King, monks, addressed a certain man, (saying):

`Ehi tvaü ambho purisa yàvatakà Sàvatthiyà jaccandhà
`Please go, dear Sir, and as many of those congenitally blind as there are in Sàvatthã

te sabbe ekajjhaü sannipàtehã' ti.
assemble them in one place.'

`Evaü Devà' ti kho bhikkhave so puriso tassa Ra¤¤o pañissutvà,
`Yes, your Majesty', said that man, monks, and after replying to the King,

yàvatakà Sàvatthiyà jaccandhà te sabbe gahetvà,
after grabbing all of those congenitally blind as there were in Sàvatthã,

yena so Ràjà tenupasaïkami, upasaïkamitvà taü Ràjànaü etad-avoca:
he went to the King, and after going he said this to the King:

`Sannipàtità kho te Deva yàvatakà Sàvatthiyaü jaccandhà' ti.
`As many of those congenitally blind as there are in Sàvatthã, your Majesty, have assembled.'

`Tena hi bhaõe jaccandhànaü hatthiü dassehã' ti.
`Then show an elephant, I say, to those congenitally blind.'

`Evaü Devà' ti kho bhikkhave so puriso tassa Ra¤¤o pañissutvà,
`Yes, your Majesty', said that man, monks, and after replying to the King,

jaccandhànaü hatthiü dassesi:
he showed an elephant to those congenitally blind, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Ekaccànaü jaccandhànaü hatthissa sãsaü dassesi:
To some of those congenitally blind he showed the elephant's head, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti.
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Ekaccànaü jaccandhànaü hatthissa kaõõaü dassesi:
To some of those congenitally blind he showed the elephant's ear, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti.
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Ekaccànaü jaccandhànaü hatthissa dantaü dassesi:
To some of those congenitally blind he showed the elephant's tusk, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti.
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Ekaccànaü jaccandhànaü hatthissa soõóaü dassesi:
To some of those congenitally blind he showed the elephant's trunk, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti.
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Ekaccànaü jaccandhànaü hatthissa kàyaü dassesi:
To some of those congenitally blind he showed the elephant's body, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti.
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Ekaccànaü jaccandhànaü hatthissa pàdaü dassesi:
To some of those congenitally blind he showed the elephant's leg, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti.
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Ekaccànaü jaccandhànaü hatthissa satthiü dassesi:
To some of those congenitally blind he showed the elephant's thigh, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti.
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Ekaccànaü jaccandhànaü hatthissa naïguññhaü dassesi:
To some of those congenitally blind he showed the top of the elephant's tail, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti.
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Ekaccànaü jaccandhànaü hatthissa vàladhiü dassesi:
To some of those congenitally blind he showed the tip of the elephant's tail, (saying):

`Ediso jaccandhà hatthã!' ti.
`Such is an elephant, blind men!'

Atha kho bhikkhave so puriso jaccandhànaü hatthiü dassetvà,
Then, monks, that man, having shown the elephant to those congenitally blind,

yena so Ràjà tenupasaïkami, upasaïkamitvà taü Ràjànaü etad-avoca:
went to the King, and after going he said this to the King:

`Diññho kho tehi Deva jaccandhehi hatthi,
`Those congenitally blind have seen the elephant, your Majesty,

yassa dàni Devo kàlaü ma¤¤atã' ti.
now is the time for whatever you are thinking, your Majesty.'

Atha kho bhikkhave so Ràjà yena te jaccandhà tenupasaïkami,
Then that king, monks, went to the blind men,

upasaïkamitvà te jaccandhe etad-avoca:
and after going he said this to those blind men:

`Diññho vo jaccandhà hatthã?' ti.
`Did you see the elephant, blind men?'

`Evaü Deva diññho no hatthã' ti.
`Yes, your Majesty, we did see the elephant.'

`Vadetha jaccandhà, ßEdiso hatthãû ' ti.
`Speak, blind men, (and say): ßSuch is an elephant.û '

Yehi bhikkhave jaccandhehi 21 hatthissa sãsaü diññhaü ahosi,
Those congenitally blind, monks, who had seen the elephant's head,

te evam-àhaüsu: `Ediso deva hatthi seyyathà pi kumbho' ti.
said this: `Such is an elephant, your Majesty, he is like a pot.û

Yehi bhikkhave jaccandhehi hatthissa kaõõo diññho ahosi,
Those congenitally blind, monks, who had seen the elephant's ear,

te evam-àhaüsu: `Ediso deva hatthi seyyathà pi suppan' ti.
said this: `Such is an elephant, your Majesty, he is like a winnowing fan.û

Yehi bhikkhave jaccandhehi hatthissa danto diññho ahosi,
Those congenitally blind, monks, who had seen the elephant's tusk,

te evam-àhaüsu: `Ediso deva hatthi seyyathà pi phàlo' ti.
said this: `Such is an elephant, your Majesty, he is like a ploughshare.û

Yehi bhikkhave jaccandhehi hatthissa soõóo diññho ahosi,
Those congenitally blind, monks, who had seen the elephant's trunk,

te evam-àhaüsu: `Ediso deva hatthi seyyathà pi naïgalãsà' ti.
said this: `Such is an elephant, your Majesty, he is like a plough-pole.û

Yehi bhikkhave jaccandhehi hatthissa kàyo diññho ahosi,
Those congenitally blind, monks, who had seen the elephant's body,

te evam-àhaüsu: `Ediso deva hatthi seyyathà pi koññho' ti.
said this: `Such is an elephant, your Majesty, he is like a store-houseû

Yehi bhikkhave jaccandhehi hatthissa pàdo diññho ahosi,
Those congenitally blind, monks, who had seen the elephant's leg,

te evam-àhaüsu: `Ediso deva hatthi seyyathà pi thåno' ti.
said this: `Such is an elephant, your Majesty, he is like a pillar.û

Yehi bhikkhave jaccandhehi hatthissa satthi diññho ahosi,
Those congenitally blind, monks, who had seen the elephant's thighs,

te evam-àhaüsu: `Ediso deva hatthi seyyathà pi udukkhalo' ti.
said this: `Such is an elephant, your Majesty, he is like a mortar.û

Yehi bhikkhave jaccandhehi hatthissa naïguññhaü diññhaü ahosi,
Those congenitally blind, monks, who had seen the top of the elephant's tail,

te evam-àhaüsu, `Ediso deva hatthi seyyathà pi musalo' ti.
said this: `Such is an elephant, your Majesty, he is like a pestle.û

Yehi bhikkhave jaccandhehi hatthissa vàladhi diññho ahosi,
Those congenitally blind, monks, who had seen the tip of the elephant's tail,

te evam-àhaüsu, `Ediso deva hatthi seyyathà pi sammajjanã' ti,
said this: `Such is an elephant, your Majesty, he is like a broom,û

te: `Ediso hatthi nediso hatthi; nediso hatthi ediso hatthã' ti,
and they, (saying): `Such is an elephant, such is not an elephant; such is not an elephant, such is an elephant,'

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü muññhãhi saükhubhiüsu,
hit each other with their fists,

tena ca pana bhikkhave so ràjà attamano ahosi.
and with that, monks, the King was pleased.

Evam-eva kho bhikkhave a¤¤atitthiyà paribbàjakà
Just so, monks, wanderers from other sects

andhà acakkhukà atthaü na jànanti, anatthaü na jànanti,
are blind, without vision, they do not know what is good, they do not know what is not good,

Dhammaü na jànanti, adhammaü na jànanti.
they do not know what is Dhamma, they do not know what is not Dhamma.

Te atthaü ajànantà, anatthaü ajànantà,
They, not knowing what is good, not knowing what is not good,

Dhammaü ajànantà, adhammaü ajànantà,
not knowing what is Dhamma, not knowing what is not Dhamma,

bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 live contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

`Ediso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammo' û ti.
`Such is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.' û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßImesu kira sajjanti,    eke samaõabràhmaõà,
ßSome ascetics and bràhmaõas, it seems, are attached to these (views),

    Viggayha 22 naü vivadanti    janà ekaïgadassinoû ti.
Having grasped ahold of it, they dispute,    (like) people who see (only) one side.û


6-5: Dutiyanànàtitthiyasuttaü (55)
The Second Discourse about the Various Sectarians

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulà nànàtitthiyà,
Then at that time many and various sectarians,

samaõabràhmaõaparibbàjakà Sàvatthiyaü pañivasanti,
ascetics, bràhmaõas, and wanderers were living at Sàvatthã,

nànàdiññhikà nànàkhantikà nànàrucikà nànàdiññhinissayanissità:
having various views, various likings, various tendencies, subject to dependence on various views, (such as):-

1. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSassato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

2. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAsassato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

3. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSassato asassato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are eternal and not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

4. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßNeva sassato nàsassato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are neither eternal nor not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

5. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSayaükato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are made by oneself

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

6. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßParaükato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are made by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

7. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSayaükato paraükato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are made by oneself and by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

8. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAsayaükàro aparaükàro adhiccasamuppanno attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are neither made by oneself nor by another, but have arisen fortuitously

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

9. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca 23
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

10. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAsassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

11. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSassataü asassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are eternal and not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

12. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßNeva sassataü nàsassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are neither eternal nor not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

13. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSayaükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by oneself

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

14. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßParaükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

15. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSayaükataü paraükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by oneself and by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

16. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAsayaükàraü aparaükàraü adhiccasamuppannaü
 ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are neither made by oneself nor by another,

sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
but have arisen fortuitously

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

Te bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 They lived contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

ßEdiso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammoû ti.
ßSuch is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.û

Atha kho sambahulà bhikkhå, pubbanhasamayaü nivàsetvà,
Then many monks, having dressed in the morning time,

pattacãvaram-àdàya, Sàvatthiü piõóàya pavisiüsu.
after picking up their bowls and robes, entered Sàvatthã for alms.

Sàvatthiyaü piõóàya caritvà, pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkantà,
and after walking for alms in Sàvatthã, while returning from the alms-round after the meal,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkamiüsu,
they went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdiüsu.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, they sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinnà kho te bhikkhå Bhagavantaü etad-avocuü:
While sat on one side those monks said this to the Auspicious One:

ßIdha bhante sambahulà nànàtitthiyà,
ßHere, reverend Sir, many and various sectarians,

samaõabràhmaõaparibbàjakà Sàvatthiyaü pañivasanti,
ascetics, bràhmaõas, and wanderers are living at Sàvatthã,

nànàdiññhikà nànàkhantikà nànàrucikà nànàdiññhinissayanissità:
having various views, various likings, various tendencies, subject to dependence on various views, (such as):

1. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sassato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

2. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Asassato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

3. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sassato asassato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are eternal and not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

4. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Neva sassato nàsassato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are neither eternal nor not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

5. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sayaükato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are made by oneself

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

6. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Paraükato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are made by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

7. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sayaükato paraükato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are made by oneself and by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

8. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Asayaükàro aparaükàro adhiccasamuppanno attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are neither made by oneself nor by another, but have arisen fortuitously

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

9. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and who are of this argument, this view:

`Sassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

10. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Asassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

11. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sassataü asassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are eternal and not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

12. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Neva sassataü nàsassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are neither eternal nor not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

13. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sayaükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by oneself

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

14. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Paraükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

15. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sayaükataü paraükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by oneself and by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

16. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and who are of this argument, this view:

`Asayaükàraü aparaükàraü adhiccasamuppannaü
 `Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are neither made by oneself nor by another,

sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
but have arisen fortuitously

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

Te bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 They live contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

`Ediso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammo' ti.
`Such is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.'

ßA¤¤atitthiyà bhikkhave paribbàjakà andhà, acakkhukà,
ßWanderers from other sects, monks, are blind, without vision,

atthaü na jànanti anatthaü na jànanti,
they do not know what is good, they do not know what is not good,

Dhammaü na jànanti, adhammaü na jànanti.
they do not know what is Dhamma, they do not know what is not Dhamma.

Te atthaü ajànantà anatthaü ajànantà,
They, not knowing what is good, not knowing what is not good,

Dhammaü ajànantà, adhammaü ajànantà,
not knowing what is Dhamma, not knowing what is not Dhamma,

bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 live contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

`Ediso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammo' ti.
`Such is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.'

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßImesu kira sajjanti,    eke samaõabràhmaõà,
ßSome ascetics and bràhmaõas, it seems, are attached to these (views),

    Antarà va visãdanti, 24    appatvà va tamogadhanû-ti.
Mid-term they sink back (depressed),    not having attained a firm footing.û


6-6: Tatiyanànàtitthiyasuttaü (56)
The Third Discourse about the Various Sectarians

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulà nànàtitthiyà,
Then at that time many and various sectarians,

samaõabràhmaõaparibbàjakà Sàvatthiyaü pañivasanti,
ascetics, bràhmaõas, and wanderers were living at Sàvatthã,

nànàdiññhikà nànàkhantikà nànàrucikà nànàdiññhinissayanissità:
having various views, various likings, various tendencies, subject to dependence on various views, (such as):

1. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSassato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

2. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAsassato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

3. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSassato asassato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are eternal and not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

4. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßNeva sassato nàsassato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are neither eternal nor not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

5. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSayaükato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are made by oneself

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

6. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßParaükato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are made by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

7. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSayaükato paraükato attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are made by oneself and by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

8. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAsayaükàro aparaükàro adhiccasamuppanno attà ca loko ca
ßThe self and the world are neither made by oneself nor by another, but have arisen fortuitously

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

9. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

10. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAsassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

11. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSassataü asassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are eternal and not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

12. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßNeva sassataü nàsassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are neither eternal nor not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

13. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSayaükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by oneself

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

14. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßParaükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

15. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßSayaükataü paraükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by oneself and by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

16. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and bràhmaõas who were of this argument, this view:

ßAsayaükàraü aparaükàraü adhiccasamuppannaü
 ßPleasure and pain, the self and the world are neither made by oneself nor by another,

sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
but have arisen fortuitously

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤anû-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.û

Te bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 They lived contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

ßEdiso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammoû ti.
ßSuch is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.û

Atha kho sambahulà bhikkhå, pubbanhasamayaü nivàsetvà,
Then many monks, having dressed in the morning time,

pattacãvaram-àdàya, Sàvatthiü piõóàya pavisiüsu.
after picking up their bowls and robes, entered Sàvatthã for alms.

Sàvatthiyaü piõóàya caritvà, pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkantà,
and after walking for alms in Sàvatthã, while returning from the alms-round after the meal,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkamiüsu,
they went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdiüsu.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, they sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinnà kho te bhikkhå Bhagavantaü etad-avocuü:
While sat on one side those monks said this to the Auspicious One:

ßIdha bhante sambahulà nànàtitthiyà,
ßHere, reverend Sir, many and various sectarians,

samaõabràhmaõaparibbàjakà Sàvatthiyaü pañivasanti,
ascetics, bràhmaõas, and wanderers are living at Sàvatthã,

nànàdiññhikà nànàkhantikà nànàrucikà nànàdiññhinissayanissità:
having various views, various likings, various tendencies, subject to dependence on various views, (such as):

1. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sassato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

2. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Asassato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

3. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sassato asassato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are eternal and not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

4. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Neva sassato nàsassato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are neither eternal nor not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

5. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sayaükato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are made by oneself

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

6. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Paraükato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are made by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

7. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sayaükato paraükato attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are made by oneself and by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

8. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Asayaükàro aparaükàro adhiccasamuppanno attà ca loko ca
`The self and the world are neither made by oneself nor by another, but have arisen fortuitously

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

9. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

10. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Asassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

11. Santi paneke samaõabràhmanà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sassataü asassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are eternal and not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

12. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Neva sassataü nàsassataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are neither eternal nor not eternal

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

13. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sayaükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by oneself

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

14. Santeke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
There are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Paraükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

15. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
But there are some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Sayaükataü paraükataü sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
`Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are made by oneself and by another

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

16. Santi paneke samaõabràhmaõà evaüvàdino evaüdiññhino:
Some ascetics and bràhmaõas who are of this argument, this view:

`Asayaükàraü aparaükàraü adhiccasamuppannaü
 `Pleasure and pain, the self and the world are neither made by oneself nor by another,

sukhadukkhaü attà ca loko ca
but have arisen fortuitously

- idam-eva saccaü mogham-a¤¤an'-ti.
- this alone is the truth, (all) else is foolish.'

Te bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 They live contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

`Ediso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammo' ti.
`Such is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.'

ßA¤¤atitthiyà bhikkhave paribbàjakà andhà, acakkhukà,
ßWanderers from other sects, monks, are blind, without vision,

atthaü na jànanti anatthaü na jànanti,
they do not know what is good, they do not know what is not good,

Dhammaü na jànanti, adhammaü na jànanti.
they do not know what is Dhamma, they do not know what is not Dhamma.

Te atthaü ajànantà anatthaü ajànantà,
They, not knowing what is good, not knowing what is not good,

Dhammaü ajànantà, adhammaü ajànantà,
not knowing what is Dhamma, not knowing what is not Dhamma,

bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
 live contending, quarelling, disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü mukhasattãhi vitudantà viharanti:
attacking each other with sharp tongues, (saying):

`Ediso Dhammo nediso Dhammo; nediso Dhammo ediso Dhammo' ti.
`Such is Dhamma, such is not Dhamma; such is not Dhamma, such is Dhamma.'

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßAhaïkàrapasutàyaü    pajà paraïkàråpasaühità, 25
ßIntent on the I-maker    this generation is connected to the other-maker,

    Etad-eke nàbbha¤¤iüsu    na naü sallan-ti addasuü.
Some did not know that,    and did not see: `this is a dart'.

    Eta¤-ca sallaü pañicca 26 passato,
But seeing that dart is the cause,

    ßAhaü karomãû ti na tassa hoti,
There is no more `I am the maker' for him,


    ßParo karotãû ti na tassa hoti.
There is no more `Another is the maker' for him.

    Mànupetà ayaü pajà,    mànaganthà mànavinibandhà,
This generation is possessed by conceit,    tied by conceit, bound by conceit,

    Diññhisu sàrambhakathà,    Saüsàraü nàtivattatãû ti.
Talking impetuously in regard to their views,    Saüsàra has not been transcended.û


6-7: Subhåtisuttaü (57)
The Discourse about Subhåti

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Subhåti
Then at that time venerable Subhåti

Bhagavato avidåre nisinno hoti,
was sitting not far away from the Auspicious One,

pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

avitakkasamàdhiü samàpannaü.
having attained a concentration free from thought.

Addasà kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü Subhåtiü avidåre nisinnaü,
The Auspicious One saw venerable Subhåti sat not far away,

pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
after folding his legs crosswise, and setting his body straight,

avitakkasamàdhiü samàpannaü.
who had attained a concentration free from thought.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßYassa vitakkà vidhåpità,
 ßFor he who has dispelled thoughts,

    Ajjhattaü suvikappità asesà,
Who has cut (them) out completely internally,

    Taü saïgam-aticca aråpasa¤¤ã, 27
Who, perceiving the formless (nibbàna), has gone beyond the shackle,

    Catuyogàtigato na jàtu-m-etãû ti. 28
And overcome the four yokes, surely does not come (to birth again).û


6-8: Gaõikàsuttaü (58)
The Discourse about the Courtesan

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Ràjagahe viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Ràjagaha,

Veëuvane Kalandakanivàpe.
at the Squirrel's Feeding Place in Bamboo Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena Ràjagahe dve pågà,
Then at that time in Ràjagaha there were two gangs,

a¤¤atarissà gaõikàya sàrattà honti pañibaddhacittà.
whose minds were bound to, and impassioned with, a certain courtesan.

Bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà,
Contending, quarelling, and disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü pàõihi pi upakkamanti, leóóåhi pi upakkamanti,
they attacked each other with their hands, attacked with clods of earth,

daõóehi pi upakkamanti, satthehi pi upakkamanti,
attacked with sticks, attacked with swords,

te tattha maraõam-pi nigacchanti, maraõamattam-pi dukkhaü.
and there (and then) they underwent death, and pain like unto death.

Atha kho sambahulà bhikkhå pubbanhasamayaü nivàsetvà,
Then many monks, having dressed in the morning time,

pattacãvaram-àdàya, Ràjagahaü piõóàya pavisiüsu,
after picking up their bowls and robes, entered Ràjagaha for alms,

Ràjagahe piõóàya caritvà, pacchàbhattaü piõóapàtapañikkantà,
and after walking for alms in Ràjagaha, while returning from the alms-round after the meal,

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkamiüsu,
went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà ekamantaü nisãdiüsu.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, they sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinnà kho te bhikkhå Bhagavantaü etad-avocuü:
While sat on one side those monks said this to the Auspicious One:

ßIdha bhante Ràjagahe dve pågà,
ßHere, reverend Sir, in Ràjagaha there are two gangs,

a¤¤atarissà gaõikàya sàrattà pañibaddhacittà.
whose minds are bound to, and impassioned with, a certain courtesan.

Bhaõóanajàtà kalahajàtà vivàdàpannà
Contending, quarelling, and disputing,

a¤¤am-a¤¤aü pàõihi pi upakkamanti, leóóåhi pi upakkamanti,
they attack each other with their hands, attack with clods of earth,

daõóehi pi upakkamanti, satthehi pi upakkamanti,
attack with sticks, attack with swords,

te tattha maraõam-pi nigacchanti, maraõamattam-pi dukkhanû-ti.
and there (and then) they undergo death, and pain like unto death.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi: 29
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

ßYa¤-ca pattaü ya¤-ca pattabbaü -
ßWhat has been attained, and what can be attained -

ubhayam-etaü rajànukiõõaü àturassànusikkhato.
these two are strewn with dust, for that miserable one in (wrong) training.

Ye ca sikkhàsàrà sãlabbatajãvitabrahmacariya-upaññhànasàrà -
Those who hold the training rules as the essence, or virtue and practices, (right) livelihood, celibacy, and attendance as the essence -

ayam-eko anto.
this is one end.

Ye ca evaüvàdino: `Natthi kàmesu dosoû ti -
Those who say this: `There is no fault in sense pleasuresû -

ayaü dutiyo anto.
this is the second end.

Iccete ubho antà kañasivaóóhanà, kañasiyo diññhiü vaóóhenti.
Thus these two ends promote the cemetery grounds, and the cemetery grounds promote (wrong) view.

Ete te ubho ante anabhi¤¤àya olãyanti eke atidhàvanti eke.
Not having understood these two ends, some get stuck, some go too far.

Ye ca kho te abhi¤¤àya tatra ca nàhesuü tena ca na ma¤¤iüsu -
But for those who have understood these, who were not in that, and because of that do not conceive (a conceit) -

Vaññaü tesaü natthi pa¤¤àpanàyàû ti.
there is no Cycle (of saüsàra) to be assigned for them.û


6-9: Upàtisuttaü (59)
The Discourse about (Running) Beyond

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena Bhagavà rattandhakàratimisàyaü,
Then at that time the Auspicious One, in the darkness of the night,

abbhokàse nisinno hoti, telappadãpesu jhàyamànesu.
was sitting in the open air, while the oil-lamps were burning.

Tena kho pana samayena sambahulà adhipàtakà
Then at that time many moths

tesu telappadãpesu àpàtaparipàtaü,
rushing and falling down into those oil lamps,

anayaü àpajjanti vyasanaü àpajjanti.
were coming to grief, were coming to ruin.

Addasà kho Bhagavà te sambahule adhipàtake
The Auspicious One saw those many moths

tesu telappadãpesu àpàtaparipàtaü
(who), rushing and falling down into those oil lamps,

anayaü àpajjante vyasanaü àpajjante.
were coming to grief, were coming to ruin.

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßUpàtidhàvanti na sàram-enti,
ßThey run beyond, not coming to the essential,

    Navaü navaü 30 bandhanaü bråhayanti,
They cause new and fresh bonds to increase,

    Patanti pajjotam-ivàdhipàtakà,
Like moths that fall into the lamp,

    Diññhe sute iti heke niviññhàû ti. 31
Some have settled thus on what is seen (or) heard.û


6-10: Tathàgatuppàdasuttaü (60)
The Discourse about the Arising of the Realised One

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati,
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthã,

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's monastery in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà ânando
Then at that time venerable ânanda

yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
went to the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekamantaü nisãdi.
and after going and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.

Ekamantaü nisinno kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While sat on one side venerable ânanda said this to the Auspicious One:

ßYàvakãva¤-ca bhante Tathàgatà loke nuppajjanti,
ßFor as long as the Realised Ones, reverend Sir, do not arise in the world,

Arahanto Sammàsambuddhà,
the Worthy Ones, the Perfect Sambuddhas,

tàva a¤¤atitthiyà paribbàjakà sakkatà honti,
for that long the wanderers from other sects are venerated,

garukatà mànità påjità, làbhã
respected, revered, honoured, esteemed, and in receipt

of robes, almsfood, dwellings, and medicinal requisites to help when sick.

Yato ca kho bhante Tathàgatà loke uppajjanti,
But when the Realised Ones, reverend Sir, do arise in the world,

Arahanto Sammàsambuddhà,
the Worthy Ones, the Perfect Sambuddhas,

atha a¤¤atitthiyà paribbàjakà asakkatà honti
then the wanderers from other sects are not venerated,

agarukatà amànità apåjità anapacità, na làbhã
not respected, not revered, not honoured, not esteemed, and are not in receipt

of robes, almsfood, dwellings, and medicinal requisites to help when sick.

Bhagavà yeva dàni bhante sakkato garukato mànito påjito apacito,
Now, reverend Sir, the Auspicious One is venerated, respected, revered, honoured, esteemed,

làbhã cãvarapiõóapàtasenàsanagilànappaccayabhesajjaparikkhàrànaü,
and in receipt of robes, almsfood, dwellings, and medicinal requisites to help when sick,

bhikkhusaïgho càû ti.
and (so is) the Community of monks.û

ßEvam-etaü ânanda yàvakãva¤-ca ânanda Tathàgatà loke nuppajjanti
ßJust so, ânanda, for as long as the Realised Ones, ânanda, do not arise in the world,

Arahanto Sammàsambuddhà,
the Worthy Ones, the Perfect Sambuddhas,

tàva a¤¤atitthiyà paribbàjakà sakkatà honti,
for that long the wanderers from other sects are venerated,

garukatà mànità påjità apacità, làbhã
respected, revered, honoured, esteemed, and in receipt

of robes, almsfood, dwellings, and medicinal requisites to help when sick.

Yato ca kho ânanda Tathàgatà loke uppajjanti,
But when the Realised Ones, ânanda, do arise in the world,

Arahanto Sammàsambuddhà,
the Worthy Ones, the Perfect Sambuddhas,

atha a¤¤atitthiyà paribbàjakà asakkatà honti,
then the wanderers from other sects are not venerated,

agarukatà mànità apåjità anapacità, na làbhã
not respected, not revered, not honoured, not esteemed, and are not in receipt

of robes, almsfood, dwellings, and medicinal requisites to help when sick.

Tathàgato va dàni sakkato garukato mànito påjito apacito, làbhã
Now the Realised One is venerated, respected, revered, honoured, esteemed, and in receipt

of robes, almsfood, dwellings, and medicinal requisites to help when sick,

bhikkhusaïgho càû ti.
and (so is) the Community of monks.û

Atha kho Bhagavà, etam-atthaü viditvà,
Then the Auspicious One, having understood the significance of it,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü udànaü udànesi:
on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

    ßObhàsati tàva so kimi
ßThe glow worm shines forth

    Yàva na uggamati pabhaïkaro,
for as long as the light-maker (the sun) does not rise,

    Verocanamhi uggate,
But when the brilliant one (the sun) has risen,

    Hatappabho hoti na càpi bhàsati.
The (glow worm's) light is destroyed, and does not shine forth.

Evaü obhàsitam-eva takkikànaü
In the same way the reasoners shine forth

yàva Sammàsambuddhà loke nuppajjanti.
for as long as the Perfect Sambuddhas do not arise in the world.

Na takkikà sujjhanti na càpi sàvakà,
The reasoners are not purified, nor are their disciples,

duddiññhã na dukkhà pamuccareû ti.
of wrong view, they are not released from suffering.û


End Notes

1 Note the dative of purpose, which has an infinitive-like sense.

2 The commentary specifically and clearly states that kappa means life-span here: ettha ca kappan ti àyukappaü. I see no good reason to depart from this interpretation.

3 Here the locative absolutes parallel the genitive absolute in the sense of in spite of, even when etc.

4 Note that the verbal force of the infinitive-like dative of purpose is so strong in this stock phrase that it is employed without needing a verb to reinforce the meaning.

5 Masefield's translation seems to have gone awry here: (those) who are able to relate...to teach Dhamma accompanied by miracles after refuting any views professed by others that may have arisen and that are easily refuted with reason; first he takes the verb as an infinitive, rather than as present tense; secondly, he misinterprets sappàñihàriyaü Dhammaü which here is equivalent to anusàsanipàñihàriyaü, the wonder of instruction, and is not Dhamma accompanied by miracles; and thirdly, his translation of the verb and cognate accusative leaves much to be desired.

Bhikkhu Bodhi CD pg. 1724, takes niggahetvà as a finite verb as though it were in conjunction with the other finites, thereby missing its absolutive sense.

6 Ireland omits to translate puthubhåtaü.

7 For the correct parsing of this phrase see PED, sv. yàva. Wijesekera, Syntax Æ9, has an interesting discussion as to whether we may have an archaic plural dative form here (= Skt. -(e)bhyas), and quotes the BHS parallel at Divy 201: yàvad-deva manuùyebhyaþ. If that was the correct interpretation we would need to translate: until it is well explained to devas and men; but as it also makes sense as a locative plural we cannot be sure which way to take it.

8 Ossaññhe ... àyusaïkhàre is a locative absolute construction implying simultaneity; see Syntax Æ183b.

9 PED only gives the meanings: origin, birth, production for sambhava; but SED gives many more meanings for this word, among which we find: being, existence, attested in the øvetàsvatara Upaniùad. Or it may be that we should take sambhava for bhava m.c.

10 Masefield: ...(with) their armpits, nails and hair grown long..., though how they managed to grow their armpits is unfortunately not explained. The commentary is quite clear: paråëhakacchanakhalomà ti paråëhakacchalomà paråëhanakhà paråëha-avasesalomà ca, kacchàdãsu dãghalomà dãghanakhà ti attho.

11 The locative absolute construction is used here to signify the time after which.

12 Masefield and Ireland both take this as a question, though there is nothing in the Pàëi to indicate a question, and a statement fits the context.

13 In the ChS version of the same story in Saüyuttanikàya (Kosalasaüyutta 2.1) the reading is carà, but BJT and the commentary read corà, a thief, a robber. Here I take it, it means one who has stolen an appearance, a fraud, an imposter (a meaning also found in modern Sinhala).

14 There are numerous variant readings for this word in the editions - any translation should be considered tentative. Ireland: first information is gathered by them and afterwards I will make them disclose it; Masefield: what they have first spied out, I afterwards settle.

15 Masefield's: He should not strive anywhere... is a very wrong translation in a teaching which stresses the virtue of striving.

16 Masefield: there were some brahmin recluses, thereby taking the compound as a kammadhàraya; however, the comm says: samaõabràhmaõà ti pabbajjåpagamena samaõà, jàtiyà bràhmaõà; lokena samaõà ti ca bràhmaõà ti ca evaü gahità; which indicates that we should take it as a dvanda.

17 Notice that the terminology used here is not that used in the Buddhist texts themselves (where a comparable analysis might be nàma & råpa); this ensures that what we are dealing with here are true reports of the sorts of views that were held by the other sects.

18 The commentary defines tathàgata here as attà, the individual self (ChS has the variant reading satta, being). This is therefore yet another usage in these views unknown to the Buddhist scriptures, and raises the question as to the relationship between the Buddhist meaning, in the sense of one who has attained Awakening, and the usage implied here, and whether the term was current before its use in the Buddhist sense.

19 More literally we could translate: with sword-like mouths.

20 We may have expected a plural form here, as the subject is plural, but civaraü appears to be singular.

21 Note the use of the instrumental of attendant circumstance here, more literally: those with congenital blindness.

22 I take viggayha here as the absolutive to viggaõhati, with the meaning having taken up, grasped ahold of. Masefield: they contend divisively, (as did) folk who were seers of a single limb; Ireland: People who see only one side of things engage in quarrels and disputes.

The commentary allows for both interpretations, explaining that in the latter interpretation naü is to be considered a mere particle (to fill the line and meet the requirements of the metre); it also explains that iva must be understood in the last pàdayuga.

23 Ireland omits this and the following three views - perhaps by oversight? - and continues with the 13th view below. The repetition section in this sutta, and both the list and its repetition is omitted in the next sutta.

24 There is a play on the word visãdati here, which can mean sinks, and is depressed. Ireland, very loosely: they sink in the middle of the stream.

25 Ireland seems to have gone quite astray here: this humankind is attached to self-production or holds to production by another.

26 Other editions read pañikacca (or pañigacca), as does the commentary. However Udànavarga (27-8) reads: Etat tu ÷alyaü pratiyatya pa÷yato, which confirms the reading pañicca.

27 Aråpa, the formless, is defined as signifying nibbàna in the commentary here.

28 There is another reading given in the commentary, na jàtim-eti, which might seem preferable, in which case the translation would run: `does not come to birth (again)'.

29 It will be noted that the Udàna that follows has very little to do with the prose introduction. One can't help feeling that there is some sort of mis-match here, and that the real occasion for the utterance has been lost. It is also worth pointing out that the Udàna is in prose in this section, whereas most (if not all) are in verse, which casts further doubt on the authenticity of the Discourse as it stands.

30 Nava is translated with its synonymous meanings new & fresh.

31 I don't understand Masefield's translation here: Some bent on the seen, on the heard, believing: `Surely (are things so)', [?} fall as do jostlers into the lamp.