


CD Edition

Special Combined BuddhaDust/Access to Insight Edition

Current as of: @ March, 2004

Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

Contact: Mike Olds

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None of my own work on this CD is copyrighted or restricted in any way. The work of most of the others whose work appears here is copyrighted but permission is given to reproduce and distribute the work as long as no money is charged. The materials published with the permission of the Pali Text Society are copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed without their permission...so as I understand copyright rules, this CD as it is may be copied by an individual for his own use but may not be "published" (placed on line, or sold).

In this version of the BuddhaDust CD, links to outside websites (websites other than BuddhaDust and Access to Insight) will attempt to connect to the web page on line.
The Site Search Engine Links have been mostly eliminated and any left behind will not function.
Dedicated Access to Insight searches (search forms with the search terms already selected, found at the bottom of many pages) will attempt to access the Internet to complete the search.

It is not necessary to "Download" fonts or files. Most files containing fonts, PDFs, e-books, and books for printing have been decompressed and can be found in the following locations:
Files from the "Files and Downloads Links" page
Many extras not found on the BuddhaDust website in the Buddha Dust Files Directory (mostly left compressed)
The zipped files are also available should you wish to send these to someone. You can also reach any file on this disk individually by going to My Computer/Right Clicking on your CDROM drive and clicking OPEN.



The Buddha in My Garden