BuddhaDust Masthead

Bits and scraps, crumbs, fine
Particles that drift down to
Walkers of The Walk.
Then: Thanks for that, Far-Seer!
Great 'Getter-of-the-Get'n!

Welcome to

Buddha Dust

3rd Anniversary
12/29/00 to 12/29/03

[ see site statistics ]


Link to dhammatalk Section

The BuddhaDust web presence is a presentation of the Pali (The Buddha's Teaching) in a way that reflects the position that holds that this system is a powerful "spell"* designed to provide both the theoretical substructure and the practical means for accomplishing it's stated goal of bringing a total and complete end to the experience of Pain [Dukkha] of any sort

What you will find here is a set of tools one can use in one's effort to put this wonderful teaching into practice. These tools explore the inter-relationships between the Pali Language, The Pali as a system, and understanding and putting the system into practice in today's world.

Included in the structure is a comprehensive course on the system (The Pali Line) which starts from the assumption that the reader is a complete beginner and ends with the information needed at the most advanced levels -- this is itself in the form of a "sutta" (spell) and one should strive to understand it as such. In addition are included various translations and commentaries, critical examinations, an extensive Bibliography, Appendixes to important information, Links, and a FAQ/Announcement/Book Review section called DhammaTalk. Listed below is a "first level" contents for the site, long sections have their own, more detailed contents pages. [Section Titles are Links]

Do you see?At this time the main website is substantially complete -- Additions from here will be of the nature of revisions and improvements, miscellaneous translations and materials resulting from off-line discussions. In this light I would suggest that BuddhaDust be considered a work-in-progress only in the sense of "polishing". With the current content, the purpose of the site has been satisfied, what remains are matters of clarification, and style of presentation. Taking the site as a whole, those who revisit will rarely see the same site twice while hardly noticing any changes.
Up past here I recommend purchase of the complete set of suttas† and finding a teacher. If you can find no teacher, walk, "like the bull elephant: alone, watchful and diligent, above it all, satisfied, downbound to nothing at all in the world."

*It fascinates (spell-binds) the mind at a very deep level.

†Available from The Pali Text Society


Han-da d¤-ni bhikkhave! £-manta-y¤-mi vo:
"Va-ya-dh'amm¤ sa¸-kh¤r¤. A-p-pa-m¤d'ena sam'p¤-deth-˘-ti."




There you are, then, Beggars! I craft this councel for you:

The own-made is a flighty thing, I say
get yourselves out of this sputtering madness!


This was the final word of the Tathagata.
Digha Nikaya II #16: Mah¤ Parinibb¤na Suttanta -- mo, trans

The pali Line

The Pali Line and each Part separately is available as a download set up for printing on the

Files and Download Links page.

The Complete Pali Line is now also available from the same location in an HTML version for offline viewing.

An Introductory through Advanced Course in Pali Buddhism.

The Pali Line Table of Contents (Detailed -- Serves As A Good Subject Index)

Part I: The Gradual Course (A complete Introductory Course)

NOTE: The Gradual Course is contained in 13 small files for quick downloads and easy reference. The structure looks like this:

The Gradual Course (Preface and Table of Contents)

Nidana (Introduction -- includes The First Lesson)

Dana (Giving)

Sila (Ethical Culture)

Jagariyanuyoga (Self Discipline)

The Advantages and Disadvantages

(And under the category of Cultivating the Mind):

Lesson 2 (Nama/Rupa -- Mind and Matter)

Lesson 3 (Vedana -- Sense Experience)

Lesson 4 (Cattari Ariyasaccani -- The Four Truths)

Lesson 5 (Panca Upadana Kkhandhas -- The Five Stockpiles of Life)

Lesson 6 (Salayatana -- The Six Sense Realms)

Lesson 7 (Satta Sambojjhangas -- The Seven Dimensions of Awakening)

Lesson 8 (Ariya Atthangika Magga -- The Aristocratic Eight Dimensional Way)

Part II: The Great Master's Satisfaction Pastures (Creating a Satisfied Mind)

Part III: High Get'n High (Meditation. This is Not about Drugs!)

Part IV: The 10th Question, Part I (This is where it starts to get Deeper)

Part V: The 10th Question, Part II, End

The Gradual Course


Little magic Kitbag

Section Galleries





The 10 Questions

Be not afraid of good Deeds

Good Vibrations


Discussions of, Essays On and Examination of Certain Words and Concepts, serves as a sort of FAQ, Book Review, and Announcements area

[Contains all the topics previously posted in the Forum]

Satipatthana Resources

Satipatthana Suttanta Resources Table of Contents

Soma Thera's translation of the Commentary is divided into small files for quick download and ease and speed of reference.

The Setting-Up of Mindfulness (The Classic Rhys Davids Translation)

The book of Ones

The Book of Ones Table of Contents

The complete text of The Book of Ones in Pali

The complete text of The Book of Ones translated into English with notes (Contained in the notes is an extensive collection of biographies of the important characters to be found in the suttas).

The English Translation and the Pali are both completely cross linked by sutta number.

There is now an Index to the names of the individuals mentioned in The Book of Ones linked to biographical material contained in the notes.

The Book of Ones. A downloadable ZIP file of the "nearly final draft" with the American Pictogram Font, in Word, set up specifically for Printing.

Mulapariyaya Resources

The Mulapariyaya Resources Table of Contents

The text of the Mulapariyaya in Pali

The text of the Pali Text Society, Horner Translation

The text of the Thanissaro Translation

The text of the Birth Story for the Mulapariyaya

The text of the Gotamaka Sutta

The Gotamaka Sutta (Translation of Michael Olds)

The text of The Root of All Evil (Translation of the Mulapariyaya by Michael Olds)

Examining the Mulapariyaya: Discussions of words and ideas

The Mulapariyaya (Translated by MO, with the MO translation of the Gotamaka) in a downloadable ZIP file of the "nearly final draft" with the American Pictogram Font, in Word, set up specifically for Printing.

Sunnata Resources

Suññata Resources Table of Contents

The Shorter Discourse on Voidness

Translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi

The Greater Discourse on Voidness

Translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi

The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness

Horner Translation

The Greater Discourse on Emptiness

Horner Translation

Cula Suññata Sutta in Pali

Maha Suññata Sutta in Pali

Emptiness [Essay] by Bhikkhu Thanassaro

The Lesser Emptiness Sutta, Thanassaro translation

A Little Spell of Emptiness (MO trans)

The Empty Beggar's-Bowl ("The Purification of Almsfood", The Pindapataparisuddhi Sutta, Sutta 151 of the Majjhima Nikaya, translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodi)

Vinaya Resources

Resources for the Study of the Discipline

Sutta Resources

Digha Nikaya  Majjhima Nikaya  Anguttara Nikaya  Samyutta Nikaya


Miscellaneous Sutta Translations and Tangential Resources

Fame Favors and Gains

The BrahmaNet Spell (A new rendering of the first Sutta of the Digha Nikaya)

The Compilation (A new rendering of the Sangiti Sutta of the Digha Nikaya)

Warren: Buddhism in Translations

Rhys Davids: Buddhist Suttas


(Important Dhammas Edited to fit on one side of one sheet of paper
suitable for printing out, mounting and framing for use as "Memory Devices.")

One Liners

Bibliography  Buddha's India  Exercises  Glossology  Links  Files and Download Links

Images Gallery  Indexes


Up for A Challenge?

Some sections on this site can only be properly viewed using the MOZPALI Font for the insertion of diacritical marks. If you wish to view these items properly, download this font and install it: [ PC: download here] [Mac: download here]







This Website Established
December 29, 2000
Dedicated to
My Parents and Grandparents
and all my other ancestors

"what a long, strange trip it's been"

--Grateful Dead

May All Beings Feel My Friendly Vibrations







M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Page Last Updated:
Friday, March 26, 2004 3:54 AM