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Little Magic Kitbag The Pali Line

The full series is now available in an "almost complete" state.

Both Windows and Mac versions are in the same file format in Word (.rtf --rich text format, i.e., other word processing programs can read this format), suitable for printing for use as an off-line study guide. As with everything on this site, there will be some slight revision of this work as time goes by. At this point the available sections are unpaginated (that is, they are divided into pages, but the pages are not numbered). The material is virtually identical to the material on the website. I will add refinements such as page numbers and perhaps an index as time permits. The table of contents for the whole series is contained in the first section. There is some, but very little, use of the MozPali font in The Pali Line.

An HTML formatted version with all the functionality of the on-line version with the exception of links that lead outside The Pali Line itself is also listed. After Downloading and Un-compressing, use your browser and locate "ThePaliLine_WelcomePage.htm" (on the first level); or, alternatively (PC only) burn the contents of the unzipped folder (not the container folder) to CD -- placing the CD in your CD ROM Drive will then open and bring your browser automatically to this page.

Files and Downloads

Windows Windows

Mac Mac

I. The Gradual Course

Download 434KB

Download 371KB

II. The Great Master's Satisfaction Pastures

Download   17KB

Download   17KB

III. High Get'n High

Download     9KB

Download   10KB

IV. The 10th Question

Download 198KB

Download 127KB

Complete Set

Download 650KB

Download 523KB

Complete Set -- HTML Format

Download 979KB

Download 981KB

Read The Pali Line on line


MozPali Font. A simple homemade font with the diacritical marks for Pali transliteration. Needed for viewing Pali text sections of this website. Keyboard layout for MozPali (PC -- if some Mac user sends me the equivalent I will set one up for the Mac)

American Pictogram Font. Another homemade font; the display font used for decorative headings on this website. Keyboard layout for American Pictogram

American Pictogram Outline. The outline font for American Pictogram. (Those with paint or illustrator programs can easily create their own fills for words created with this font.)

Files and Downloads

Windows Windows

Mac Mac

MozPali Font


Download *

American Pictogram Font



American Pictogram Outline Font



*Mac users, please note: this font substitutes the * (asterisk) for the ñ (nya; n with tilda); I am working on it, but I am not sure how to go about correcting the problem, please bear with me. Thank you, mo.

†Untested, please give me feedback.

Genovation Logo custom keypads.


If you are doing a lot of translating, I have found the programmable keypad offered by this company to be invaluable. (Expensive! +/-$300.00) This is also a useful tool for those doing a lot of HTML coding. (No affiliation; they do not pay for this recommendation or contribute to BuddhaDust in any way.)

Don't bite that apple!

The Book of Ones

The Michael Olds translation of the Ekanipata of the Anguttara Nikaya. This is formatted as a Word Document with the American Pictogram Font, suitable for printing out. The American Pictogram Font is included in the file.

Files and Downloads

Windows Windows

Mac Mac

The Book of Ones

Download  114KB

Download    95KB

Read The Book of Ones on line

The Root of All Evil

The Michael Olds translation of the Mulapariyaya Suttanta of the Majjhima Nikaya. This is formatted as a Word Document with the American Pictogram Font, suitable for printing out. The American Pictogram Font is included in the File.

Files and Downloads

Windows Windows

Mac Mac

The Root of All Evil

Download    94KB Download    51KB

Read The Root of All Evil on line

The BrahmaNet Spell

Translation of the Brahmajalasutta of the Digha Nikaya (#1), by Michael Olds

(rtf format, broken into pages, ready to print, zip file, 20KB)

Files and Downloads

Windows Windows

Mac Mac

The BrahmaNet Spell

Download    20KB

Download    20KB

Read The BrahmaNet Spell on line

Dialogues of the Buddha, Volume 1

T.W.Rhys David's translation of the first 13 Suttas of the Digha Nikaya, published by the Pali Text Society. These are files of the html pages of the suttas from this volume. You will need the MozPali Font to view Pali words with diacriticals.

Files and Downloads

Windows Windows

Mac Mac

The Dialogues of the Buddha, Volume 1

Download    .30MB

Download    .30MB


Read Dialogues of the Buddha, Volume 1 on line


Warren, Buddhism in Translations

Warren's Textbook introducing Buddhism by way of translations from the Pali. A wide selection of sources organized by way of the Tripple Gem: Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha. Some oddities in the translation, and some choices one could live without, but all-in-all a great book for beginners.

This is the html version, in compressed formats. You will need the MozPali Font (see above) to view the Pali diacriticals properly.

Files and Downloads

Windows Windows

Mac Mac

Buddhism in Translations

Download    515KB

Download    525KB

Read Buddhism in Translations on line

Awakening Meditation Book Cover Promotion Package for Ven Punnaji's Book:

Awakening Meditation

PLEASE NOTE: This book is now Out of Print

PowerPoint Viewer Download site: http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/Ppview97.aspx

Zip File Containing All Components and the PowerPoint Viewer Link

Fundamentals of Meditation Practice Book CoverThe Fundamentals of Meditation Practice

by Ting Chen, Translated by Dharma Master Lok To, edited by Sam Landberg and Dr. Frank G. French

(a BuddhaNet.net e-book)

This is a Zip file of a PDF Document of a book on Ch'an meditation technique by the teacher of another of my teachers, Venerable Lok To, the book's translator (I believe Sam Landberg is also an old acquaintance of mine).

Bhikkhu Nanavira headshot

Clearing the Path

Writings of Ñanavira Thera including Notes on Dhamma
Collected Letters (1960-65)

The very original interpretation of the Buddha's Dhamma (a modern articulation of the idea that the Dhamma is "Akalika" outside of Time).

Zipped Adobe Acrobat PDF file format. Two versions are available, one for viewing on line and one set up for printing. (Big downloads!) A third version, set up for printing "2-up" (2 printed pages per page) is available at: http://www.buddhanet.net/ftp12.htm.

Files and Downloads

Winzip Zip File

Clearing the Path (for screen viewing)

Download    3.36MB

Clearing the Path (for printing)

Download    3.15MB

A Practical Grammar of the Pali Language

by Charles Duroiselle, (a BuddhaNet.net e-book)

This is a Zip file of a PDF Document.

Link to download staging area for the download of the entire Access to Insight website.


Mike Olds at BuddhaDust dot org
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Page Last Updated
Monday, March 17, 2003 6:52 AM

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