

Ol'Begga Ols with 'es Ol' Beggas Bowl2nd Anniversary of the Setting-up of BuddhaDust
December 29, 2000

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This Website Established
December 29, 2000
Dedicated to
My Parents and Grandparents
and all my other ancestors

"what a long, strange trip it's been"

--Grateful Dead

May All Beings Feel My Friendly Vibrations










Graph of Traffic over Time
As of December 29, 2002

Graph of Traffic


"Visitors" are viewers who have come to the site one or more times;
"Hits" count every call to the web server (for example one for every graphic element, etc), and are not counted;
"Sessions" counts Visitors who have viewed more than one page during one visit;
Crackers, worms, spiders, and visits by the webmaster have been largely eliminated from the count.

Site Statistics


As of
December 2002

As of
July 2003

Website size (Kb) 68992Kb 86544Kb
Number of Pages 800+ 995+
Total unique hosts 34710 66589
Total page views 131470 246530
Total visitors 34716 66658
Average page views per day 257 337
Average visitors per day 96 131
Total sessions 56572 109656
Total days covered 511 730
Average sessions per day 110 150
Repeat visitors 3992 7706
Sessions by repeat visitors 25854 50773
One-time visitors (sessions) 30718 58883
Two-time visitors 1979 4000
Three-time visitors 656 1266
Four-time visitors 311 604
Five-time visitors 191 336
Six+-time visitors 855 1500
Average visits per visitor 1.63 1.65
Average session duration 00:01:56 00:01:45
Sum of all session durations 75 days, 23:02:05 134 days, 12:42:59


Top Pages/Sections Visited
(by number of page views)

BuddhaDust Home Page
The Pali Line
DhammaTalk Forum Now the DhammaTalk section.
Sutta Index
The Book of the Ones
Satipattana Resources
Emptiness Resources
Mulapariyaya Resources

Top Search Phrases
Bringing People to BuddhaDust

Japanese Torture
Leg Muscles
Getting High

M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Page Last Updated
Thursday, July 31, 2003 6:29 AM

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