Introduction of Buddhism into Myanmar (Burma)

.......From the 1st century A.D. to the 10th century A.D., the land of the present-day Myanmar (Burma) was inhibited by the Pyus and theMons. In 1044, King Anawrahta unified the land and the First Myanmar Dynasty was founded. Under the spiritual guidance of Shin Arahan , a distinguished Mon monk fromThaton, he introduced the Theravada Buddhism into his empire which stretched from the Indian borders in the west to part of Thailand in the south. It is possible that other forms of Buddhism were practised before the 11th century A.D. Myanmar nowadays is a land of Buddhist people (90% of the population) and the country is often described as the Land of Pagodas. These religious monuments were built by the Burmese Kings and rich citizens over several decades as Buddhists believed in reaching Nibbana after acquiring good kamma or merits.

Buddhism in Myanmar

* Introduction * Shrines * Monasteries Abroad * Monasteries in Myanmar *Uposatha Days * Dhamma Journal *