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Updated: 28th April 2000

( Titles according to the Authors' Names )

ABHIDHAMMA 1         
Abhidhammpitaka: Basket of Transcendental Doctrine {short description of image}


Buddha's Teachings ('The Essence of Buddha Abhidhamma) {short description of image}

Dr. Mehm Tin Mon

A Fitting Introduction (The Essence of Buddha Abhidhamma) {short description of image}

Dr. Mehm Tin Mon

The Abhidhamma Philosophy

{short description of image}

The Editorial, 1962

Abhidhamma & Vipassana {short description of image}

Sitagu Sayadaw, 1998

ABHIDHAMMA 2         
Cetana {short description of image} The Editorial, 1961
On "Reality of Mind" {short description of image} Dr. A. Kell, 1958

Last Words of the Buddha {short description of image} Kyipwayay Oo Thein
Life and Philosophy of the Buddha {short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami
How Best To Honour the Buddha {short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami
Biographic Facts {short description of image} (Nibbana.com, 1999)
32 Marks of a Great Man {short description of image} (Nibbana.com, 1999)

The Appeal of Buddhism {short description of image} Francis Story, 1958
Buddhism is Rational {short description of image} The Editorial, 1963
The Buddhist Way of Life {short description of image} Myanaung U Tin, 1961
Buddha Puja {short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami
Bodhipuja {short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami
Buddhism among the International Religions of the World Today {short description of image} U Ba Htu, 1960
Buddhist Mental Therapy {short description of image} Francis Story, 1961
The Dawn and Spread of Buddhsim {short description of image} Ven. Ananda Maitreya
The Dooms Day of Earth and Origin of Humans {short description of image} Dr. Tin Htut, 16-01-99
Why Do We Study Buddhism? {short description of image} Dr. Tin Htut, 30-12-99
Elementary Practical Buddhism {short description of image} U Thein Nyunt, 1963
Of Gods and Men {short description of image} Francis Story, 1961
A Guide to Things as They are {short description of image} Sithu U San Thein, 1957
How to Become a Buddhist {short description of image} Anisakan Sayadaw, 1958
Humanism, Buddhism and Theism {short description of image} U Hla Maung, 1956
The Meaning of Buddhism {short description of image} Ven U Thittila
A New Approach {short description of image} U Nu, 1953

The Path

{short description of image} Pagan Khin Maung Gyi, 1983

A Quest for Truth

{short description of image} T Htut & Ven. Dhammasami, 1959
No Secret Doctrine {short description of image} U Ohn Ghine, 1953
The Path to Arahatship {short description of image} U Nu, 1956
The Practice of Chanting in Buddhism {short description of image} Venerable Dhammasami
Paying Homage to the 28 Buddhas {short description of image} Venerable Dhammasami,
Religion, Philosophy and Culture {short description of image} U Hpe Aung, 1983
The Scientific Approach to Buddhism {short description of image} Francis Story, 1953
The Vital Link in the Wheel of Life {short description of image} Myan-Aung U Tin, 1962
Sunyata-Emptiness and Self-emptying-Kenosis {short description of image} Ven. Dr. Rewata Dhamma
What Buddhism is (1) {short description of image} Sayagyi U Ba Khin
What Buddhism is (2) {short description of image} Sayagyi U Ba Khin
The Western Approach to Buddhism {short description of image} Ven. Dhammamkara
What I Expect of Friendship with Christians {short description of image} Ven. Dr.Rewata Dhamma
What is Buddhism? {short description of image} U Nu, 1956
What is Theravada ? {short description of image} Prof. Tint Lwin, 1998
What is Theravada Buddhism? {short description of image} David Maurice, 1952
Buddhism Quiz {short description of image} M M Lwin, 1998-9
Right Views {short description of image} U Hla Maung, 1957

BUDDHISM (History)         
The Buddhist Councils {short description of image} Ven. Dr.Rewata Dhamma
The Brief History of the Great Councils {short description of image} Ministry of Religious Affairs

The Ari Monks and Introduction of Buddhism {short description of image} Dr. Htin Aung, 1959
Buddhism in Myanmar {short description of image} Ven. Dr. Rewata Dhamma
Buddhism and Burma {short description of image} D. Guha, 1963
A Buddhist Family in Burma {short description of image} U Kin Maung, 1958
The Feast of the New Year {short description of image} Dr. Htin Aung, 1959
The Festival of Lights {short description of image} Dr. Htin Aung, 1959
Folk Elements in Burmese Buddhism {short description of image} Dr. Htin Aung, 1959
Holy Relics {short description of image} U Thet Shay, 1998
Influence of Buddhism on the Burmese People {short description of image} David Maurice, 1957

Introduction of Buddhism into Burma

{short description of image} Taw Sein Ko
The Nine Gods (Phya Kozu) {short description of image} Dr. Htin Aung, 1959
Shwedagon Pagoda of Burma (Images) {short description of image} Nibbana.com

Visions from the Golden Land:Burma and the Art of Lacquer

{short description of image} British Museum, April 2000

Buddhist Ceremonies {short description of image} Ven. U Silananda, 1960
Burma's Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Past and Present. {short description of image} U Tha Myat, 1958
The Contribution of Buddhism to the World of Art and Architecture {short description of image} Ven. Dr. Rewata Dhamma
A Good Friend {short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami
Living Together as Husband and Wife {short description of image} The Light of the Dhamma
Duties of the Buddhist Housewives {short description of image} U Hla Soe, 1983
Golden Drizzle of Burmese New Year {short description of image} Khin Mar On, 1983
Lotus in the Burmese Buddhist Culture {short description of image} Sao Htun Hmat Win
Moral Culture {short description of image} Ministry of Religious Affairs
Mother: One of the Five the Great Benefactors {short description of image} Maung Yint Kyuu
Sharing {short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami
A Religious Family {short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami

DHAMMA 1        

The Essence of Buddha Dhamma

  Webu Sayadaw, 1978

Uposatha Days for year 2000

{short description of image} Nibbana.com

Buddhist Literatures In Archives

{short description of image} U Thein Han, 1981

Dharana Paritta

{short description of image} Translated by "K", 1981

A Talk on Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta

{short description of image} Mahasi Sayadaw, 1958

The First Discourse of the Buddha

{short description of image} Adipati Sayadaw, 1998

The First Sermon of the Buddha

{short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami
The First Sermon: Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta {short description of image} Sayagyi U Chit Tin
I AM NOT! {short description of image} Ven. Lokanatha, 1958
Message from Mohnyin Sayadaw {short description of image} Mohnyin Sayadaw, 1952
Numerical Dhammas {short description of image} M M Lwin, 1999


{short description of image} Ven. Nandamalabhivamsa
Metta Sutta: Discourse on Loving Kindness {short description of image} U Nandiya
An Understanding of Anicca {short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami

The Concept of Dukkha

{short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami

Ignorance and Wisdom

{short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami

DHAMMA 2        

So Said Sayagyi U Ba Khin

{short description of image} Sayagyi U Ba Khin
One's own Good - and Another's {short description of image} U Ohn Ghine, 1959

Classification of Individuals (Table)

{short description of image} M M Lwin, 1998

Traditional Wisdom and Modern Knowledge

{short description of image} Dr.Rewata Dhamma

Concise Dhamma Notes

{short description of image} M M Lwin

Thirty one Bhumis (chart)

{short description of image} (M M Lwin, 1998)

DHAMMA MISSIONS (Dhammaduta)        

The Myanmar Contribution to the Spread of the Theravada Buddhism

{short description of image} Professor U Ko Lay

Early Buddhist Missionaries

{short description of image} Dr.Rewata Dhamma

Should the Use of the Pali be Eschewed in Dhammaduta Work in the West?

{short description of image} U Sein Tun, 1961

Whirlwind Tour of Shwe Hin Tha Sayadawgyi

{short description of image} 1992

Tour of Ven. Sayadaw U Thittila to Western Europe

{short description of image} A.A.G. Bennett, 1958

The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation {short description of image} S.N. GOENKA, 1980
Buddhist Meditation {short description of image} Anagarika Sugathananda

Effects of Meditation on the Body

{short description of image} Dr. Tin Htut, 1999
Egolessness {short description of image} Nyanatiloka Mahathera, 1958
Strive While There is Time {short description of image} Nyaunggan-Aye Sayadaw
The Value of Mindfulness {short description of image} Sayadaw U Silananda
The Art of Dying {short description of image} Dr.Tin Htut, 1999
Introduction to a Course of Vipassana Meditation {short description of image} Dr.A.Kell, 1956
Notes of Appreciation by Foreigners {short description of image} The Light of Dhamma, 1963
The Four Factors of a Sotapanna {short description of image} Dr.Tin Htut, Sheffield,
Twelve Questions {short description of image} U Ohn Ghine, 1958
Vipassana for All {short description of image} U Han Htay, 1981
Vipassana Meditation in a Layman's Life {short description of image} Dr. Khin Tun, 1998
In Search of a Teacher {short description of image} Dr. Tin Htut, 1998
Why We Need to Meditate {short description of image}s Ven. Dhammasami, 1999

All the world's a stage {short description of image} Myanaung U Tin, 1961
Adhamma Dana {short description of image} Bhikkhu Pesala
The Four Great Omens {short description of image} U Sein Nyo Tun, 1960
The Place of Animals in Buddhism {short description of image} Anagarika P. Sugatananda, 1961
Aspiration of the Wise {short description of image} Ashin Acaralankara, 1998
Buddhism and Economic Justice {short description of image} Ven. Dr. Rewata Dhamma
The Cult of the Naga {short description of image} Dr. Htin Aung, 1959
Fifty Years Together {short description of image} Bhikkhu Pesala, 1997
Lotus, Lotus Everywhere {short description of image} Luzoe
The Making of the Chattha Sangayana CD-ROM {short description of image} R S Goenka,1997
Thirty One Forms of Existence {short description of image} Tin Htut, 11-03-00

How to Live a Proper Life {short description of image} Takkasila Ashin Sumangala, 1998
Buddhism and Profession of Medicine {short description of image} Dr. R. L. Soni, 1958
Mind Science of the Buddha {short description of image} Harry Than Htut, 2000
Photo Show {short description of image} Yangon, April 2000
Some Initial Steps to Deal with Fear and Pain {short description of image} Ven. Dhammasami
World Lunacy {short description of image} Francis Story , 1956

Nibbana {short description of image} Sayadaw U Panna Dipa
Buddhist Way of Emancipation {short description of image} Sayadaw U Panna Dipa
Nibbana For All {short description of image} U Han Htay, 1981
Two Stages of Nibbana {short description of image} U Khin Moung, 1961

Myanmar: the Land of Pagodas {short description of image} Ashin Nyanissara, 1997
PAGAN: First Impressions of its Significance {short description of image} Dr. Frank N. Trager, 1953
Sagaing Hills of History and Legend {short description of image} Ashin Nyanissara, 1997
The Shrines of Burma: The Famous Shwedagon Pagoda {short description of image} David Maurice, 1952
Shrines of Burma: The Botataung Pagoda {short description of image} U Ohn Ghine, 1953
Shrines of Burma: The Shway Sandaw of Prome {short description of image} U Ohn Ghine, 1953
Shrines of Burma: The Shwezigon Pagoda {short description of image} Sitagu International Buddhist Academy, 1988
Why the Grand Pagoda? {short description of image} S N Goenka, 1997

The Four Holy Places {short description of image} Venerable Milinda, 1999
Going on a Pilgrimage {short description of image} C.T.Aung, 1983
Pilgrimage to Buddha Gaya, 1995 (Photos) {short description of image} Nyaunggan Aye Sayadaw
Pilgrimage to Buddhagaya and Sarnath {short description of image} U Tin Htoon, USA, 1990

The Ordination Procedure and Some Vinaya Rules {short description of image} Chanmyay Sayadaw, 1997
The Sasana Flag {short description of image} Nibbana.com, 1998

The Case for Rebirth {short description of image} Francis Story, 1960
What is Reborn? {short description of image} Francis Story, 1956
Rebirth {short description of image} Bhikkhu Pesala
What Rebirth is {short description of image} Editorial (L.O.D), 1963

The Buddha's teaching and Sangha community {short description of image} Ven. Nandapala, 2000
The Hierarchy of Ariyas (Chart) {short description of image} (M M Lwin, 1998)
The Buddha's Famous Disciples (Notes) {short description of image} (M M Lwin, 1998)
Initiation Ceremonies {short description of image} Dr. Htin Aung, 1959
Taung Pulu Tawya Kaba-Aye Sayadaw {short description of image} Kaba Aye U Chit Tin, 1981
The Most Venerable Sayadaw U Vicittasarabhivamsa {short description of image} Maung Maung Lay, 1981
Rahula, the First Samanera in this Sasana {short description of image} Lin Htain, 1983
Bhikkhuni Sasana {short description of image} Khin Mar On, 1981

42 Lectures on various Buddhism Topics by Sayadaw U Thittila (Essential Themes)


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