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ISSN 1076-9005
Volume 4 1997

The Early Buddhist Tradition and Ecological Ethics. By Lambert Schmithausen.
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Teleologized "Virtue" or Mere Religious "Character"? A Critique of Buddhist Ethics From the Shin Buddhist Point of View. By Stephen J. Lewis and Galen Amstutz.
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The General and the Particular in TheravĀda Ethics: A Response to Charles Hallisey by Kevin Schilbrack.
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Masao Abe, Zen Buddhism, and Social Ethics by Daniel Palmer.
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The Dharma Has Come West: A Survey of Recent Studies and Sources by Martin Baumann.
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A Bibliography on Sinhala Buddhism by Mahinda Deegalle
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A Response To Kevin Schilbrack by Charles Hallisey.
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Book Reviews

Hoojooki: Visions of a Torn World by Kamo-no-Choomei. Trans. Yasuhiko Moriguchi and David Jenkins, with illustrations by Michael Hofmann. Reviewed by David L. Gardiner.
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A Time to Chant: The Soka Gakkai Buddhists in Britain. By Bryan Wilson and Karel Dobbelaere. Reviewed by Brian Bocking.
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The Selfless Mind: Personality, Consciousness and NirvĀ.na in Early Buddhism. By Peter Harvey. Reviewed by Rupert Gethin.
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Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism Under Colonialism. Ed. Donald. S. Lopez , Jr. Reviewed by Ian Harris.
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Passionate Enlightenment: Women in Tantric Buddhism. By Miranda Shaw. Reviewed by Roy W. Perrett.
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Forschungsprojekt "Buddhistischer Modernismus": Forschungsberichte. Ed. Detlef Kantowsky. Reviewed by Oliver Freiberger.
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Women Under the Bo Tree: Buddhist Nuns in Sri Lanka. By Tessa Bartholomeusz. Reviewed by Kate Blackstone.
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Extending the Hand of Fellowship: The Relations of the Western Buddhist Order to the Rest of the World. By Sangharakshita. Reviewed by Sandra Bell.
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Walking on Lotus Flowers, Buddhist Women Living, Loving and Meditating. By Martine Batchelor. Reviewed by Sylvia Wetzel.
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The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way: NĀgĀrjuna's MuulamadhyamakakĀrikĀ. Trans. and commentary by Jay L. Garfield. Reviewed by Mark Siderits.
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Two Recent Works on Japanese Buddhism and Comparative Philosophical Studies:

  • The Social Self in Zen and American Pragmatism. By Steve Odin.
  • Working Emptiness: Toward a Third Reading of Emptiness in Buddhism and Postmodern Thought. By Newman Robert Glass. Reviewed by Steven Heine.
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Buddhism into the Year 2000. International Conference Proceedings. Reviewed by Martin Baumann.
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The Evolving Mind: Buddhism, Biology, and Consciousness. By Robin Cooper. Reviewed by Charles B. Jones
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Ethical Issues in Six Religious Traditions. Ed. Peggy Morton and Clive Lawton. Reviewed by Martin Baumann.
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Charming Cadavers: Horrific Figurations of the Feminine in Indian Buddhist Hagiographic Literature (Women in Culture and Society Series). Reviewed by Tessa Bartholomeusz.
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Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Suutra. By Donald S Lopez, Jr. Reviewed by Jay Garfield.
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Spirited Women: Gender, Religion, & Cultural Identity in the Nepal Himalaya. By Joanne C. Watkins. Reviewed by Karen C. Lang.
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How Buddhism Began: The Conditioned Genesis of the Early Teachings. By Richard F. Gombrich. Reviewed by Bhikkhu Bodhi.
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The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha.A New Translation of the Majjhima NikĀya. Translated from the Pali. Original Translation by Bhikkhu ÑĀ.namoli. Translation edited and revised by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Reviewed by L.S.Cousins.
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Identity and Experience. The Constitution of the Human Being According to Early Buddhism. By Sue Hamilton. Reviewed by Damien Keown.
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Virtuosity, Charisma, and the Social Order: A Comparative Sociological Study of Monasticism in TheravĀda Buddhism and Medieval Catholicism. By Ilana Freidrich Silber. Reviewed by Mavis Fenn.
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Reflections on The Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in Its Second Decade: Issues in Theory and Practice by Charles B. Jones.
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Traveler in Space: In Search of Female Identity in Tibetan Buddhism. By June Campbell. Reviewed by Karen Lang.
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Instructions to the Cook: A Zen Master's Lessons in Living a Life That Matters. By Bernard Glassman and Rick Fields. Reviewed by Duncan Ryuuken Williams.
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Le Guide du Zen. By Eric Rommeluere. Reviewed by Alioune Kone-el-adji.
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The White Buddhist: The Asian Odyssey of Henry Steel Olcott. By Stephen Prothero. Reviewed by Gananath Obeyesekere.
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Copyright 1997

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